Galactic cosmic rays (GCR) are among the main deterrents to manned space exploration. Currently, the most realistic way to reduce the dangers caused by GCR to acceptable levels is passive shielding. Light materials guarantee the strongest dose attenuation per unit mass.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe harmful effects of space radiation pose a serious health risk to astronauts participating in future long-term missions. Such radiation effects must be considered in the design phase of space vessels as well as in mission planning. Crew radioprotection during long periods in deep space (e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe roadmap for space exploration foresees longer journeys and further excursions outside low-Earth orbit as well as the establishment of permanent outposts on other celestial bodies, such as the Moon or Mars. The design of spacecrafts and habitats depends heavily on the mission scenario and must consider the radiation protection properties of the structural components as well as dedicated shielding. In fact, short- and long-term effects caused by exposure to cosmic radiation are now considered among the main health risks of space travel.
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