Publications by authors named "Martin Mosko"

A simple noninvasive measurement method which allows one to determine the trapped charge in a biocompatible hydroxyapatite dielectric is developed. The hydroxyapatite samples are charged by electron beam with energy 30 keV and total irradiated charge ranging from 2 × 10 to 2 × 10 . The value of the trapped charge is determined by analyzing the shape change of a liquid droplet hanging from a needle in proximity of the charged sample surface.

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It is believed that a disordered one-dimensional (1D) wire with coherent electronic conduction is an insulator with the mean resistance approximately equal e(2L/xi) and resistance dispersion Delta(rho) approximately equal e(L/xi), where L is the wire length and xi is the electron localization length. Here we show that this 1D insulator undergoes at full coherence the crossover to a 1D "metal," caused by thermal smearing and resonant tunneling. As a result, Delta(rho) is smaller than unity and tends to be L/xi independent, while grows with L/xi first nearly linearly and then polynomially, manifesting the so-called medium localization.

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