Publications by authors named "Martano C"

We report a new High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (HPLC-MS) method to rapidly detect and quantify meglumine by-products (specifically reducing sugar(s) and nitrogen impurities) that could be present in the meglumine samples. Meglumine is a secondary amine obtained from glucose and it is an excipient used as counter-ion in several pharmaceutical formulations, especially when the concentration of the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) is so high that the sodium is not a suitable option. Moreover, the increased use of meglumine is related to its ability to improve solubility in aqueous solutions due to the presence of a large number of hydroxyl groups.

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Objective: International Guidelines provide a standardised approach to newborn resuscitation in the DR and, in their most recent versions, recommendations dedicated to management of ELBWI were progressively increased. It is expected that introduction in clinical practice and dissemination of the most recent evidence should be more consistent in academic than in non-academic hospitals. The aim of the study was to compare adherence to the International Guidelines and consistency of practice in delivery room management of extremely low birth weight infants between academic and non-academic institutions.

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The analysis of lipid molecules in living organism is an important step in deciphering metabolic pathways. Recently, the zebrafish has been adopted as a valuable animal model system to perform in vivo metabolomics studies, however limited methodologies and protocols are currently available to investigate zebrafish lipidome and even fewer to analyze specific classes of lipids. Here we present an HPLC-HRMS based method to rapidly measure multiple prenol lipid molecules from zebrafish tissues.

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In this article we evaluated the consistency of practice and the adherence to the International Guidelines in early delivery room management of ELBW infants in Italy. A polyethylene bag/wrap was used by 54 centres (55.1%).

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The purpose of this study was to develop a simple, direct, multiresidue highly specific procedure to evaluate the possible surface contamination of selected antineoplastic drugs in several hospital environment sites by using wipe test sampling. 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), carboplatin (C-Pt), cyclophosphamide (CYC), cytarabine (CYT), doxorubicin (DOX), gemcitabine (GEM), ifosfamide (IFO), methotrexate (MET), and mitomycin C (MIT) belong to very different chemical classes but show good ionization properties under electrospray ionization (ESI) conditions (negative ion mode for 5-FU and positive ion mode in all other cases). HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography) coupled with HRMS (high resolution mass spectrometry) appears to be the best technique for direct analysis of these analytes, because neither derivatization nor complex extraction procedure for polar compounds in samples is requested prior the analysis.

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Article Synopsis
  • - The study aimed to evaluate the changes in early delivery room management practices for extremely low birth weight infants (ELBWI) in Italian tertiary centers between 2002 and 2011 by comparing data collected from two national surveys.
  • - A high response rate was observed in both surveys, revealing that the use of polyethylene bags for temperature control significantly increased, while the use of 100% oxygen for resuscitation dramatically decreased, indicating a shift towards less invasive techniques.
  • - Overall, the management of ELBWI showed substantial improvements, particularly in respiratory practices and temperature management, though consistency in the adoption of certain interventions varied across different centers.
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Aim: To evaluate any geographical variations in practice and adherence to international guidelines for early delivery room management of extremely low birthweight (ELBW) infants in the North, Centre and South of Italy.

Methods: A questionnaire was sent to all 107 directors of Italian level III centres between April and August 2012.

Results: There was a 92% (n = 98) response rate.

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Mother's own milk is widely recognized as the optimal feeding for term infants, but also provides health benefits that are of vital importance for sick and preterm infants in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs), even though the growth and neurodevelopmental needs of very premature infants are best met by appropriate fortification of human milk (HM). When mother's milk is unavailable or in short supply, donor milk (DM) represents the second best alternative and, although some nutritional elements are inactivated by the pasteurization process, it still has documented advantages compared to formula. Occasionally, the concern that the use of DM might decrease breastfeeding is being raised, but reports exist in literature showing that the use of donor HM in the NICU increases breastfeeding rates at discharge for VLBW infants.

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Cow's milk proteins (CMPs) are among the best characterized food allergens. Cow's milk contains more than twenty five different proteins, but only whey proteins alpha-lactalbumin, beta-lactoglobulin, bovine serum albumin (BSA), and lactoferrin, as well as the four caseins, have been identified as allergens. Aim of this study was to investigate by proteomics techniques cow's milk allergens in human colostrum of term and preterm newborns' mothers, not previously detected, in order to understand if such allergens could be cause of sensitization during lactation.

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Communication in NICUs.

J Biol Regul Homeost Agents

April 2013

In a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) counseling should be a shared culture for all the care givers: it should be developed by all the professionals, to face up to parents' needs of information, explanations, facility of decisions, finding of resources, agreement, help, reassurance, attention. The first essential aspect is the training in counseling skills, by periodic courses for all professionals of the department (physicians, nurses, and physiotherapists). In our department, a professional counselor is present, assisting the medical staff in direct counseling.

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The state of sleep/wakefulness is well known to influence esophageal acid exposure and the number of acid refluxes whereas it is uncertain whether the same is true of the non-acid refluxes that predominate in the newborns. To investigate the relationship between sleep/wakefulness and refluxes 45 newborns with gastroesophageal reflux symptoms were studied with combined multichannel intraluminal impedance and pH monitoring. We found that sleep/wakefulness influenced acid and weakly acidic reflux frequency (awake 2.

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It is well known that breastfeeding is beneficial both for its nutritional properties and for the presence of biologically active compounds. Among these, human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs), representing the third largest fraction of human milk, have been assigned important biological functions, such as prebiotic and immunomodulatory and antimicrobial effects. HMOs are synthesized in the mammary gland by glycosyltransferase enzymes and can be divided in core-oligosaccharides, sialo-oligosaccharides, fucosyl-oligosaccharides and sialo-fucosyl-oligosaccharides on the basis of their chemical structure.

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Benefits of breastfeeding are widely recognized, during the last decades human milk has been identified as the normative standard for infant feeding and nutrition. Recent evidence focused on specific bioactive and immunomodulatory factors, such as oligosaccharides, lactose, glycosaminoglycans of human milk and the variability of their concentrations during lactation in both term and preterm milk. Human milk should be fortified with proteins, minerals and vitamins to ensure optimal nutrient intake for preterm VLBWI infants.

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Preterm infants' survival has greatly increased in the last few decades thanks to the improvement in obstetrical and neonatal care. The correct evaluation of postnatal growth of these babies is nowadays of primary concern, although the definition of their optimal postnatal growth pattern is still controversial. Concerns have also been raised about the strategies to monitor their growth, specifically in relation to the charts used.

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Oxygen has been widely used in neonatal resuscitation for about 300 years. In October 2010, the International Liaison Committee on Neonatal Resuscitation released new guidelines. Based on experimental studies and randomized clinical trials, the recommendations on evaluation and monitoring of oxygenation status and oxygen supplementation in the delivery room were revised in detail.

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We carried out a survey of current practices of neonatal respiratory support in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) in Italy with the aim of comparing the current reality with evidence from the literature. We sent a questionnaire by email to the 103 level III neonatal units in Italy. There was a 61 % (73/120) response rate to the questionnaire.

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Although the management of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) in preterm infants has been characterized by significant progress in recent years, it is difficult to translate the research results into clinical practice. Previous surveys have demonstrated that in some areas, the current management of RDS does not reflect evidence from randomized trials. Therefore, the Pulmonology Study Group of the Italian Society of Neonatology decided to perform a similar survey in Italy with the aim of identifying possible aspects of respiratory management of preterm infants with RDS that merit improvement, and of suggesting focused interventions for their resolution.

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Our aim was to assess the hypothesis that a high-dose regimen of ibuprofen is more effective than the standard-dose regimen in closing patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) without increasing adverse effects. Infants of gestational age <29 weeks, with respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) and echocardiographic evidence of significant PDA at 12-24 h of life, were randomized to receive a standard (10-5-5 mg/kg/day) or high-dose (20-10-10 mg/kg/day) course of ibuprofen. We studied 70 infants, 35 of whom received the standard dose of ibuprofen and the other 35 the high dose.

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WHO has estimated that as many as 10% of all newborn infants need some intervention at birth and approximately 1% more extensive intervention. If this is correct, up to 13-14 million of the world's annual newborn infants need intervention and of these approximately 1.5 million will need intensive therapy.

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Objective: Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) usually occurs in very low birth weight infants and is the most common gastrointestinal emergency in the neonatal intensive care unit. Inasmuch as NEC mortality and morbidity are extremely high, early diagnosis becomes essential. Increased gastric residuals are used to define NEC stage, but studies on qualitative and quantitative residual features as markers of NEC risk are still lacking.

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It's well known that VLBWI fail to thrive, however it's still unclear how gender, GA and morbidities affect growth pattern: aim of this study is to assess the influence of these factors on weight growth. 262 VLBWI were selected. Weight was recorded daily up to 28 days, weekly up to discharge and during 7 scheduled follow-up visits up to 2 years of corrected age.

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Since aminoglycoside efficacy is proportional to serum peak/MIC ratio and linked to post antibiotic effect, use of netilmicin once rather than twice a day has been proposed. On the other hand netilmicin might play a role in drug-induced nephrotoxicity, mainly on proximal tubule. Urinary retinol binding protein (RBP) and alpha1 microglobulin (alpha1m) are early and specific indicators of tubular damage and dysfunction.

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Aim: A positive correlation between maternal and cord-blood IgE levels is well documented for total IgEs, but not for specific IgEs. The difficulty in detecting specific cord-blood IgEs is due to their low concentrations, which hinder their dosage by low-sensitivity methods. The study aimed to correlate maternal and foetal specific IgEs against individual cow's milk proteins, detected by highly sensitive and specific techniques.

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