J Craniomaxillofac Surg
October 2024
Background: Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) is a type of jawbone necrosis caused by the use of drugs for some types of cancer and osteoporosis. The current study aimed to evaluate the associations between hyperglycemia and the development of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw.
Methods: Our research group investigated data collected between 1 January 2019 and 31 December 2020.
Int J Environ Res Public Health
March 2023
Diabetes mellitus has become a worldwide epidemic and is frequently accompanied by a number of complications proportional to the duration of hyperglycemia. The aim of this narrative review is to assess the most up-to-date guidelines on DM provided by both diabetes and dental associations. Furthermore, to gather evidence on the uni/bidirectional relationships of elevated HbA1c levels on dental surgery, implantology, bone augmentation, and periodontology and to demonstrate the importance of measuring HbA1c levels before invasive dental treatments.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground/aim: This study aimed to investigate the link between preoperative glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels and oral cancer patients and diabetes mellitus (DM). We aimed to highlight the importance of point-of-care HbA1c measurements in oral cancer patients.
Patients And Methods: A total of 214 patients were admitted to the Department of Inpatient Care at Semmelweis University's Department of Oromaxillofacial Surgery and Stomatology between 1 September 2020 and 21 May 2021; individuals, who had undergone maxillofacial surgery under general anesthesia, were included in the study.
Maslach and Jackson. Results: In the field of examined dimensions of burnout syndrome, the most characteristic was emotional exhaustion, which has occurred with a frequency of nearly 30% and with typically high intensity among professionals working in neonatal intensive care units (N = 278). In addition, one-fifth were characterized by a high frequency and intensity of depersonalization.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Environ Res Public Health
January 2022
Background: Diabetes is a well-known predisposing factor for oral diseases, so prevention in an early age is mandatory.
Objective: To provide oral screening for children living with type 1 diabetes. We aimed to investigate the oral and general health indexes of T1DM children and compare these data to healthy siblings and controls.
Background/aim: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the most common chronic metabolic disorders. Our research aimed to demonstrate the relationship between DM and oral cancer.
Patients And Methods: We pursued a retrospective research study in Hungary between January 2019 and December 2020.
Introduction: Data proves that Hungary has a leading role in the statistics of oral cancer and patients living with type 2 diabetes.
Aim: Our aim was to understand the statistical correlation between oral cancer and metabolic disorder (diabetes mellitus and impaired fasting glucose) due to the valuable data from the Semmelweis University.
Method: We analyzed the data of 835 patients diagnosed with malignant oral cancer and 587 tumor-free control patients.
Background: Hungary has a leading place in global statistics of oral cancer and there is a high incidence of type-2 diabetes.
Patients And Methods: A retrospective diabetes and impaired fasting glucose (IFG) screening of 758 inpatients with histologically-confirmed oral malignancies was performed. The control group comprised of 534 tumor-free adults.
Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg
January 2016
Our research is focused on the incidence of diabetes mellitus and glucose metabolic disorders among oral cancer patients and the frequency of different oral localizations of cancer. Diabetes mellitus affects 7% of the Hungarian population. This study uses data spanning 14 years, with 2 datasets of 1998-1999 and 2012-2013, collected first hand by the authors.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWisdom teeth are often impacted or in an ectopic position. One rather special localisation is the maxillary sinus. Usually these teeth are associated with dentigerous cysts, which can occupy the maxillary sinus partially or totally and can be the cause of various symptoms.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFStatistically 10% of head and neek trauma is caused by animal bite, more often inflicted by dogs. More than 50% of victims are infants and small children. Generally, the result of dogbite is superficial trauma but there are cases of deep soft tissue defects with amputation and multiple bone fractures.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWhereas autologous bone replacement was earlier applied in maxillofacial surgery virtually only for the restoration of mandibular defects and for the osteoplasty of patients with cleft alveolar process, the free transplantation of autologous bone (spongiosa or cortical bone or both) is nowadays primarily used for implantation purposes. Autologous bone is still the gold standard for bone replacement. This is the case even though a wide selection of bone substitutes is currently available, with which new bone equivalent to autologous bone can be produced in certain cases.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWith the development of oral implantology the augmentation of the alveolar process and the maxillary sinus has become a more and more frequent procedure. Even though a vast array of bone replacement materials is available commercially, they all just have an osteoconductive effect. By now it has become clear that the 'gold standard' of bone grafts is autologous bone that is both osteoconductive and osteoinductive.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAlcohol and tobacco are considered as major risk factors for oral cancer (OC). In the developed countries reduction of alcohol and tobacco consumption has achieved favorable decreasing trends in OC morbidity and mortality over the last decades. At the same time the earlier very high male-female OC ratio showed a declining tendency all over the world.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe new generation of bisphosphonates are often used in the treatment of osteoporosis or for certain tumors with bone defects. Between the period of September 2005 and May 2006 we have treated 8 patients at our clinic with a bisphosphonate-induced osteonecrosis in the maxillofacial region. All of these patients went through intravenous bisphosphonate treatment earlier.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFType 2 diabetes may be regarded as a risk factor for cancers in different sites. The aim of this study was to compare the progression of primary gingival cancers in type 2 diabetic and non-diabetic patients. This retrospective follow-up study involved 48 diabetic and 52 non-diabetic control patients with gingival squamous cell carcinoma in stage T2-3N0M0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe case and surgical treatment of a patient with rheumatoid arthritis causing bony ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint are presented. The main characteristics of polyarthritis are also surveyed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) may be a risk factor in determining cancer progression. The aim of this study was to compare the progression of primary gingival cancer in patients with DM2 and nondiabetic patients.
Patients And Methods: Prospective follow-up studies involved patients with gingival squamous cell carcinoma in stage T2-3N0M0.
Malignant melanoma occurs only rarely as a primary tumour in the oral cavity, with an incidence of 1-2 percent. Oral melanomas are predominantly to be found in the hard and soft palate, and less often in the gingiva and mandible. Mucosal malignant melanomas are much more aggressive than those situated in the skin.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInsulin resistance is a worldwide risk factor for the two most dangerous human disease groups; namely, for cardiovascular lesions and malignancies. The insulin resistance syndrome have five basic criteria: hyperglycemia, visceral obesity, elevated serum triglyceride level, low HDL-cholesterol level (dyslipidemia) and hypertension. Each of these criteria alone are risk factors for cancer, and they mean together a multiple risk.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: The metabolic syndrome develops on the basis of peripheral insulin resistance. It is a continuously progressing metabolic disorder, which concludes finally into serious diseases. Type-2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and--according to the recent literature--malignancies are the most important consequences.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction And Aims: Numerous publications have already demonstrated that diabetes mellitus (DM) is a risk factor for the development of periodontal diseases and various inflammatory lesions in the oral mucosa. A possible correlation between DM and oral premalignancies and tumors was examined in this study, as no literature data are available concerning this problem.
Methods: Stomato-oncological screening was carried out on 200 DM patients in the medical departments: The lesions found were classified in three groups: inflammatory lesions, benign tumors and precancerous lesions.