Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
November 2024
We present a multiscale method coupling the theory of open quantum systems with real-time ab initio treatment of electronic structure to study hot-carrier dynamics in photoexcited plasmonic systems. We combine the Markovian Stochastic Schrödinger equation with an ab initio GW coupled to the Bethe-Salpeter (BSE) equation description of the electronic degrees of freedom, interacting with a metallic nanoparticle modeled classically according to the polarizable continuum model. We apply this methodology to study the effect of relaxation (T1) and pure dephasing (T2) times on the hot-carrier dynamics in a system composed of a quantum portion described at GW/BSE level, i.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPlasmonic-driven photocatalysis may lead to reaction selectivity that cannot be otherwise achieved. A fundamental role is played by hot carriers, i.e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe use an agnostic information-theoretic approach to investigate the statistical properties of natural images. We introduce the Multiscale Relevance (MSR) measure to assess the robustness of images to compression at all scales. Starting in a controlled environment, we characterize the MSR of synthetic random textures as function of image roughness [Formula: see text] and other relevant parameters.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn the present work, we apply recently developed real-time descriptors to study the time evolution of plasmonic features of pentagonal Ag clusters. The method is based on the propagation of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation within a singly excited TDDFT ansatz. We use transition contribution maps (TCMs) and induced density to characterize the optical longitudinal and transverse response of such clusters, when interacting with pulses resonant with the low-energy (around 2-3 eV, A1) size-dependent or the high-energy (around 4 eV, E1) size-independent peak.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAdhesion energy, a measure of the strength by which two surfaces bind together, ultimately dictates the mechanical behavior and failure of interfaces. As natural and artificial solid interfaces are ubiquitous, adhesion energy represents a key quantity in a variety of fields ranging from geology to nanotechnology. Because of intrinsic difficulties in the simulation of systems where two different lattices are matched, and despite their importance, no systematic, accurate first-principles determination of heterostructure adhesion energy is available.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJuvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is a common pediatric rheumatic disease. Renal manifestations have been rarely observed in JIA, although amyloidosis could be a renal complication in systemic JIA (sJIA). To investigate renal damage in JIA children and to establish the relationship with treatment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe efficiency of plasmonic metallic nanoparticles in harvesting and concentrating light energy in their proximity triggers a wealth of important and intriguing phenomena. For example, spectroscopies are able to reach single-molecule and intramolecule sensitivities, and important chemical reactions can be effectively photocatalyzed. For the real-time description of the coupled dynamics of a molecule's electronic system and of a plasmonic nanoparticle, a methodology has been recently proposed (J.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn this work, a theoretical and computational set of tools to study and analyze time-resolved electron dynamics in molecules, under the influence of one or more external pulses, is presented. By coupling electronic-structure methods with the resolution of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation, we developed and implemented the time-resolved induced density of the electronic wavepacket, the time-resolved formulation of the differential projection density of states (ΔPDOS), and of transition contribution map (TCM) to look at the single-electron orbital occupation and localization change in time. Moreover, to further quantify the possible charge transfer, we also defined the energy-integrated ΔPDOS and the fragment-projected TCM.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA 1929 Gedankenexperiment proposed by Szilárd, often referred to as "Szilárd's engine", has served as a foundation for computing fundamental thermodynamic bounds to information processing. While Szilárd's original box could be partitioned into two halves and contains one gas molecule, we calculate here the maximal average work that can be extracted in a system with N particles and q partitions, given an observer which counts the molecules in each partition, and given a work extraction mechanism that is limited to pressure equalization. We find that the average extracted work is proportional to the mutual information between the one-particle position and the vector containing the counts of how many particles are in each partition.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe multidisciplinary nature of the research in molecular nanoplasmonics, i.e., the use of plasmonic nanostructures to enhance, control, or suppress properties of molecules interacting with light, led to contributions from different theory communities over the years, with the aim of understanding, interpreting, and predicting the physical and chemical phenomena occurring at molecular- and nano-scale in the presence of light.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFClustering and community detection provide a concise way of extracting meaningful information from large datasets. An ever growing plethora of data clustering and community detection algorithms have been proposed. In this paper, we address the question of ranking the performance of clustering algorithms for a given dataset.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Comput Neurosci
February 2020
Neuronal responses to complex stimuli and tasks can encompass a wide range of time scales. Understanding these responses requires measures that characterize how the information on these response patterns are represented across multiple temporal resolutions. In this paper we propose a metric - which we call multiscale relevance (MSR) - to capture the dynamical variability of the activity of single neurons across different time scales.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe investigate the complexity of logistic regression models, which is defined by counting the number of indistinguishable distributions that the model can represent (Balasubramanian, 1997). We find that the complexity of logistic models with binary inputs depends not only on the number of parameters but also on the distribution of inputs in a nontrivial way that standard treatments of complexity do not address. In particular, we observe that correlations among inputs induce effective dependencies among parameters, thus constraining the model and, consequently, reducing its complexity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLoss of functional cardiomyocytes is a major determinant of heart failure after myocardial infarction. Previous high throughput screening studies have identified a few microRNAs (miRNAs) that can induce cardiomyocyte proliferation and stimulate cardiac regeneration in mice. Here, we show that all of the most effective of these miRNAs activate nuclear localization of the master transcriptional cofactor Yes-associated protein (YAP) and induce expression of YAP-responsive genes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAim: We measured respiratory parameters in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) without clinical signs of respiratory involvement and assessed the influence of methotrexate (MTX) treatment and disease activity on lung function.
Methods: In 49 JIA children and 70 controls lung volumes by spirometry and body plethysmography, and lung diffusion for carbon monoxide (DLCO) with single-breath technique were evaluated.
Results: DLCO was significantly different between JIA children and controls (P = .
The Bethe-Salpeter equation (BSE) can be applied to compute from first-principles optical spectra that include the effects of screened electron-hole interactions. As input, BSE calculations require single-particle states, quasiparticle energy levels, and the screened Coulomb interaction, which are typically obtained with many-body perturbation theory, whose cost limits the scope of possible applications. This work tries to address this practical limitation, instead deriving spectral energies from Koopmans-compliant functionals and introducing a new methodology for handling the screened Coulomb interaction.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFyambo is an open source project aimed at studying excited state properties of condensed matter systems from first principles using many-body methods. As input, yambo requires ground state electronic structure data as computed by density functional theory codes such as Quantum ESPRESSO and Abinit. yambo's capabilities include the calculation of linear response quantities (both independent-particle and including electron-hole interactions), quasi-particle corrections based on the GW formalism, optical absorption, and other spectroscopic quantities.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBeltrán-Sánchez based their comment on misleading calculations of the maximum survival age. With realistic numbers of people attaining age 105 and the estimated plateau, the Jeanne Calment record is indeed plausible.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn the Minimum Description Length (MDL) principle, learning from the data is equivalent to an optimal coding problem. We show that the codes that achieve optimal compression in MDL are critical in a very precise sense. First, when they are taken as generative models of samples, they generate samples with broad empirical distributions and with a high value of the relevance, defined as the entropy of the empirical frequencies.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFModels can be simple for different reasons: because they yield a simple and computationally efficient interpretation of a generic dataset (e.g., in terms of pairwise dependencies)-as in statistical learning-or because they capture the laws of a specific phenomenon-as e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTheories about biological limits to life span and evolutionary shaping of human longevity depend on facts about mortality at extreme ages, but these facts have remained a matter of debate. Do hazard curves typically level out into high plateaus eventually, as seen in other species, or do exponential increases persist? In this study, we estimated hazard rates from data on all inhabitants of Italy aged 105 and older between 2009 and 2015 (born 1896-1910), a total of 3836 documented cases. We observed level hazard curves, which were essentially constant beyond age 105.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: To assess whether circulating levels of 90K glycoprotein are increased in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) at different stages of the disease, compared to healthy controls and to evaluate potential over time changes in its concentrations following treatment with the antitumor-necrosis factor (TNF) drug etanercept.
Methods: 90K glycoprotein, C-reactive protein, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, TNF, antinuclear antibodies, rheumatoid factor and the Juvenile Arthritis Disease Activity Score were assessed in 71 children: 23 with newly diagnosed JIA, 23 with established and active JIA and 25 healthy controls. Patients, eligible for anti-TNF treatment, underwent a similar clinical/laboratory assessment after 6- and 12-month etanercept therapy.
J Phys Condens Matter
November 2017
Quantum EXPRESSO is an integrated suite of open-source computer codes for quantum simulations of materials using state-of-the-art electronic-structure techniques, based on density-functional theory, density-functional perturbation theory, and many-body perturbation theory, within the plane-wave pseudopotential and projector-augmented-wave approaches. Quantum EXPRESSO owes its popularity to the wide variety of properties and processes it allows to simulate, to its performance on an increasingly broad array of hardware architectures, and to a community of researchers that rely on its capabilities as a core open-source development platform to implement their ideas. In this paper we describe recent extensions and improvements, covering new methodologies and property calculators, improved parallelization, code modularization, and extended interoperability both within the distribution and with external software.
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