In a rare occasion a single chromosomal locus was targeted twice by independent Alu-related retroposon insertions, and in both cases supported neuronal expression of the respective inserted genes encoding small non-protein coding RNAs (npcRNAs): BC200 RNA in anthropoid primates and G22 RNA in the Lorisoidea branch of prosimians. To avoid primate experimentation, we generated transgenic mice to study neuronal expression and protein binding partners for BC200 and G22 npcRNAs. The BC200 gene, with sufficient upstream flanking sequences, is expressed in transgenic mouse brain areas comparable to those in human brain, and G22 gene, with upstream flanks, has a similar expression pattern.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBC1 RNA and BC200 RNA are two non-homologous, small non-messenger RNAs (snmRNAs) that were generated, evolutionarily, quite recently by retroposition. This process endowed the RNA polymerase III transcripts with central adenosine-rich regions. Both RNAs are expressed almost exclusively in neurons, where they are transported into dendritic processes as ribonucleoprotein particles (RNPs).
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