Publications by authors named "Marquis J"

Endosomal nucleic acid sensing by Toll-like receptors (TLRs) is central to antimicrobial immunity and several autoimmune conditions such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). The innate immune adaptor TASL mediates, via the interaction with SLC15A4, the activation of IRF5 downstream of human TLR7, TLR8 and TLR9, but the pathophysiological functions of this axis remain unexplored. Here we show that SLC15A4 deficiency results in a selective block of TLR7/9-induced IRF5 activation, while loss of TASL leads to a strong but incomplete impairment, which depends on the cell type and TLR engaged.

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  • The study analyzes the properties of convective cells and their effects on different types of rainfall during a 3.5-month evaluation period in central Argentina, using data from the RELAMPAGO-CACTI field campaign.
  • The simulation shows a significant discrepancy in rainfall predictions, particularly underestimating stratiform rainfall by 46% and overestimating convective rainfall by 43%, linked to an excessive number of generated precipitating convective cells.
  • Despite attempts to enhance simulation accuracy by changing model resolution, the results indicate that simply increasing resolution is not enough; other factors also play a crucial role in improving predictions of convective properties.
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The cell cycle-regulated DNA methyltransferase CcrM is conserved in most Alphaproteobacteria, but its role in bacteria with complex or multicentric genomes remains unexplored. Here, we compare the methylome, the transcriptome and the phenotypes of wild-type and CcrM-depleted Agrobacterium tumefaciens cells with a dicentric chromosome with two essential replication origins. We find that DNA methylation has a pleiotropic impact on motility, biofilm formation and viability.

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Our recent randomized, placebo-controlled study in Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) patients with diarrhea or alternating bowel habits showed that the probiotic (BL) NCC3001 improves depression scores and decreases brain emotional reactivity. However, the involved metabolic pathways remain unclear. This analysis aimed to investigate the biochemical pathways underlying the beneficial effects of BL NCC3001 using metabolomic profiling.

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  • - Neutrophils play a crucial role in fighting infections, but their function in drug-resistant infections, like leishmaniasis, is not well understood.
  • - Research shows that drug-resistant parasites change the expression of certain neutrophil genes, increasing detoxification processes and reducing cytokine production, particularly impacting a chemokine called CCL3.
  • - Reduced CCL3 levels hinder neutrophils’ ability to recruit other immune cells, which was confirmed in mouse models, highlighting how drug-resistant parasites can alter immune responses in infected skin.
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Environmental pseudomonads colonize various niches including insect and plant environments. When invading these environments, bacteria are confronted with the resident microbiota. To oppose with closely related strains, they rely on narrow-spectrum weaponry such as tailocins, i.

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Importance: Comatose survivors of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest experience high rates of death and severe neurologic injury. Current guidelines recommend targeted temperature management at 32 °C to 36 °C for 24 hours. However, small studies suggest a potential benefit of targeting lower body temperatures.

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Context: Adipose tissue (AT) transcriptome studies provide holistic pictures of adaptation to weight and related bioclinical settings changes.

Objective: To implement AT gene expression profiling and investigate the link between changes in bioclinical parameters and AT gene expression during 3 steps of a 2-phase dietary intervention (DI).

Methods: AT transcriptome profiling was obtained from sequencing 1051 samples, corresponding to 556 distinct individuals enrolled in a weight loss intervention (8-week low-calorie diet (LCD) at 800 kcal/day) followed with a 6-month ad libitum randomized DI.

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  • Extreme longevity is linked to healthy aging, as individuals over 105 largely avoid major age-related diseases.
  • A study sequenced the genomes of 81 supercentenarians (ages 105+) and 36 age-matched controls to find unique genetic traits associated with efficient DNA repair mechanisms.
  • Results were confirmed in another cohort, highlighting DNA repair and clonal hematopoiesis as key factors for promoting healthy aging and reducing cardiovascular risks.
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Lung fibrosis, or the scarring of the lung, is a devastating disease with huge unmet medical need. There are limited treatment options and its prognosis is worse than most types of cancer. We previously discovered that MK-0429 is an equipotent pan-inhibitor of αv integrins that reduces proteinuria and kidney fibrosis in a preclinical model.

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  • Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a significant concern for patients undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) due to its impact on long-term outcomes in those suffering from STEMI.
  • This study analyzed data from the SAFARI-STEMI trial, comparing the incidence of AKI in patients who underwent PCI via radial artery (RA) versus femoral artery (FA) access.
  • The results showed no significant difference in AKI rates between the two access methods, suggesting that the choice of access site may not influence AKI occurrence in STEMI patients as previously thought.
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  • Human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) differ among mothers due to genetic factors, and this study explored how HMO concentrations change over the first year of lactation in relation to specific genetic polymorphisms.
  • Researchers collected milk samples from mothers at 3, 6, and 12 months postpartum and measured 24 HMOs, determining that certain genetic markers (like SNP rs601338) strongly correlate with specific HMO types.
  • The study found that HMO concentrations generally decreased over time, and created a polygenic score that could help predict levels of the beneficial HMO 2'-fucosyllactose (2'FL) in future mothers' milk, providing insights into the genetic and temporal factors affecting
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We present the principle and implementation of a new type of fast response evaporative calorimeter designed to work at cryogenic temperatures and above-ambient pressures. It is capable of measuring input energy from an electric pulse and the thermal output energy by measuring the evaporation of liquid nitrogen through a mass flow meter. This system may be used to measure either the steady heat output from the system submersed under the cryogen or the heat output that results from a fast square-wave profile electrical pulse of duration from 10 µs or longer.

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Rates of food insecurity vary highly across and within regions in the U.S., with rural Appalachia having higher rates compared to the rest of the country, leading parts of the population to rely on food pantries as a source of food.

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  • The study investigates the genetic diversity within the Italian population to understand how historical migrations and local adaptations have shaped their gene pool, reflecting broader European genetic patterns.
  • By analyzing high-coverage whole-genome sequences from diverse Italian groups and ancient genomes, the research identifies significant genetic divergences dating back to the Late Glacial period and highlights specific adaptations related to climate and disease.
  • The findings demonstrate how various migratory and adaptive processes have influenced the genetic landscape of Italians, offering insights into the complex interactions between genetics and environmental factors that have shaped human populations in Europe.
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Translation depends on messenger RNA (mRNA)-specific initiation, elongation, and termination rates. While translation elongation is well studied in bacteria and yeast, less is known in higher eukaryotes. Here we combined ribosome and transfer RNA (tRNA) profiling to investigate the relations between translation elongation rates, (aminoacyl-) tRNA levels, and codon usage in mammals.

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Objective: Previous studies suggested that childhood prediabetes may develop prior to obesity and be associated with relative insulin deficiency. We proposed that the insulin-deficient phenotype is genetically determined and tested this hypothesis by longitudinal modeling of insulin and glucose traits with diabetes risk genotypes in the EarlyBird cohort.

Research Design And Methods: EarlyBird is a nonintervention prospective cohort study that recruited 307 healthy U.

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Importance: Among patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) referred for primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), a survival benefit associated with radial access compared with femoral access remains controversial.

Objective: To assess whether there is a survival benefit when radial access is used instead of femoral access among patients with STEMI referred for primary PCI.

Design, Setting, And Participants: This multicenter, open-label, randomized clinical trial was conducted at 5 PCI centers in Canada.

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  • Sarcopenia, a condition causing muscle wasting and weakness in older adults, is less understood compared to general muscle aging, affecting physical independence and survival.
  • A study analyzed muscle biopsies from 119 older men across Singapore, the UK, and Jamaica, finding that individuals with sarcopenia exhibit clear signs of mitochondrial dysfunction in their muscles.
  • Key indicators of this dysfunction include reduced signaling related to energy production, fewer mitochondria, diminished respiratory complex activity, and low levels of NAD, highlighting the critical role of mitochondrial metabolism in age-related muscle loss.
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Parkinson disease (PD) is a progressive, neurological disease that affects millions of individuals worldwide. Although instability, rigidity, tremor, and bradykinesia are considered hallmark motor signs of the disease, these are not apparent until mid-to-late stage. In addition to limb motor impairment, individuals with PD also exhibit early-onset speech dysfunction and reduced vocal intelligibility as well as anhedonia and anxiety.

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  • The study investigates how the ApoE allele epsilon 4 (ApoE4) affects brain endothelial cells, which are crucial for maintaining communication between the brain and blood factors, in relation to Alzheimer's and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Researchers developed a model using human stem cells with different ApoE genotypes (3/3, 3/4, and 4/4) and found that ApoE4 leads to significant cellular dysfunction and inflammatory states, particularly affecting blood coagulation and barrier function.
  • The findings indicate that ApoE4 promotes increased secretion of harmful proteins and immune responses in endothelial cells, suggesting new avenues for researching therapies targeted at vascular disorders linked to Alzheimer's.
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Background: Several studies recently reported contradicting results regarding the link between amylase 1 (AMY1) copy numbers (CNs), obesity, and type 2 diabetes.

Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the impact of AMY1 CN on anthropometrics and glycemic outcomes in obese individuals following a 2-phase dietary weight loss intervention.

Methods: Using the paralog ratio test, AMY1 CNs were accurately measured in 761 obese individuals from the DiOGenes study.

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  • The study created a genetic risk score (GRS) to analyze how plasma triglyceride (TG) levels respond to omega-3 fatty acid supplementation, showing it explained 21.53% of TG differences in Caucasian Canadians.
  • Researchers aimed to improve the GRS by refining it and examining its impact on TG responses in young Mexican adults during a 6-week supplementation with 2.7g/day of omega-3.
  • The study identified five significant genetic variations (SNPs) that contributed to 11.01% of the variance in TG response among Mexicans, indicating genetic factors play a crucial role in how different populations respond to omega-3 supplements.
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Accurate measurement of substrate temperature is one of the most critical process control parameters for molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) growth. Band-edge thermometry instruments have proven to be a valuable tool for process control during MBE growth of semiconductor films, providing as high as ±1 °C temperature resolution. The increasing use of InAs, GaSb, and AlSb iii-v materials necessitates a method for accurately measuring the temperature of their closely lattice-matched GaSb substrates.

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Due to instrument sensitivities and algorithm detection limits, level 2 (L2) Cloud-Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization (CALIOP) 532nm aerosol extinction profile retrievals are often populated with retrieval fill values (RFVs), which indicate the absence of detectable levels of aerosol within the profile. In this study, using 4 years (2007-2008 and 2010-2011) of CALIOP version 3 L2 aerosol data, the occurrence frequency of daytime CALIOP profiles containing all RFVs (all-RFV profiles) is studied. In the CALIOP data products, the aerosol optical thickness (AOT) of any all-RFV profile is reported as being zero, which may introduce a bias in CALIOP-based AOT climatologies.

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