Publications by authors named "Mario Virgolini"

Objective: To evaluate variables of tobacco health warnings associated with their emotional impact, the perception of smoking risks and the perceived effectiveness to avoid tobacco use.

Materials And Methods: Teenagers (151) and adults (168) evaluated 27 tobacco health warnings selected from the sets used on tobacco packages in Argentina and in other countries. A standardized affective rating-scale system and a structured questionnaire measured respectively the emotional impact (hedonic valence and emotional arousal), and the cognitive-behavioral attributions.

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Introduction: The Global School Health Survey (EMSE, in Spanish) has been implemented globally since 2003 to estimate the prevalence of mayor risk behaviours and protective factors among teenagers aged 13 to 15 year old. In 2007, the first EMSE was implemented in Argentina.

Objective: To describe the prevalence of certain risk factors among youth attending high school in Argentina.

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Objective: To assess an intervention to reduce salt intake based on an agreement with the food industry.

Methods: Salt content was measured in bakery products through a national survey and biochemical analyses. Low-salt bread was evaluated by a panel of taste testers to determine whether a reduced salt bread could remain undetected.

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Background: Recognition of the global economic and epidemiological burden of chronic non-communicable diseases has increased in recent years. However, much of the research on this issue remains focused on individual-level risk factors and neglects the underlying social patterning of risk factors and disease outcomes.

Methods: Secondary analysis of Argentina's 2005 Encuesta Nacional de Factores de Riesgo (National Risk Factor Survey, N = 41,392) using a novel analytical strategy first proposed by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), which we here refer to as the Average/Deprivation/Inequality (ADI) framework.

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Objectives: To evaluate the prevalence of smoking among Argentine adolescents and describe its usage, factors related to taking up the habit, and exposure to second-hand smoke in the home.

Methods: A cross-sectional study conducted through an anonymous survey of students 12-18 years of age in either the 8th grade of basic education or in the second course of high school or polytechnic school. The study took place in 2002 at 239 school within five urban centers of Argentina (Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Partidos del Gran Buenos Aires, Gran Córdoba, Gran Mendoza, and Santa Fe).

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