Publications by authors named "Mario Cappellette"

Objective: To analyze the variations of hard palate volume in adults with normal occlusion and different facial types and patterns, by using a three-dimensional analysis on digital casts.

Methods: The dental casts of 70 Caucasian adults (28 men, 42 women), mean age of 16.4 years (SD 1.

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The aim of this case report was to evaluate the polysomnography indices, air space in the oropharyngeal region and quality of life scores using the OSA-18 questionnaire in a patient diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea before and after rapid maxillary expansion (RME). It is a case report with a male patient, seven years old, with maxillary hypoplasia, who underwent adenotonsillectomy surgery two years ago, had restless sleep, snore more than five times a week. Pre- and post-treatment diagnostic tests were performed, including nasofibroscopy, polysomnography, computed tomography, orthodontic records and the OSA-18 quality of life questionnaire.

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Objective: This study aims at identifying anatomical dimensions of dental arches, based on landmarks currently used in the lingual orthodontic technique, and create an archwire form template to be used in orthodontic clinics.

Methods: Maxillary and mandibular dental casts of 140 Caucasian individuals with natural and normal occlusion were digitized (3D), and the images were analyzed with Delcam Power ShapeTM 2010 software. The dental arch shapes and sizes were obtained from 14 landmarks selected on the lingual surface of the teeth.

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Introduction: The treatment of obstructive sleep apnea with positive airway pressure in children is restricted due to concerns that it could affect maxilla growth over time.

Objective: To undertake a systematic review of the literature about the long-term impact of using a positive airway pressure mask on the midface in growing individuals.

Methods: The literature search was conducted in September 2019 using the keywords ("long-term" OR "long term" OR "side effects" OR longitudinal) AND (children OR child OR preschool OR adolescents OR adolescent OR infant OR infants) AND (craniofacial OR "mid-face" OR midface OR midfacial OR facial OR maxillary) AND ("airway pressure" OR ventilation) in the databases PubMed, Web of Science and Lilacs.

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Introduction:: Maxillary constriction is a dentoskeletal deformity characterized by discrepancy in maxilla/mandible relationship in the transverse plane, which may be associated with respiratory dysfunction.

Objective:: The objective of this study was to evaluate the skeletal effects of RME on maxillary and nasal transverse dimensions and compare the differences between males and females.

Methods:: Sixty-one mouth-breathers patients with skeletal maxillary constriction (35 males and 26 females, mean age 9.

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Objective:: To assess the volumetric changes that occur in the nasomaxillary complex of mouth-breathing patients with transverse maxillary deficiency subjected to rapid maxillary expansion (RME).

Methods:: This was a controlled, prospective intervention study involving 38 mouth-breathing patients presenting with transverse maxillary deficiency, regardless of malocclusion type or race. Twenty-three of them comprised the experimental group, which was composed of 11 (47.

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Introduction: Rapid maxillary expansion is an orthodontic and orthopedic procedure that can change the form and function of the nose. The soft tissue of the nose and its changes can influence the esthetics and the stability of the results obtained by this procedure.

Objective: The objective of this study was to assess the changes in nose dimensions after rapid maxillary expansion in oral breathers with maxillary atresia, using a reliable and reproducible methodology through computed tomography.

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Introduction: Rapid maxillary expansion can change the form and function of the nose. The skeletal and soft tissue changes can influence the esthetics and the stability of the results obtained by the procedure.

Objective: The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the short-term effects of rapid maxillary expansion on the skeletal and soft tissue structures of the nose, in mouth-breathing patients, using a reliable and reproducible, but simple methodology, with the aid of computed tomography.

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The oromandibular and limb hypogenesis syndrome is characterized by aglossia or hypoglossia presenting with limb anomalies. In this case report, we describe congenital hypoglossia associated with glossopalatine ankylosis and middle finger hypomelia, a type III-D malformation in the Hall Classification. The orthodontic and surgical treatment consisted of 3 maxillary expansions, mandibular surgery, and dental alignment.

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Objectives: Many studies have been developed aiming to reveal the usefulness of cavum X-rays and telerradiographies as diagnostic tools for the detection of upper airway obstruction due to adenoid hypertrophy. However, the scientific literature is diverse and controversial. Therefore, a systematic review is proposed; with the objective to determine the diagnosis value of lateral X-ray view of the skull regarding adenoid hypertrophy.

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Background: This study analyzed the effects of orthodontic maxillary expansion on the nasal cavity dimensions measured by acoustic rhinometry.

Methods: A prospective study was performed. Fifty patients (27 male and 23 female patients) who had maxillary hypoplasia in relation to the mandible were studied.

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