Publications by authors named "Marine Joly"

Article Synopsis
  • - Pralsetinib, a selective RET tyrosine kinase inhibitor, showed effectiveness and tolerability in treating lung and thyroid cancers linked to specific gene mutations and fusions during clinical trials.
  • - A case report detailed a 53-year-old patient with a neuroendocrine tumor who achieved partial response after five lines of therapy with pralsetinib but experienced multiple severe infections, including pneumonia and spondylodiscitis.
  • - The study emphasizes the heightened risk of opportunistic infections associated with pralsetinib, likely due to its off-target effects on JAK1/2, unlike another comparable treatment called selpercatinib.
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During tuberculosis (TB), migration of dendritic cells (DCs) from the site of infection to the draining lymph nodes is known to be impaired, hindering the rapid development of protective T-cell-mediated immunity. However, the mechanisms involved in the delayed migration of DCs during TB are still poorly defined. Here, we found that infection of DCs with (Mtb) triggers HIF1A-mediated aerobic glycolysis in a TLR2-dependent manner, and that this metabolic profile is essential for DC migration.

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  • Inhibitory control helps animals resist impulsive behavior, which is crucial for navigating complex social settings, especially in species with varying degrees of social tolerance.
  • The study compared inhibitory control abilities among three macaque species with different social tolerances (low, medium, and high) using touchscreen tasks.
  • Results showed that macaques with higher social tolerance exhibited better inhibitory control, being less impulsive and distracted, indicating that evolution favors these skills to manage complex social interactions.
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Population-based data on the epidemiology of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, its predisposing conditions and mortality rate are lacking, although such data are crucial to raise awareness among clinicians and to lay foundations for future therapeutic trials in immunomodulating therapies. In our study, patients were identified by interrogating the French national healthcare reimbursement database from 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2017, using progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy International Classification of Diseases code and a patient's selection algorithm. Overall incidence rate, 1-year all-cause mortality rate and survival patterns were calculated, and factors associated with death were identified using a multivariate Cox proportional hazards regression model.

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Inhibitory control, the ability to override an inappropriate prepotent response, is crucial in many aspects of everyday life. However, the various paradigms designed to measure inhibitory control often suffer from a lack of systematic validation and have yielded mixed results. Thus the nature of this ability remains unclear, is it a general construct or a family of distinct sub-components? Therefore, the aim of this study was first to demonstrate the content validity and the temporal repeatability of a battery of inhibitory control tasks.

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Inhibitory control, the ability to override a dominant response, is crucial in many aspects of everyday life. In animal studies, striking individual variations are often largely ignored and their causes rarely considered. Hence, our aims were to systematically investigate individual variability in inhibitory control, to replicate the most common causes of individual variation (age, sex and rank) and to determine if these factors had a consistent effect on three main components of inhibitory control (inhibition of a distraction, inhibition of an action, inhibition of a cognitive set).

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Background: Preventive strategies for invasive aspergillosis (IA) have still not been determined in heart transplant recipients whereas IA leads to a high mortality rate at 12 months posttransplantation. The use of voriconazole or echinocandins was proposed but can favor emergence of Aspergillus or Candida sp. resistant strains or promote neurological and liver disorders in some patients.

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Inferring the evolutionary history of cognitive abilities requires large and diverse samples. However, such samples are often beyond the reach of individual researchers or institutions, and studies are often limited to small numbers of species. Consequently, methodological and site-specific-differences across studies can limit comparisons between species.

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A recent study suggests that a specific, touchscreen-based task on visual object-location paired-associates learning (PAL), the so-called Different PAL (dPAL) task, allows effective translation from animal models to humans. Here, we adapted the task to a nonhuman primate (NHP), the gray mouse lemur, and provide first evidence for the successful comparative application of the task to humans and NHPs. Young human adults reach the learning criterion after considerably less sessions (one order of magnitude) than young, adult NHPs, which is likely due to faster and voluntary rejection of ineffective learning strategies in humans and almost immediate rule generalization.

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Contemporary evolutionary theories propose that living in groups drives the selection of enhanced cognitive skills to face competition and facilitate cooperation between individuals. Being able to coordinate both in space and time with others and make strategic decisions are essential skills for cooperating within groups. Social tolerance and an egalitarian social structure have been proposed as one specific driver of cooperation.

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Background: Opacities of the lens are typical age-related phenomena which have a high influence on photoreception and consequently circadian rhythm. In mouse lemurs, a small bodied non-human primate, a high incidence (more than 50% when >seven years) of cataracts has been previously described during aging. Previous studies showed that photoperiodically induced accelerated annual rhythms alter some of mouse lemurs' life history traits.

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Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the practicability of common tonometers used in veterinary medicine for rapid intraocular pressure (IOP) screening, to calibrate IOP values gained by the tonometers, and to define a reference IOP value for the healthy eye in a new primate model for aging research, the gray mouse lemur.

Studied Animals And Procedures: TonoVet and the TonoPen measurements were calibrated manometrically in healthy enucleated eyes of mouse lemurs euthanized for veterinary reasons. For comparison of the practicability of both tonometers as a rapid IOP assessment tool for living mouse lemurs, the IOP of 24 eyes of 12 animals held in the hand was measured.

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Objectives: How social groups govern their distribution in time and space is a central question in socioecology. The aim of this study is to explore the role of acoustic signaling for spacing and cohesiveness in a nocturnal, cohesive, pair-living strepsirrhine.

Material And Methods: The study was conducted in northwestern Madagascar.

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Human and non-human primates exhibit facial movements or displays to communicate with one another. The evolution of form and function of those displays could be better understood through multispecies comparisons. Anatomically based coding systems (Facial Action Coding Systems: FACS) are developed to enable such comparisons because they are standardized and systematic and aid identification of homologous expressions underpinned by similar muscle contractions.

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Mouse lemurs are suggested to represent promising novel non-human primate models for aging research. However, standardized and cross-taxa cognitive testing methods are still lacking. Touchscreen-based testing procedures have proven high stimulus control and reliability in humans and rodents.

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In vertebrates, pluripotent pharyngeal mesoderm progenitors produce the cardiac precursors of the second heart field as well as the branchiomeric head muscles and associated stem cells. However, the mechanisms underlying the transition from multipotent progenitors to distinct muscle precursors remain obscured by the complexity of vertebrate embryos. Using Ciona intestinalis as a simple chordate model, we show that bipotent cardiopharyngeal progenitors are primed to activate both heart and pharyngeal muscle transcriptional programs, which progressively become restricted to corresponding precursors.

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Tree shrews represent a relevant model to study the evolution of primate manual laterality as they are phylogenetically close to primates, they are able to grasp despite having a nonopposable thumb, and they possess a well-developed visual system. In this study, we examined the paw laterality and grasping success rate of 30 Tupaia belangeri (15 males, 15 females) in 2 forced-food grasping tasks (i.e.

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Background: Recent results in birds, marsupials, rodents and nonhuman primates suggest that phylogeny and ecological factors such as body size, diet and postural habit of a species influence limb usage and the direction and strength of limb laterality. To examine to which extent these findings can be generalised to small-bodied rooting quadrupedal mammals, we studied trees shrews (Tupaia belangeri).

Methodology/principal Findings: We established a behavioural test battery for examining paw usage comparable to small-bodied primates and tested 36 Tupaia belangeri.

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Affiliation/agonism and social dominance are central factors determining social organization in primates. The aim of our study is to investigate and describe, for the first time, the intersexual relations in a nocturnal and cohesive pair-living prosimian primate, the western woolly lemur (Avahi occidentalis), and to determine to what extent phylogeny, activity mode, or the cohesiveness of pair partners shape the quality of social interactions. Six pairs of western woolly lemurs were radio-collared in the dry deciduous forest of northwestern Madagascar.

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Large-brained diurnal mammals with complex social systems are known to plan where and how to reach a resource, as shown by a systematic movement pattern analysis. We examined for the first time large-scale movement patterns of a solitary-ranging and small-brained mammal, the mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus), by using the change-point test and a heuristic random travel model to get insight into foraging strategies and potential route-planning abilities. Mouse lemurs are small nocturnal primates inhabiting the seasonal dry deciduous forest in Madagascar.

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Dealing effectively with space to find important resources in a natural environment is a fundamental ability necessary for survival. Evidence has already been provided that wild gray mouse lemurs revisit stationary feeding sites regularly. In this study, we explore to what extent two sympatric mouse lemur species, Microcebus murinus and M.

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Article Synopsis
  • Scientists studied the eating habits of the Malagasy gray mouse lemur to see what foods they like and how they find them.
  • They found that the lemurs mainly ate tree gums, spending over two-thirds of their feeding time on it, but they also ate small animals and special secretions.
  • The lemurs often went back to their favorite eating spots and showed they have a good memory for where to find their food!
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In order to characterize age-related cognitive changes, olfactory discrimination was assessed in Microcebus murinus, a prosimian primate. We compared young (n = 10) and old (n = 8) animals for individual performance on three olfactory tasks. Animals had to perform a detection, a transfer, and a reversal learning task using a go, no go conditioning procedure.

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The present study was aimed at adapting an automated olfactometer designed for use with rodents to a nocturnal lemur Microcebus murinus. This apparatus allows rigorous control of odor stimuli. We show that M.

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