Publications by authors named "Marina Villanueva"

Breadfruit is an underutilized crop with significant nutritional potential as a gluten-free starch-rich food ingredient. This study evaluated the chemical, molecular, structural, and nutritional properties of breadfruit (BF) flours derived from both pulp and peel, along with banana flour as a reference. Starch digestibility, estimated in vitro, was linked to these properties.

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Ultrasonic (USC) treatments have been applied to starches, flours and grains to modify their physicochemical properties and improve their industrial applicability. The extent of the modification caused by USC treatment depends on the treatment conditions and the natural characteristics of the treated matter. Cavitation leads to structural damage and fragmentation and partial depolymerization of starch components.

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The impact of microwave (MW) treatments on the structure, solubility, and techno-functional properties of the proteins in starchy matrices is still poorly understood. This study aimed to investigate the effects of MW intensity by applying 1, 2, and 6 min of radiation on two tef flour varieties moistened at 15 % and 25 %. The fractionation method recovered ∼83 % of the total protein content in untreated flours.

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Bread is a widely consumed food that has often been used as a vehicle for functional ingredients such as dietary fibre. Fibre-rich breads have beneficial physiological effects on health, helping to combat chronic pathologies such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and certain types of colon cancer. The aim of this study is to evaluate the technological and nutritional effects of the inclusion of buckwheat hull particles (BH) at two addition levels (3 and 6%) and two particle sizes (fine, D: 62.

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Microwave-assisted heat moisture treatment (MWT) was applied to quinoa grains, a nutritious gluten-free pseudocereal of great interest in food product development, to achieve the physical modification of the quinoa flour. The effect of treating quinoa grains at different initial water contents (WC; 10%, 20%, and 30%) in two operational systems was compared: one open at atmospheric pressure and variable WC (V system), and the other in hermetic containers at constant WC (C system). The morphological structure of the obtained flours and their techno-functional, rheological, and thermal properties were evaluated.

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Tef [ (Zucc.) Trotter] flour is a gluten-free cereal rich in fiber, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants, which offers a promising alternative for new food development. This study investigated the effect of microwave radiation (MW) on the techno-functional, thermal, rheological and microstructural properties of tef flours.

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In recent years, many efforts are being made to produce tef-based food for its nutritive and health-promoting advantages. Tef grain is always whole milled because of its tiny grain size and whole flours contain bran (pericarp, aleurone, and germ) where major non-starch lipids could be deposited along with the lipid-degrading enzymes: lipase and lipoxygenase. As lipoxygenase shows little activity in low moisture, the inactivation of lipase is the common objective for most heat treatments to extend the shelf life of flours.

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Tef flour comes from a nutritionally-rich ancient grain gaining increasing interest in gluten-free market. Gluten-free sources are modified by different means to improve their functionality. Ultrasound treatment (US) alters flours' structure and leads to physically modified flours with a wider application range.

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The modification of flours by ultrasound (US) treatments requires excess water to suspend the sample to be treated, which must be removed after treatment to recover the ultrasonicated flour. The aim of this study was to determine the influence that the water removal method has on the final characteristics of US-treated gluten-free flours (rice, brown tef, corn and quinoa). US treatment parameters were constant, and two water removal methods were studied: freeze-drying and centrifugation + drying.

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Microwave radiation (MW) is an environment-friendly technology used to physically modify flours. Rice flour was MW-treated at different moisture content (MC) (3 %, 8 %, 13 %, 15 %, 20 % and 30 %). In vitro starch digestibility was determined and related to the changes caused by MW treatment to flours' structure and thermal properties, which were influenced by MC.

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Tef is currently being incorporated into a wide range of foodstuff due to its high nutritional profile. This study tries to fill the information gap on the effect of tef varieties on physico-chemical, nutritional and sensorial quality of gluten-free bread. Maize starch replacement at 50, 75 and 100 g/100 g level by tef flour from three Ethiopian varieties (DZ-Cr-37, DZ-Cr-387 and DZ-01-99) resulted in viable gluten-free breads with acceptable sensory properties, higher mineral content and lower glycemic response.

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This study evaluated the effect of inclusion of two types of tef flours (white and brown) at different levels (25, 50 and 100 %, total flour) on the nutritional (proximal and mineral composition), bioactive (antioxidant capacity and starch digestibility) and sensory properties of rice-tef crackers. The aim was to formulate a gluten-free product with nutritional and healthy benefits, and acceptable for consumers. Results showed than crackers enriched with white tef had a significant (p ≤ 0.

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Injera is an Ethiopian flat bread that is mostly made from tef flour. Injera making on an industrial scale holds a significant economic and social interest but requires a thorough study of how the process variables affect the product quality. The aim of this work was to investigate the effects of mill type (hammer, disc, and blade) on injera sensory quality and starch digestibility.

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This study evaluated for first time the effect of Microwave (MW) radiation on systems based on potato and rice starches supplemented with 5% of calcium caseinate (CA) or soy protein isolate (SPI). The goal of this treatment was the physical modification of these starch-based systems to provide ingredients of new functionalities. The hydration and pasting properties as well as gel viscoelastic features were evaluated.

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