Publications by authors named "Marina Gorelik"

Opening a new pediatric trauma center (PTC) is a sizable undertaking. A pediatric trauma team of specialists must be assembled, appropriate equipment and facilities prepared, and staff educated. Our PTC opened in May 2016, before that we had a pediatric emergency center.

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Introduction: Small intestine gastrointestinal stromal tumors can infrequently present with intra-abdominal abscess, perforation, obstruction or fistula. Tumor-small intestine fistula is a rare phenomenon and occurs as a result of GISTs' propensity to cause mucosal ulceration. This allows bacteria from the gut to gain access to the systemic circulation and predisposes the patient to bacteremia and pyogenic liver abscess.

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Asymptomatic non-functioning pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors are indolent, slow-growing tumors, and surveillance is safe and reasonable. Despite consensus, size may be less important than grade and Ki-67 when making decisions regarding optimal therapy. Plans to proceed with surveillance or surgical resection require a multidisciplinary approach and a shared decision making process with colleagues, patients, and families.

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Introduction: Teaching hospitals and faculty need to balance the educational mission for training residents with patient safety. There are no data studying the change in trauma patient outcomes before and after implementation of a surgical residency. The objective of this study was to compare trauma center outcomes before and after the advent of a surgical training program.

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The crystal structure of Escherichia coli PhnF C-terminal domain (C-PhnF) was solved at 1.7 A resolution by the single wavelength anomalous dispersion (SAD) method. The PhnF protein belongs to the HutC subfamily of the large GntR transcriptional regulator family.

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