Epidemiol Serv Saude
December 2018
Objective: to characterize the physical environment and physical activity (PA) in Primary Health Care Units (PHU) in the urban area of Guarapuava-PR, Brazil, 2011-2012.
Methods: this is a descriptive study in which the coordinators of the municipality's 27 PHUs were interviewed about violence, crime and physical space and safety conditions for PAs inside and outside the PHUs; the streets surrounding the area were visited to evaluate environmental factors categorized as favorable or unfavorable to PA deployment and practice.
Results: the most common places for PA were grass areas (n=18) and churches (n=24); three fifths of PHUs presented factors favorable to PA deployment/practice; lack of sidewalks (14 PHUs) or uneven sidewalks (13 PHUs) surrounding the PHUs are conditions that could jeopardize the practice of walking.