The present study explored the opposing effects on memory of semantic elaboration and division of attention on learning and recognition of verbal paired associates. Previous work had found that levels of recollection were reduced under divided attention conditions, even after equating expressed elaboration levels between full and divided attention. The present experiments not only confirmed this finding but also found that participants based their expressed levels of elaboration largely on normative values rather than on subjectively achieved levels of elaboration.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe hippocampus is known to support processing of precise spatial information in recently learned environments. It is less clear, but crucial for theories of systems consolidation, to know whether it also supports processing of precise spatial information in familiar environments learned long ago and whether such precision extends to objects and numbers. In this fMRI study, we asked participants to make progressively more refined spatial distance judgments among well-known Toronto landmarks (whether landmark A is closer to landmark B or C) to examine hippocampal involvement.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBecause emotional and neutral stimuli typically differ on non-emotional dimensions, it has been difficult to determine conclusively which factors underlie the ability of emotional stimuli to enhance immediate long-term memory. Here we induced arousal by varying participants' goals, a method that removes many potential confounds between emotional and non-emotional items. Hungry and sated participants encoded food and clothing images under divided attention conditions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPreserved remote spatial memory in amnesic people with bilateral hippocampal damage, including the well-studied case K.C., challenges spatial theories, which assume that the hippocampus is needed to support all allocentric spatial representations, old or new.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWhich brain regions are implicated when words are retrieved under divided attention, and what does this tell us about attentional and memory processes needed for retrieval? To address these questions we used fMRI to examine brain regions associated with auditory recognition performed under full and divided attention (DA). We asked young adults to encode words presented auditorily under full attention (FA), and following this, asked them to recognize studied words while in the scanner. Attention was divided at retrieval by asking participants to perform either an animacy task to words, or odd-digit identification task to numbers presented visually, concurrently with the recognition task.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe role of the hippocampus in recent spatial memory has been well documented in patients with damage to this structure, but there is now evidence that the hippocampus may not be needed for the storage and recovery of a spatial layout that was experienced long before injury. Such preservation may rely, instead, on a network of dissociable, extra-hippocampal regions implicated in topographical orientation. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we investigated this hypothesis in healthy individuals with extensive experience navigating in a large-scale urban environment (downtown Toronto).
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