Publications by authors named "Marie Rocha"

This is a study of the secondary effects of interventions for young children with autism on their parents. Specifically, we were interested in the impact on parent's sense of efficacy, or how confident and competent a parent feels about themselves as a parent. We tested three ideas: (1) that the style of the intervention, whether it was more or less structured and whether the parent had a more or less formal role, would impact a parent's sense of efficacy; (2) that the intensity of the intervention, how many hours per week the intervention was delivered, would impact parental efficacy; and (3) that the parent's level of stress prior to intervention would impact how intensity and style effected efficacy.

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Objective: This randomized, multisite, intent-to-treat study tested the effects of 2 levels of treatment intensity (number of hours) and 2 treatment styles on the progress of young children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). We predicted that initial severity of developmental delay or autism symptoms would moderate the effects of intensity and style on progress in 4 domains: autism symptom severity, expressive communication, receptive language, and nonverbal ability.

Method: A total of 87 children with ASD, mean age 23.

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Objective: This single-blind, randomized, multisite, intent-to-treat study was designed to replicate and extend Dawson et al.'s (Pediatrics. 2010;125: e17-e23) randomized controlled trial testing the effects of the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM), an intensive play- and routines-based intervention delivered in natural settings.

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