Publications by authors named "Marie Carmelle Elie"

Importance: The emergency department (ED) offers an opportunity to initiate palliative care for older adults with serious, life-limiting illness.

Objective: To assess the effect of a multicomponent intervention to initiate palliative care in the ED on hospital admission, subsequent health care use, and survival in older adults with serious, life-limiting illness.

Design, Setting, And Participants: Cluster randomized, stepped-wedge, clinical trial including patients aged 66 years or older who visited 1 of 29 EDs across the US between May 1, 2018, and December 31, 2022, had 12 months of prior Medicare enrollment, and a Gagne comorbidity score greater than 6, representing a risk of short-term mortality greater than 30%.

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Objective: In Haiti, cervical cancer continues to cause high levels of mortality and morbidity due to lack of resources and political unrest. Haitian women employed in factories are especially vulnerable because they are unable to take time away from work to access health resources. We aimed to describe a low-cost intervention which successfully addressed this need.

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Unlabelled: We sought to validate prognostic scores in coronavirus disease 2019 including National Early Warning Score, Modified Early Warning Score, and age-based modifications, and define their performance characteristics.

Design: We analyzed prospectively collected data from the Adaptive COVID-19 Treatment Trial. National Early Warning Score was collected daily during the trial, Modified Early Warning Score was calculated, and age applied to both scores.

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Objective: This study aims to compare the composite outcome of progression to septic shock between 30 mL/kg/ideal body weight (IBW) versus 30 mL/kg/non-IBW fluid resuscitation dosing strategies in obese patients with severe sepsis.

Methods: We retrospectively evaluated obese patients admitted to an academic tertiary care center for the management of severe sepsis. Patients were included if they had a fluid bolus order placed using the sepsis order set between Oct 2018 and Sept 2019.

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Background: Severe coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) is associated with dysregulated inflammation. The effects of combination treatment with baricitinib, a Janus kinase inhibitor, plus remdesivir are not known.

Methods: We conducted a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial evaluating baricitinib plus remdesivir in hospitalized adults with Covid-19.

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Background: Kidney stone (KS) disease has high, increasing prevalence in the United States and poses a massive economic burden. Diagnostics algorithms of KS only use a few variables with a limited sensitivity and specificity. In this study, we tested a big data approach to infer and validate a 'multi-domain' personalized diagnostic acute care algorithm for KS (DACA-KS), merging demographic, vital signs, clinical, and laboratory information.

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Introduction. Limited evidence is available on simulation training of prehospital care providers, specifically the use of tourniquets and needle decompression. This study focused on whether the confidence level of prehospital personnel performing these skills improved through simulation training.

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The authors have investigated the incidence of acute kidney injury (AKI) and short-term mortality following an activated STEMI and stroke alert at a tertiary referral and academic center. A single center, retrospective chart review of STEMI and stroke activation patients from January 2010 to March 2012. Data was collected and reviewed from an institutional database following IRB-approval.

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Background: Synthetic cannabinoid containing products are a public health threat as reflected by a number of outbreaks of serious adverse health effects over the past 4 years. The designer drug epidemic is characterized by the rapid turnover of synthetic cannabinoid compounds on the market which creates a challenge in identifying the particular etiology of an outbreak, confirming exposure in cases, and providing current information to law enforcement.

Results: Between 28 May 2014 and 8 June 2014, 35 patients were evaluated and treated at the University of Florida Health Medical Center in Gainesville following reported exposure to a synthetic cannabinoid containing product obtained from a common source.

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Aggressively managing the symptoms of patients with critical life-limiting illness or terminal disease can improve the quality of life for patients and loved ones, regardless of how much time they have remaining. Palliative symptom management approaches disease in a holistic manner, addressing not only the physical aspect of symptoms but also the psychological, social, and spiritual dimensions of suffering for total symptom relief. Pain is the most common reason for critical care palliative consultation, and using the World Health Organization Pain Ladder to systematically quantify, treat, and titrate pain is effective.

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Introduction: Practitioners need more information about intimate partner violence (IPV) victims' healthcare use trends. We used a novel data-linkage method and complaint categorization allowing us to evaluate IPV victims healthcare use trends compared to the date of their victimization.

Methods: This was a retrospective case series using data-linking techniques cross-referencing databases of Medicaid-eligible women between the ages of 16 and 55 years, an IPV Case Database for 2007 and the Florida State Agency for Healthcare Administration, which tracks hospital inpatient, ambulatory and emergency department (ED) use within the State of Florida.

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Introduction: Early antibiotic administration is recommended in newborns presenting with febrile illness to emergency departments (ED) to avert the sequelae of serious bacterial infection. Although ED crowding has been associated with delays in antibiotic administration in a dedicated pediatric ED, the majority of children that receive emergency medical care in the United States present to EDs that treat both adult and pediatric emergencies. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between time to antibiotic administration in febrile newborns and crowding in a general ED serving both an adult and pediatric population.

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Background: Polycythemia vera is defined as a chronic myeloproliferative disorder characterized by increased red blood cell count. There have been no reports on mesenteric thrombosis resulting from iatrogenic polycythemia.

Methods: We present a patient with a history of non-small cell lung cancer undergoing maintenance oral chemotherapy on tarceva and adjunctive use of procrit.

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Background: Ventilator practices in patients at risk for acute lung injury (ALI) and ARDS are unclear. We examined factors associated with choice of set tidal volumes (VT), and whether VT < 8 mL/kg predicted body weight (PBW) relates to the development of ALI/ARDS.

Methods: We performed a secondary analysis of a multicenter cohort of adult subjects at risk of lung injury with and without ALI/ARDS at onset of invasive ventilation.

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Blunt cardiac injury.

Mt Sinai J Med

March 2006

The diagnosis and management of blunt cardiac injury, formerly known as myocardial contusion, has challenged clinicians for decades. Caused primarily by motor vehicle collisions, significant blunt cardiac injury carries a high mortality rate. Yet no reliable diagnostic test exists to identify those patients at greatest risk for an adverse outcome.

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