Research Question: Are there any differences in viability, spindle abnormalities and mitochondrial and other organelle structures amongst embryos biopsied on day 3 versus day 5 before and after vitrification?
Design: A total of 240 day 3 biopsied embryos that developed to blastocysts but were rejected for transfer following preimplantation genetic testing for monogenic/single gene defects (PGT-M) (n = 115) or for aneuploidies (PGT-A) (n = 125) were divided into two groups: (i) 120 blastocysts treated for viability, spindle/chromosome configuration (SCC) analysis and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis (fresh n = 20, n = 20, n = 20 and following vitrification/warming n = 20, n = 20, n = 20); (ii) 120 embryos were re-biopsied at the blastocyst stage and treated for viability, SCC and TEM analysis (fresh n = 20, n = 20, n = 20 and following vitrification/warming n = 20, n = 20, n = 20). Also, 60 vitrified blastocysts biopsied only on day 5 that were rejected for transfer following PGT-M (n = 6) or PGT-A (n = 54) were treated following warming for viability (n = 20), SCC (n = 20) and TEM analysis (n = 20).
Results: No differences were observed in SCC and ultrastructure between embryos biopsied on day 5 and day 3 but following vitrification higher numbers of abnormal spindles, distension of mitochondria, multivesicular bodies, lipofuscin droplets, altered cell junctions and occasionally excessive accumulation of glycogen granules were evident.
Research Question: Are there any differences in viability and ultrastructure amongst embryos biopsied on Day 5 versus Day 3 following vitrification in open and closed systems and compared to fresh embryos?
Design: One hundred human embryos (40 blastocysts biopsied on Day 5 and subsequently vitrified in open or closed systems and 60 Day 3 biopsied embryos that developed to blastocysts but were rejected for transfer following preimplantation genetic testing for monogenic/single gene defects and for aneuploidies were either treated fresh [n = 20] or vitrified [n = 40] in open or closed systems) and following warming and culture for 4 h were subjected to viability staining with carboxyfluorescein-diacetate succinimidylester/propidium iodide or processed for transmission electron microscopy.
Results: No statistically significant differences were observed in the viability of human biopsied embryos following vitrification in open and closed systems. Compared to fresh embryos, vitrified ones had a higher incidence of damage (propidium iodide-stained cells) irrespective of the vitrification method (P = 0.