Boar semen analysis includes sperm motility, concentration, morphology and other more complex analyses such as membrane integrity, DNA damage and seminal plasma components. This study aims to summarize these numerous data by linear combinations of them, to classify ejaculates in several categories (clusters) and to investigate the potential differences among clusters on fertility and prolificacy. Young Pietrain boars (23 ± 3.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLimited molecular data exist on the prevalence and subtype distribution of spp., the most prevalent parasite in human and animal feces worldwide. A total of 44 different subtypes (STs) of are currently recognized based on the sequence of the small subunit ribosomal RNA () gene.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOne of the main challenges for the sustainability and productivity of the Spanish swine industry is health instability, resulting in significant economic losses. Information on the main swine diseases which affect the Spanish pig industry could help in optimizing the efforts within control programs. This study determined the frequency of occurrence of the main diseases in Spain and the main control tool used, based on perceptions from veterinarians and consultants in a specific survey.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFContagious ovine digital dermatitis (CODD) and footrot (FR), a sub-acute or acute necrotic (decaying) infectious disease involving the hoof and underlying tissues, pose economic challenges to herds in Spain and worldwide. The aetiological agent for FR is , while CODD is caused by pathogenic phylogroups. We detail the findings derived from the analysis by qPCR of 105 pooled samples from 100 ovine and five caprine herds in Spain and Portugal, alongside 15 samples from healthy flocks in order to identify , , spp.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Rectal temperature (RT) is the reference standard for clinical evaluation of body temperature in mammals. However, the use of a rectal thermometer to measure temperature can cause stress and other problems, especially in cats. There is a need for clinical techniques that reduce both stress and defensive behavior as part of the provision of better medical care.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFContagious ecthyma is a highly transmissible eruptive viral disease of the skin and mucosa of sheep and goats distributed worldwide. The treatment of orf lesions is usually based on the use of antiseptics and antibiotics for the management of presumptive secondary infections, increasing risks of antimicrobial resistance. The wound dressing formulation Tri-Solfen (TS) containing two local anaesthetics (lignocaine and bupivacaine), adrenaline and an antiseptic (cetrimide) in a gel formulation has been demonstrated to reduce suffering and enhance recovery in cattle and buffalo with oral and skin lesions due to foot-and-mouth disease virus infection and reduced the orf viral load in lambs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFProtocols for fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI) in swine reproduction can help increase genetic improvement and production efficiency. Different gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists have been developed to gain better control of follicular development, timing, and ovulation quality; therefore, they have been extensively used in FTAI protocols. This literature review resumes the most important characteristics of the physiology of follicular development and ovulation in sows, followed by a discussion about the hormonal alternatives available to induce ovulation (human chorionic gonadotropin, hCG; porcine luteinizing hormone, LH and GnRH agonists).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCoxiella burnetii is an intracellular bacterium causing human Q fever and reproductive disorders in domestic ruminants. We analyzed the occurrence of C. burnetii and co-infections with six other major pathogens causing abortion in sheep (1242 cases) and goat (371 cases) flocks from Spain and Portugal.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFsp. is known to be the most prevalent parasite in fecal samples of humans worldwide. In the present report, a case-control study (1:9.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe addition of melatonin in seminal extenders due to its antioxidant properties and its beneficial role in sperm preservation has been previously described, especially in seasonal species. The aim of this study was to study a potential seasonal effect based on photoperiod duration when adding a physiological concentration of melatonin in the canine ejaculate. A total of 24 ejaculates were obtained from 10 healthy dogs during the increasing photoperiod (from December 21 to June 21), whereas 12 ejaculates were collected from five healthy individuals during the decreasing photoperiod (from June 22 to December 20).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGilts produce less colostrum with lower immunoglobulin G concentration than multiparous sows do. An extra dose of colostrum (30 mL) from multiparous sows was administered to piglets from gilts to ascertain its effects on performance and health in farm conditions, especially in the smallest piglets (birth weight < 1.100 kg; Q1).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTooth resorption (TR; progressive destruction of hard dental tissues) varies in prevalence according to population, age, and country (29-66.1%). Our objective was twofold: describing the TR clinical presentation in Northeastern Spain, and studying 34 blood parameters to ascertain potential systemic effects associated with TR.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Orf is a highly contagious eruptive viral disease of the skin and mucosa of sheep and goats. Although vaccination with live or attenuated orf virus is the preferred option for disease control, the vaccine is unavailable in many countries. Treatment of orf lesions involves standard hygiene and in numerous cases, management of presumptive secondary infections with antibiotics, increasing risks of antimicrobial resistance (AMR).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFour hundred and ninety-eight culled sheep received at the Ruminant Clinical Service of the Veterinary Faculty of Zaragoza, Spain, were examined in life and after humanitarian sacrifice in order to reach the final diagnosis of the cause of culling and to evaluate the presence of caseous lymphadenitis (CLA) lesions. One hundred and forty-seven of the 498 studied animals (29.52%) showed CLA compatible lesions that were subsequently confirmed by isolation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThere has been development of an antiretrograde flow device (DARIO), for sheep cervical artificial insemination (CAI). There, however, needs to be optimization of sperm volume and concentration of insemination doses when the DARIO is used for CAI. Objectives were to compare fertility rates (proportion of ewes lambing as a result of CAI) when there was use of the DARIO for CAI: two sperm volumes containing equal numbers of spermatozoa: 0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe examined several procedures for surgical tail docking; with and without general anaesthesia (GA), including the use of a topical wound gel formulation to provide pain relief (PR) and improve healing after surgery, containing local anaesthetics lignocaine and bupivacaine, with cetrimide and adrenalin. Forty-four lambs were recruited into four equal cohorts: Groups A and C, the tail was excised with a scalpel without anaesthesia or stitches; Groups B and D, the tail was surgically excised and stitched under GA; Groups C and D wounds were immediately sprayed with PR. Behavioural observations identified that Groups A and C displayed significantly less pain-related behaviours than Groups B and D shortly after the procedure, especially if treated with PR.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction And Objectives: Our objective was to approximate the prevalence of mutations in candidate genes for familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) in a middle-aged Spanish population and to establish the predictive value of criteria for clinical suspicion in the detection of causative mutations.
Methods: Unrelated individuals aged ≥ 18 years from the Aragon Workers' Health Study (AWHS) with high low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and clinical suspicion of FH (participants with LDL-C concentrations above the 95th percentile, participants with premature cardiovascular disease and/or participants with high LDL-C [130 mg/dL] under statin therapy), assuming that any participant with FH exhibits at leats 1 trait, were selected and the LDLR, APOB, PCSK9, APOE, STAP1 and LDLRAP1 genes were sequenced by next generation sequencing technology.
Results: Of 5400 individuals from the AWHS, 4514 had complete data on lipid levels and lipid-lowering drugs, 255 participants (5.
The objective of this study was to collect preliminary data about tooth resorption (TR) from cats treated at the Odontology Service (September 2016-June 2018), part of a University Veterinary Hospital in Spain, with specific emphasis on TR distribution per tooth. Diagnosis was based on visual/tactile inspection and intraoral dental radiographs. This cross-sectional study was carried out on 59 adult cats (27 females, 32 males).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe aim with this study was to compare cervical (CAI; 3 × 10 spermatozoa/90 mL) and post-cervical (PCAI; 1.5 × 10 spermatozoa/45 mL) artificial insemination (AI) techniques for frequency of incidences (unsuccessful or difficult probe passage, backflow, metritis and bleeding), values for reproductive variables and duration of the procedure in gilts. There were 644 gilts (255-270 days old, weighing 150 ± 5 kg) randomly assigned to PCAI (n = 320) and CAI (n = 324) groups.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: Homogeneous development of temporal bone structures is explained by their ontogenic origin; tegmen tympani (TT) and superior semicircular canal (SSC) are related with the glenoid fossa at the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Therefore, our objective was to determine a possible relationship between TT status (dehiscence or integrity) and the roof of the glenoid fossa (RGF) thickness; SSC status has also been considered.
Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted in two tertiary hospitals on 95 patients (109 ears) presenting hypoacusia, facial palsy, vertigo, tinnitus, and other single or combined symptoms, and submitted to a thin-section multidetector-row computed axial tomography (CT) scan.
Oral health status was evaluated in 34 free-roaming cats that were submitted to a Trap-Neuter-Return program. Only 38.2% of individual cats showed oral disease.
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