Publications by authors named "Maria Sgambati"

To evaluate and improve the use of cancer trial end points that reflect the patient's own perspective, the National Cancer Institute organized an international conference, Patient-Reported Outcomes Assessment in Cancer Trials (PROACT), in 2006. The 13 preceding articles in this special issue of the Journal were commissioned in preparation for or in response to the PROACT conference, which was cosponsored by the American Cancer Society. Drawing from these articles and also commentary from the conference itself, this concluding report takes stock of what has been learned to date about the successes and challenges in patient-reported outcome (PRO) assessment in phase III, phase II, and symptom management trials in cancer and identifies ways to improve the scientific soundness, feasibility, and policy relevance of PROs in trials.

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Major findings are presented from a workshop on Quality of Life Assessment in Cancer Symptom Management Trials, sponsored by the National Cancer Institute. Data-driven research reports focused on 3 topics, 1) the rationale and utility of health-related quality of life (HRQOL) assessment, 2) conceptual models, and 3) measurement and design issues. Recommendations for including HRQOL assessment cited the potential value of: capturing additional treatment effects (eg, fatigue + depression); describing the patient experience; predicting patient prognosis; identifying potential adverse effects; observing interactions among symptoms; calculating quality adjusted survival and cost-effectiveness; and generating new hypotheses.

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Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) accounts for about 30% of all leukaemias and is most prevalent in older individuals. Significant familial aggregation has been demonstrated but the mode of inheritance is unknown. Recurrent cytogenetic abnormalities are frequently found in CLL tumour cells but no susceptibility genes have been confirmed.

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Background: Among all hematologic malignancies, B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (BCLL) has the highest familial clustering (three- to sevenfold increase), strongly suggesting a genetic component to its etiology. Familial BCLL can be used as a model to study the early pathogenesis of this disease.

Methods: We examined nine kindreds from the National Cancer Institute's Familial BCLL Registry, consisting of 19 affected members with BCLL and 33 clinically unaffected first-degree relatives.

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