This article presents the case of a 22-year-old woman at 29 weeks of pregnancy, who exhibited recent onset neurologic symptoms including paresthesia of the right side of the face, involuntary myoclonic movements in the ipsilateral hand, 1 week of weakness in the right side of the body, and imaging features that were highly suggestive of a brain tumor diagnosis. A challenging decision making process was conducted by a team of multidisciplinary experts, leading to a consensus on adopting a conservative approach involving the use of steroids and antiepileptic medications, to which the patient responded favorably. When the patient reached 34 weeks of pregnancy, a cesarean section was performed, without complications, with the delivery of a healthy premature newborn.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEncephaloceles are abnormal protrusions of brain tissue, meninges, and cerebrospinal fluid that result from defects in the skull base or cranial vault. These abnormalities can lead to seizure disorders and focal pharmacoresistant epilepsies. However, clinical suspicion and diagnosis are frequently delayed due to the significant challenges in interpreting initial imaging.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInflammatory diseases of the skin have a considerable high prevalence worldwide and negatively impact the patients' quality of life. First-line standard therapies for these conditions inherently entail important side effects when used long-term, particularly complicating the management of chronic cases. Therefore, there is a need to develop novel therapeutic strategies to offer reliable alternative treatments.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAim: To evaluate the impact of aldosterone excess on renal function in individuals with primary aldosteronism and to compare its evolution after surgery or mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist (MRA) treatment.
Methods: A multicentre, retrospective cohort study of primary aldosteronism patients in follow-up in 36 Spanish tertiary hospitals, who underwent specific treatment for primary aldosteronism (MRA or adrenalectomy).
Results: A total of 789 patients with primary aldosteronism were included, with a median age of 57.
Several drugs can be used for treating inflammatory skin pathologies like dermatitis and psoriasis. However, for the management of chronic and long-term cases, topical administration is preferred over oral delivery since it prevents certain issues due to systemic side effects from occurring. Cyclosporin A (CsA) has been used for this purpose; however, its high molecular weight (1202 Da) restricts the diffusion through the skin structure.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTidal marshes store large amounts of organic carbon in their soils. Field data quantifying soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks provide an important resource for researchers, natural resource managers, and policy-makers working towards the protection, restoration, and valuation of these ecosystems. We collated a global dataset of tidal marsh soil organic carbon (MarSOC) from 99 studies that includes location, soil depth, site name, dry bulk density, SOC, and/or soil organic matter (SOM).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe study of psychiatric and neurological diseases requires the substrate in which the disorders occur, that is, the nervous tissue. Currently, several types of human bio-specimens are being used for research, including postmortem brains, cerebrospinal fluid, induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, and induced neuronal (iN) cells. However, these samples are far from providing a useful predictive, diagnostic, or prognostic biomarker.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) deficiency is a widespread condition because of its different aetiologies, like malabsorption syndrome or lifestyles as strict veganism that is increasing its incidence and prevalence in developed countries. It has important haematological consequences that require pharmacological treatment. Current therapy consists of oral or parenteral supplements of cyanocobalamin; however, the oral route is discarded for malabsorption syndrome patients and the parenteral route is not well accepted generally.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe CARD-BCL10-MALT1 (CBM) complex is critical for the proper assembly of human immune responses. The clinical and immunological consequences of deficiencies in some of its components such as CARD9, CARD11, and MALT1 have been elucidated in detail. However, the scarcity of BCL10 deficient patients has prevented gaining detailed knowledge about this genetic disease.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnn Intensive Care
November 2021
Purpose: To publish the Spanish translation of Version 12 of the sports injury classification system called Orchard Sports Injury Classification System and propose a modification to include a numerical code that reflects the impact of the injury on sports functionality.
Methods: The members of the working group on the epidemiology of sports injury, of the Group for the Study of the Muscle-Tendon System (GESMUTE), and of the Spanish Society of Sports Traumatology (SETRADE), carried out a bibliographical review on the epidemiological classification systems of injuries, 3 face-to-face consensus meetings, and various online pieces of work, following the Delphi work methodology.
Results: The Spanish translation of Version 12 of the Orchard Sports Injury Classification System is fully accessible and free of charge at https://gesmute.
Breast cancer is the most common and significant cancers in females regarding the loss of life quality. Similar to other cancers, one of the etiologic factors in breast cancer is DNA damage. A plethora of molecules are responsible for sensing DNA damage and mediating actions which lead to DNA repair, senescence, cell cycle arrest and if damage is unbearable to apoptosis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGrape extract-loaded fibre-enriched vesicles, nutriosomes, were prepared by combining antioxidant extracts obtained from grape pomaces and a prebiotic, soluble fibre (Nutriose®FM06). The nutriosomes were small in size (from ∼140 to 260 nm), homogeneous (polydispersity index < 0.2) and highly negative (∼ -79 mV).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn 2014, a child with broad combined immunodeficiency (CID) who was homozygous for a private BCL10 allele was reported to have complete inherited human BCL10 deficiency. In the present study, we report a new BCL10 mutation in another child with CID who was homozygous for a BCL10 variant (R88X), previously reported as a rare allele in heterozygosis (minor allele frequency, 0.000003986).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis research analyzes the use of natural shrimp shell and commercial chitin for biosorption of metal ions in surface runoff. Investigation of the use of these biosorbent materials in drainage systems becomes a management measure for two extremely important issues in Brazil, fish waste management and the surface runoff quality. Methodological procedures involved treatments with different amounts of unprocessed shrimp shell and commercial chitin (5g and 10g) for 200mL of a compensatory drainage mechanism (infiltration swale).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBreast cancer is a complex heterogeneous disease that is categorized into several histological and genomic subtypes with relevant prognostic and therapeutical implications. Such diversity requires a multidisciplinary approach for a comprehensive treatment that will involve surgeons, radiotherapists and medical oncologists. Breast cancer is classified as either local (or locoregional), which stands for 90-95% of cases, or metastatic, representing 5% of cases.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe potential anti-inflammatory effect of plant sterols (PS) enriched milk-based fruit beverages (PS, 1 g/100 mL) (MfB) with/without galactooligosaccharides (GOS, 2 g/100 mL) (MfB-G) in an experimental mice model of chronic ulcerative colitis was evaluated. Beverages were orally administered to mice every day by gavage to achieve PS and GOS doses of 35 and 90 mg/kg, respectively, and experimental colitis was induced by giving mice drinking water containing 2% (/) dextran sulphate sodium (DSS) for 7 days, alternating with periods without DSS up to the end of the study (56 days). MfB beverage showed significant reduction of symptoms associated to ulcerative colitis and improved the colon shortening and mucosal colonic damage, but it was not able to reduce the increase of myeloperoxidase levels produced by DSS.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCernunnos/XLF deficiency is a rare primary immunodeficiency classified within the DNA repair defects. Patients present with severe growth retardation, microcephaly, lymphopenia and increased cellular sensitivity to ionizing radiation. Here, we describe two unrelated cases with the same non-sense mutation in the gene showing significant differences in clinical presentation and immunological profile but a similar DNA repair defect.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFShikonin is the main active principle in the root of , widely used in traditional Chinese medicine for its anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties. Recent research highlights shikonin's antitumor properties and capacity to prevent acute ulcerative colitis. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the ability of shikonin to prevent, , the early phases of colorectal cancer development, with special focus on its cytotoxic mechanism .
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