We report the preparation of three neutral linear trinuclear Ni(II) complexes [Ni(LX)] (1-3) by self-assembly of Ni(II) ions and NO-tripodal Schiff base ligands, LX, which were obtained by condensation between the triamine tris(methylhydrazine)phosphorylsulfide and salicylaldehyde derivatives with substituents X=H (L1) (1), Br (L2) (2) and NO (L3) (3) in para position to the phenoxo group. Experimental magneto-structural studies carried out on these complexes indicate that the magnetic exchange interactions between the neighboring Ni(II) ions are ferromagnetic in nature, moderate in magnitude and clearly dependent of the electronic properties of the substituent in para position. Thus, the electron-withdrawing NO group decreases the ferromagnetic coupling, whereas the Br substituent, with small electronic effects, does not significantly vary the exchange coupling observed for the unsubstituted complex.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFChenopodium quinoa Willd. is a betalainic crop with remarkable tolerance to extreme environmental conditions. Despite numerous varieties grow at high altitudes, where UV-B radiation is intense, research on the effects of UV-B stress on this and related species is very scarce.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: This study compares field workers exposed to occupational conditions with non-field workers to determine the worsening of renal function (eGFR) in workers in the sugar industry.
Methods: The baseline examination occurred from September to December 2021 in Centro Poblado San Jacinto, Peru, involving 372 men aged 18-60. We compared kidney function between 219 field workers (cane cutters, seed cutters, and seeders) exposed to high heat stress and 153 non-field workers (factory and administrative) with low/no heat stress exposure.
Mangrove forests play an important role in climate change mitigation and adaptation, globally recognized as natural climate solution. The protection and restoration of mangrove ecosystems are especially important to Small Island Developing States, like Seychelles, due to their vulnerability to the impacts of climate change, such as sea level rise and tropical cyclones. Therefore, it is crucial for countries like Seychelles to develop baseline information on the status of their mangrove forests to guide conservation and management actions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHospital sewage is an ecosystem that facilitates the transfer of antibiotic and heavy metal resistance genes and the interaction of human and environmental bacteria. In this environment, we have detected the presence of 7 KPC-2 and BEL-1 co-producing E. coli isolates of two different clones over a 10-month period in the same hospital.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFour mononuclear Co complexes of formula [Co(L)(SCN)(CHOH)(HO)]·1.5HO·0.75CHOH (1), [Co(L1)Cl]·HO·2CHCN (2), [Co(L1)(SCN)]·1.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFQuinoa is a facultative halophyte with excellent tolerance to salinity. In this study, the epidermal bladder cell complex (EBCc) of quinoa leaves was studied to determine their cellular characteristics and involvement in salt tolerance. We used light microscopy, confocal RAMAN microscopy, confocal fluorescence microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and environmental scanning electron microscopy complemented by energy dispersive X-ray analysis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPublic health qualitative research has largely failed to achieve full inclusion of people with disabilities and Black people and Latinx/as. Although there is a small, but growing, community of academic researchers from each of these communities, there has been limited involvement of non-academic community members in research. While Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) has informed the inclusion of marginalized groups in research for decades, instances of full inclusion of disabled Black people and Latinx/as in public health research have been minimal.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFComp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol
January 2024
According to life-history theory, limited resources can result in trade-offs between costly physiological functions. Particularly, it can be expected that individuals present lower immune function, or an alternative immunological strategy, during their reproductive compared to their non-reproductive season. Here we investigate the link between reproduction and immunity in two sympatric marine fish species, the rockfish Sebastes oculatus and the sandperch Pinguipes brasilianus.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe COVID-19 pandemic impacted personal and professional life. For academics, research, teaching, and service tasks were upended and we all had to navigate the altered landscape. However, some individuals faced a disproportionate burden, particularly academics with minoritized identities or those who were early career, were caregivers, or had intersecting identities.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe synthesis, structure and magnetic properties of homometallic hexanuclear lanthanide complexes [Ln(HL)(tfa)(S)]·2NO· HO·MeOH (1, Ln = Gd, S = MeOH, = 0, = 0; 2, Ln = Tb, S = HO, = 2, = 2; 3, Ln = Dy, S = MeOH, = 0, = 2; 4, Ln = Er, S = MeOH, = 0, = 2). [(HL) = 6-((bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amino)-'-(2-hydroxybenzylidene)picolinohydrazide) (tfa = trifloroacetylacetone)] are reported. These hexanuclear assemblies are made up of two trinuclear triangular sub-units linked through the oxygen atoms of two phenoxide bridging groups in a corner sharing arrangement.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEnferm Infecc Microbiol Clin (Engl Ed)
May 2024
Introduction: Human intestinal spirochetosis (HIE) is a poorly studied clinical entity with variable clinical manifestations. However, in recent years it has gained special relevance because an increasing number of cases have been described in people living with HIV (PWH) and in patients with a history of sexually transmitted infections (STI) or immunosuppression.
Methods: Retrospective review of all HIE cases identified in a tertiary level hospital (Hospital Universitario la Paz, Madrid) between 2014 and 2021.
Unlabelled: Willd. is a crop species domesticated over 5000 years ago. This species is highly diverse, with a geographical distribution that covers more than 5000 km from Colombia to Chile, going through a variety of edaphoclimatic conditions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe replacement of pyridine by 1-methyl-imidazol in the arms of a N-tripodal ligand allows preparing two new Co complexes with quasi-ideal triangular prismatic geometry, which behave as SIMs (Single Ion Magnets) at zero dc field with enhanced axial magnetic anisotropy, magnetic relaxation times and magnetic hysteresis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The prognosis of patients with stage II and stage III colon cancer is heterogeneous. Clinical and pathological characteristics, such as tumor budding, may help to further refine the recurrence risk. Methods: We included all the patients with localized colon cancer at Hospital Universitario La Paz from October 2016 to October 2021.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Genetic testing for hereditary cancers is inconsistently applied within the healthcare systems in Latin America. In Peru, the prevalence and spectrum of cancer-predisposing germline variants is thus poorly characterized. Purpose: To determine the spectrum and prevalence of cancer-predisposing germline variants and variants of uncertain significance (VUS) in high-risk individuals located in a Peruvian low-resource setting city.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: The history of levothyroxine has been linked to advances in the treatment of thyroid disease and to date it is the standard therapy for the treatment of hypothyroidism. Bioequivalence studies are the most widely used method to demonstrate interchangeability, although controversy persists regarding the best design for this molecule declared as a narrow therapeutic index product in many countries. This study aimed to evaluate the pharmacokinetic profile of two formulations of levothyroxine to determine bioequivalence between them.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGlucocorticoids (GCs) are central mediators of vertebrate responses to intrinsic and extrinsic stimuli. Among the sources of variation in circulating GCs are transgenerational effects mediated by mothers. Here we studied potential maternal effects mediated by GCs on offspring phenotype in a live-bearing reptile, the western terrestrial garter snake (Thamnophis elegans).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA family of Mn(II)Ln(III) dinuclear and tetranuclear complexes (Ln = Gd and Dy) has been prepared from the compartmental ligands ,'-dimethyl-,'-bis(2-hydroxy-3-formyl-5-bromobenzyl)ethylenediamine (HL) and ,',''-trimethyl-,''-bis(2-hydroxy-3-methoxy-5-methylbenzyl)diethylenetriamine (HL). The Mn(II)Gd(III) complexes exhibit antiferromagnetic interactions between Mn(II) and Gd(III) ions in most cases, which are supported by Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations. Experimental magneto-structural correlations carried out for the reported complexes and other related complexes found in bibliography show that the highest ferromagnetic coupling constants are observed in di-μ-phenoxido bridged complexes, which is due to the planarity of the Mn-(μ-O)-Gd bridging fragment and to the high Mn-O-Gd angles.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA particularly concerning outcome of environmental pollution is the disturbance of reproductive processes. However, studies on the impacts of pollution on the reproductive health of fish inhabiting South American environments are limited. We studied the impact of anthropogenic pollution on the reproductive health of two sympatric Patagonian marine fish species with different reproductive strategies: the live-bearing rockfish Sebastes oculatus and the egg-laying Brazilian sandperch Pinguipes brasilianus.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe restoration of blue carbon ecosystems, such as mangrove forests, is increasingly used as a management tool to mitigate climate change by removing and sequestering atmospheric carbon in the ground. However, estimates of carbon-offset potential are currently based on data from natural mangrove forests, potentially leading to overestimating the carbon-offset potential from restored mangroves. Here, in the first study of its kind, we utilise Pb sediment age-dating techniques and greenhouse gas flux measures to estimate blue carbon additionality in restored mangrove forests, ranging from 13 to 35 years old.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMangroves are known to provide many ecosystem services, however there is little information on their potential role to cap and immobilise toxic levels of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH). Using an Australian case study, we investigated the capacity of planted mangroves (Avicennia marina) to immobilise TPH within a small embayment (Stony Creek, Victoria, Australia) subjected to minor oil spills throughout the 1980s. Mangroves were planted on the oil rich strata in 1984 to rehabilitate the site.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn reintroduction projects, an analysis of dispersal, exploratory movements and territorial behavior of the species concerned offers valuable information on the adaptive management of threatened species and provides a basis for the management of future reintroductions. This is the case of the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) an endemic and endangered species reintroduced in Extremadura (Spain) in 2014. We analysed spatial data from 32 individuals just after their reintroduction.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNumerous studies have unsuccessfully tried to unravel the definitive host of the coccidian parasite Besnoitia besnoiti. Cattle infections by B. besnoiti cause a chronic and debilitating condition called bovine besnoitiosis that has emerged in Europe during the last two decades, mainly due to limitations in its control associated with the absence of vaccines and therapeutical tools.
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