J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl)
September 2020
Nitrate ( ) supplementation is an effective methane (CH ) mitigation strategy for ruminants but may produce nitrite ( ) toxicity. It has been reported that rumen protozoa have greater ability for and reduction than bacteria. It was hypothesised that the absence of ruminal protozoa in sheep may lead to higher accumulation in the rumen and a higher blood methaemoglobin (MetHb) concentration.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Anim Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl)
November 2019
Nitrate (NO ) is an effective non-protein nitrogen source for gut microbes and reduces enteric methane (CH ) production in ruminants. Nitrate is reduced to ammonia by rumen bacteria with nitrite (NO ) produced as an intermediate. The absorption of NO can cause methaemoglobinaemia in ruminants.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: To study the efficacy of interferon beta (IFNβ) and glatiramer acetate (GA) related to the presence of oligoclonal M bands (OCMB) in the cerebrospinal fluid in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS).
Method: This is an observational, multicenter and retrospective study with prospectively collected data of patients that started treatment with IFNβ or GA. Treatment decision was made blinded to the OCMB status.
Background: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are non-coding RNAs that regulate cellular processes by controlling protein translation and mRNA degradation.
Objective: We aimed to explore the miRNA signature of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients versus controls and the possibility that patients with lipid-specific oligolconal IgM bands (LS_OCMB), a predictor of a more severe disease course, may have a distinct profile.
Methods: An extensive profile of 754 miRNAs was evaluated in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of 14 women using TaqMan low-density arrays.