Publications by authors named "Maria Fernanda Hornos-Carneiro"

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a multifactorial neurodegenerative disease with manifold underlying pathophysiological mechanisms. Therefore, multitarget-directed ligands potentially offer beneficial therapeutic effects compared with classical therapies. Dual targeting of the histamine H receptor (HR) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is a valid strategy for the treatment of AD.

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  • This study investigated the potential of the edible mushroom Agaricus bisporus to reduce the harmful effects of lead (Pb) on C. elegans, a model organism.
  • A dose-response and co-exposure study showed that when C. elegans were exposed to both Pb and high doses of Agaricus bisporus, they had better survival rates, reproductive success, and movement compared to those exposed to Pb alone.
  • The findings suggest that Agaricus bisporus could help detoxify lead, indicating its potential use as a natural antioxidant to protect reproductive health from toxic substances like lead.
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The increase of plastic production together with the incipient reuse/recycling system has resulted in massive discards into the environment. This has facilitated the formation of micro- and nanoplastics (MNPs) which poses major risk for environmental health. Although some studies have investigated the effects of pristine MNPs on reproductive health, the effects of weathered MNPs have been poorly investigated.

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This chapter focuses on preclinical and clinical studies conducted in recent years that contribute to increasing knowledge on the role of Coenzyme Q10 in female reproductive health. General aspects of CoQ10, such as its role as an antioxidant and in mitochondrial bioenergetics are considered. The age-dependent decline in human female reproductive potential is associated with cellular mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress, and in some cases accompanied by a decrease in CoQ10 levels.

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Although the molecular mechanisms underlying methylmercury toxicity are not entirely understood, the observed neurotoxicity in early-life is attributed to the covalent binding of methylmercury to sulfhydryl (thiol) groups of proteins and other molecules being able to affect protein post-translational modifications from numerous molecular pathways, such as glutamate signaling, heat-shock chaperones and the antioxidant glutaredoxin/glutathione system. However, for other organomercurials such as ethylmercury or thimerosal, there is not much information available. Therefore, this review critically discusses current knowledge about organomercurials neurotoxicity-both methylmercury and ethylmercury-following intrauterine and childhood exposure, as well as the prospects and future needs for research in this area.

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The intensive shift on land cover by anthropogenic activities have led to changes in natural habitats and environmental contamination, which can ultimately impact and threat biodiversity and ecosystem services, such as pollination. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of native forest and human-modified land covers on the concentrations of chemical elements accumulated in the neotropical pollinator bee T. angustula.

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Exposure to bisphenol A (BPA) and bisphenol S (BPS) has been associated with the development of metabolic disorders, such as obesity, dyslipidemias, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Nonetheless, the associated mechanisms are still not fully understood. BPS is being used with no restrictions to replace BPA, which increases the concern regarding its safety and claims for further investigation on its potential mechanisms of toxicity.

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Endocrine-disrupting chemicals are ubiquitously present in our environment, but the mechanisms by which they adversely affect human reproductive health and strategies to circumvent their effects remain largely unknown. Here, we show in that supplementation with the antioxidant Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) rescues the reprotoxicity induced by the widely used plasticizer and endocrine disruptor bisphenol A (BPA), in part by neutralizing DNA damage resulting from oxidative stress. CoQ10 significantly reduces BPA-induced elevated levels of germ cell apoptosis, phosphorylated checkpoint kinase 1 (CHK-1), double-strand breaks (DSBs), and chromosome defects in diakinesis oocytes.

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The present study evaluates the effects of low-level long-term exposure to bisphenol A (BPA) and bisphenol S (BPS) on serum biochemical markers, glucose homeostasis, mitochondrial energy metabolism, biogenesis and dynamics, and redox status in livers of Wistar rats. While only the exposure to BPS induces a significant body mass gain after 21 weeks, both compounds alter serum lipid levels and lead to the development of glucose intolerance. Regarding mitochondrial metabolism, both bisphenols augment the electron entry by complex II relative to complex I in the mitochondrial respiratory chain (MRC), and reduce mitochondrial content; BPA reduces OXPHOS capacity and uncouples respiration (relative to maximal capacity of MRC) but promotes a significant increase in fatty acid oxidation.

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The aim of the study was to evaluate if gold-coated superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (AuSPION) magnetic-targeted to the arthritic articulation of collagen induced arthritis (CIA) rats are able to ameliorate rheumatoid arthritis without producing significant biological adverse effects in comparison to colloidal Au nanoparticles (AuC) and metotrexate (MTX). Male Wistar rats were divided into control; arthritic; AuSPION (150 μg kg); AuC (150 μg kg) and MTX (2.5 μg kg).

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Humans and animals can be exposed to different chemical forms of mercury (Hg) in the environment. For example, methylmercury (MeHg)-contaminated fish is part of the basic diet of the riparian population in the Brazilian Amazon Basin, which leads to high total blood and plasma Hg levels in people living therein. Hg induces toxic effects mainly through oxidative stress.

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Vehicles play an important role in modern life; however, they also generate hazards. Occupational exposed subjects are in long-term contact with harmful products, which sets these professionals in a susceptible group to air pollutant damage. The aims of this study were to quantify individual exposure to pollutant gases and chemical elements and to evaluate oxidative and genetic damage in professional motorcyclists and office workers.

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  • Arsenic, cadmium, and mercury are toxic elements that can lead to various illnesses, including hypertension.
  • The review outlines several proposed mechanisms linking exposure to these metals and hypertension, such as oxidative stress, impaired nitric oxide signaling, and renal damage.
  • It emphasizes the need for further epidemiological studies to explore how factors like age, gender, and lifestyle affect the relationship between metal exposure and hypertension.
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The increasing production of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) and titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiONPs) has resulted in their elevated concentrations in the environment. This study was, therefore, aimed at determining the distribution, redox parameters, and genotoxic effects in male Wistar rats that were treated with either AgNP or TiONP individually, as well as under a co-exposure scenario. Animals were exposed via oral gavage to either sodium citrate buffer (vehicle), 0.

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Selenium (Se) is an essential trace element involved in several biological pathways, naturally found in rocks, soils, and food. Even though the daily requirement of Se is achieved through a balanced diet, the use of Se supplements has been frequent. Due to the risk of toxic effects of having Se in excess, supplementation is still under debate.

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The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of tree barks as a bioindicator of atmospheric pollution in areas of contrasting population densities and to associate the levels of elements found in this bioindicator with those obtained in fingernail samples collected from students living in the same study areas. Tree bark samples were collected from urban areas near highways in regions with high (Area A), intermediate (Area B), and low (Area C) population densities of Porto Alegre, Brazil, and evaluated for chemical elements concentration. Since these areas also differed in traffic density, NO was measured by passive sampling.

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Gold (Au) compounds have been utilized as effective therapeutic agents for the treatment of some inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. However, Au compound use has become limited due to associated high incidence of side effects. Recent development of nanomaterials for therapeutic use with Au-containing drugs is improving the beneficial actions and reducing toxic properties of these agents.

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This study investigates the potential beneficial effects of niacin (NA; vitamin B3) supplementation in rats chronically exposed to methylmercury (MeHg). Animals were randomly assigned to one of 4 groups (n = 6): Group I, control, received distilled water by gavage; Group II, received MeHg (100 µg/kg/d) by gavage; Group III, received NA (50 mg/kg/d) in drinking water; Group IV, received MeHg (100 µg/kg/d) by gavage + NA (50 mg/kg/d) in drinking water. Biochemical parameters levels of glucose, triglycerides, total cholesterol and fractions, and enzyme activities aspartate transaminase (AST) and alanine transaminase (ALT) were determined.

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The extension of pollutant accumulation in plant leaves associated with its genotoxicity is a common approach to predict the quality of outdoor environments. However, this approach has not been used to evaluate the environmental quality of outdoor smoking areas. This study aims to evaluate the effects of environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) by assessing particulate matter 2.

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Thimerosal (TM) is an ethylmercury (etHg)-containing preservative used in some vaccines despite very limited knowledge on the kinetics and direct interaction/effects in mammals׳ tissues after exposure. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the kinetics of Hg species in mice in a time course analysis after intramuscular injection of TM, by estimating Hg half-lives in blood and tissues. Mice were exposed to one single intramuscular dose of 20 µg of Hg as TM.

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Asthma is a multifactorial disease and its severity varies with the inflammatory status of the patient. It has been hypothesized that deficiency of trace elements has an important role in the etiology of asthma. The aim of the study was to evaluate the concentration of trace elements in nails of adolescents with different degrees of airway inflammation.

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Thimerosal is an ethyl mercury-containing compound used mainly in vaccines as a bactericide. Although the kidney is a key target for mercury toxicity, thimerosal nephrotoxicity has not received the same attention as other mercury species. The aim of this study was to determine the potential cytotoxic mechanisms of thimerosal on human kidney cells.

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Methylmercury, organic form of mercury, can increase the number of abnormal sperm and decrease sperm concentration and testosterone levels possibly due to the damage caused by reactive species to germ and Leydig cells. Maná-cubiu (Solanum sessiliflorum Dunal) is a native fruit from Amazon rich in iron, zinc, niacin, pectin, and citric acid, used in foods, beverages, and medicinal purposes, since it has been useful for treatment of various diseases caused by oxidative stress or nutritional deficiency. Therefore, this study evaluated the phytoremediation potential of this fruit on damages caused by exposure to MeHg on sperm quantity and quality and the histological aspect of the testis and epididymis.

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This study aimed to determine the concentrations of plasma methylmercury (Me-Hg) and inorganic mercury (I-Hg) in a population exposed to Me-Hg. In addition, associations between each form of mercury (Hg) and gender, age, plasma selenium (Se), and oxidative stress markers were also investigated. The mean plasma I-Hg level was 5.

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