Publications by authors named "Maria F Ortuno"

The use of reclaimed water is considered an efficient tool for agricultural irrigation; however, the high salinity associated to this water could compromise plant quality and yields. Balm and spearmint plants were submitted for 15 days to three irrigation treatments in a controlled chamber: control with EC: 1.2 dS m (control), reclaimed water from secondary effluent (EC: 1.

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species can form ectomycorrhizae and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus that can bring benefits when plants are under water stress conditions. However, the application of some ectomycorrhizae on the water uptake under drought through physiological traits and hormonal regulation is less known. The experiment was performed during three months in a growth chamber with plants in which the combined effect of the ectomycorrhiza inoculation and two irrigation treatments (control and water-stressed plants) were applied.

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Organic residues (compost) can be used as growth medium but may contain phytotoxic ions that, combined with a water deficit may alter the behavior of plants. The experiment was carried out in a growth chamber with Cistus albidus in a commercial substrate, C (sphagnum peat, coconut fiber and perlite, 8:7:1) and a mixture of compost substrates, Cp (slurry compost, coconut fiber and perlite, 3:6:1). Plants were grown in pots under well-watered, maintaining values of Ψ around -0.

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Myrtus communis, an important Mediterranean ornamental shrub, was used to study the effect of irrigation water with different chemical compositions in the plant response. A treatment with NaCl was used to establish the plant resistance to high salinity at long term. Plants were subjected to four irrigation treatments with drainage for three months: Control (0.

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Nowadays, irrigation with low quality water is becoming an alternative to satisfy the needs of crops. However, some plant species have to deal with high salinity of reclaimed water, by adapting their physiological behaviour during both saline and recovery periods and developing morphological changes in their leaves. The application of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) could also be a suitable option to mitigate the negative effects of this kind of water, although the effectiveness of plant-AMF association is influenced by many factors.

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Currently, irrigation using recycled water is increasing, especially in semiarid environments, but a potential problem of using reclaimed wastewater is its elevated salt levels. The application of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) could be a suitable option to mitigate the negative effects produced by the salinity. In this work, the combined effect of Glomus iranicum var.

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For 20 weeks, the physiological responses of Euonymus japonica plants to different irrigation sources were studied. Four irrigation treatments were applied at 100 % water holding capacity: control (electrical conductivity (EC) <0.9 dS m(-1)); irrigation water normally used in the area (irrigator's water) IW (EC: 1.

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Background: Iron (Fe) chlorosis is a serious problem affecting the yield and quality of numerous crops and fruit trees cultivated in alkaline/calcareous soils. This paper describes the efficiency of a new class of natural hetero-ligand Fe(III) chelates (Fe-NHL) to provide available Fe for chlorotic lemon trees grown in alkaline/calcareous soils. These chelates involve the participation in the reaction system of a partially humified lignin-based natural polymer and citric acid.

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The early (2-4 d) effects of slowly imposed soil water deficit on Lupinus albus photosynthetic performance, carbon metabolism, and hormonal balance in different organs (leaf blade, stem stele, stem cortex, and root) were evaluated on 23-d-old plants (growth chamber assay). Our work shows that several metabolic adjustments occurred prior to alteration of the plant water status, implying that water deficit is perceived before the change in plant water status. The slow, progressive decline in soil water content started to be visible 3 d after withholding water (3 DAW).

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Background: This study was designed to describe the phenolic status of lemon juice obtained from fruits of lemon trees differing in iron (Fe) nutritional status. Three types of Fe(III) compound were used in the experiment, namely a synthetic chelate and two complexes derived from natural polymers of humic and lignine nature.

Results: All three Fe(III) compounds were able to improve the Fe nutritional status of lemon trees, though to different degrees.

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This work reports the development and application of a negative ion mode online LC-ESI-MS method for studying the effect of water deficit on the carbohydrate content of Lupinus albus stems, using a porous graphitic carbon (PGC) stationary phase and an ion trap mass spectrometer. Using this method, separation and detection of several water soluble carbohydrates, ranging from mono-, di-, and oligosaccharides (raffinose, stachyose, and verbascose) to sugar alcohols was achieved in approximately 10 min. This on-line PGC-LC-ESI-MS method shows good linearity with correlation coefficients R(2)>0.

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