Introduction: Hemorrhagic shock requires immediate treatment to prevent mortality and organ dysfunction. This study evaluates the efficacy of methylene blue (MB) with blood transfusion (BT) as a potential rescue therapy in acute severe bleeding in pigs.
Methods: Thirty animals were randomly assigned to one of six groups following the induction of fixed-pressure hemorrhagic shock, after reaching a mean arterial pressure (MAP) of 55 mmHg - Group 1 (60 BT: BT after 60 minutes), Group 2 (60 MB: MB infusion after 60 minutes), Group 3 (60 MB + BT: MB and BT after 60 minutes), Group 4 (15 MB + BT: MB and BT after 15 minutes), Group 5 (15 BT + 60 MB: BT after 15 minutes and MB infusion after 60 minutes), and Group 6 (15 MB + 60 BT: MB infusion after 15 minutes and BT after 60 minutes).
Introduction: There are many reasons to believe that the nitric oxide/guanosine 3'5' - cyclic monophosphate (or NO/cGMP) pathway on vasoplegic states is underestimated. To study indigo carmine (IC) as an alternative to methylene blue was the investigation rationale.
Methods: The IC (3mg/kg intravenous infusion) study protocol included five experimental groups; 1) Control group - saline was injected at 0 and 10 minutes; 2) IC group - IC was injected at 0 and saline at 10 minutes; 3) compound 48/80 (C48/80) group - C48/80 was injected at 0 minute and saline at 10 minutes; 4) C48/80 + IC group - C48/80 was injected at 0 minute and IC at 10 minutes; and 5) IC + C48/80 group - IC was injected at 0 minute and C48/80 at 10 minutes.