The paca (Cuniculus paca, Linnaeus 1766) is a rodent species, typical of tropical regions. It is important that in addition to its commercial value as a protein source, it can be used as a scientific scope. The objective of this study was to describe the morphology of the thigh and the arm of the paca by anatomical and imaging methodology with radiography (X-ray), computed tomography (CAT scan) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to determine the surgical approach of the bones of these regions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe tested FSHp, eCG and FSHp + eCG to establish ovum pick-up (OPU) and in vitro maturation method in spotted paca. Eight healthy adult females were subjected to each of four treatments to stimulate ovarian follicular growth. All females were subjected to a hormonal protocol using a single dose of 45 mg of injectable progesterone and single intramuscular injection of 0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAn Acad Bras Cienc
March 2018
The germinative, Sertoli and Leydig cells of two caviomorph rodents (Cavia porcellus and Dasyprocta agouti) were counted as well as the estimation of the total volume of the testis and the total volume of seminiferous tubules and interstitium in prepubertal, pubertal and adult animals. The number of spermatogonia, spermatocytes and spermatids cells increased during the pubertal phase in both rodents, notably the spermatid cells. The spermatocyte and spermatid slightly decreased in the adult of both rodents, but the increment in spermatogonia cells number was seen, mainly in cutias.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe majority of neuroanatomical and chemical studies of the olfactory bulb have been performed in small rodents, such as rats and mice. Thus, this study aimed to describe the organisation and the chemical neuroanatomy of the main olfactory bulb (MOB) in paca, a large rodent belonging to the Hystricomorpha suborder and Caviomorpha infraorder. For this purpose, histological and immunohistochemical procedures were used to characterise the tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and calretinin (CR) neuronal populations and their distribution.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe spotted paca is the second largest rodent in Brazil, where it is of great economic interest in impoverished regions in view of its prominence as a low-cost source of protein. Little is known about the morphology of the accessory genital glands of this species. Thus, we studied the position and morphology of the genitals in ten adult male spotted pacas.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEcotoxicol Environ Saf
September 2012
Pharmacochemicals usage in fish farming disease treatment can cause morphological and functional changes in absorption capacity, metabolism and excretion organs. The aim of this research was to evaluate the histopathological biomarkers in the gills, liver, kidney and skin of pacu (P. mesopotamicus), which have been infected with A.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn this study the main question investigated was the number and size of both binucleate and mononucleate superior cervical ganglion (SCG) neurons and, whether post-natal development would affect these parameters. Twenty left SCGs from 20 male pacas were used. Four different ages were investigated, that is newborn (4 days), young (45 days), adult (2 years), and aged animals (7 years).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFunctional asymmetry has been reported in sympathetic ganglia. Although there are few studies reporting on body side-related morphoquantitative changes in sympathetic ganglion neurons, none of them have used design-based stereological methods to address this issue during post-natal development. We therefore aimed at detecting possible asymmetry-related effects on the quantitative structure of the superior cervical ganglion (SCG) from pacas during ageing, using very precise design-based stereological methods.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFReprod Biol Endocrinol
February 2005
Background: The paca is a South American rodent with potential as a commercial food animal. We examined paca placenta as part of a wider effort to understand the reproductive biology of this species.
Methods: Thirteen specimens between midgestation and term of pregnancy were studied by light and transmission electron microscopy.
The macro- and microstructures of the rabbit celiac-mesenteric ganglion complex are described in 20 young animals. We found ten celiac ganglia, twenty-seven cranial mesenteric ganglia and eleven celiac-mesenteric ganglia. The celiac ganglia had a rectangular shape in nine cases (90%) and a circular one in one case (10%).
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