Background: The use of insoles, which is increasingly widespread, can promote changes in biomechanics during running.
Research Question: Can the use of insoles with various patterns of infracapital support influence factors related to the dynamic stability of the lower limbs during running on a treadmill in recreational runners?
Methods: This is controlled single-blind repeated measures. Static baropodometric data were collected, as well as kinematic data for the lower limbs and electromyographic data for the gluteus maximus and gluteus medius muscles, for twelve recreational runners on a treadmill using four models of insoles (neutral and with forefoot elements - infracapital bar).
Acta Ortop Bras
January 2021
Objective: To analyze the effects of neuromuscular electrical stimulation of the femoral quadriceps associated or not with whey protein supplementation on the electromyographic activity and body mass distribution in volunteers undergoing anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.
Methods: 24 volunteers were randomly divided into three groups: basal control, whey protein in association with neuromuscular electrical stimulation, and neuromuscular electrical stimulation alone.
Results: In the postoperative evaluation, during the mini squat, the basal group showed a decrease in the electromyographic activity of the vastus medialis (p = 0.