Mitochondria are central to cellular bioenergetics, with the unique ability to translate and transcribe a subset of their own proteome. Given the critical importance of energy production, mitochondria seem to utilize higher-order nucleic acid structures to regulate gene expression, much like nuclei. Herein, we introduce a tailored approach to probe the formation of such structures, specifically G-quadruplexes, within intact mitochondria using sensitivity-enhanced dynamic nuclear polarization-supported solid-state NMR (DNP-ssNMR).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInstruct-ERIC, "the European Research Infrastructure Consortium for Structural biology research," is a pan-European distributed research infrastructure making high-end technologies and methods in structural biology available to users. Here, we describe the current state-of-the-art of integrated structural biology and discuss potential future scientific developments as an impulse for the scientific community, many of which are located in Europe and are associated with Instruct. We reflect on where to focus scientific and technological initiatives within the distributed Instruct research infrastructure.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCross-linking, also called tanning, improves mechanical properties of leather and also increases its enzymatic and thermal stability. As a final product, leather has an ultimate tensile strength (σ) of 8-25 MPa and an elongation at break (ε) of >30 %. Mycelium-based materials are a sustainable alternative to leather.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVisualizing a protein's molecular motions has been a long standing topic of research in the biophysics community. Largely this has been done by exploiting nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR), and arguably no protein's molecular motions have been better characterized by NMR than that of ubiquitin (Ub), a 76 amino acid polypeptide essential in ubiquitination-a key regulatory system within cells. Herein, we discuss ubiquitin's conformational plasticity as visualized, at atomic resolution, by more than 35 years of NMR work.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHumins, (side-)products of the acid-catalysed dehydration of carbohydrates, will be produced in substantial quantities with the development of industrial biorefining processes. Most structural knowledge about such humins is based on synthetic model humins prepared at lab-scale from typical carbohydrate(-derived) compounds. Here, we report the first extensive characterisation study of an industrial humin.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe ability to adapt to osmotically diverse and fluctuating environments is critical to the survival and resilience of bacteria that colonize the human gut and urinary tract. Environmental stress often provides cross-protection against other challenges and increases antibiotic tolerance of bacteria. Thus, it is critical to understand how E.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAntimicrobial resistance is a leading cause of mortality, calling for the development of new antibiotics. The fungal antibiotic plectasin is a eukaryotic host defence peptide that blocks bacterial cell wall synthesis. Here, using a combination of solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance, atomic force microscopy and activity assays, we show that plectasin uses a calcium-sensitive supramolecular killing mechanism.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSensitivity enhanced dynamic nuclear polarization solid-state NMR is emerging as a powerful technique for probing the structural properties of conformationally homogenous and heterogenous biomolecular species irrespective of size at atomic resolution within their native environments. Herein we detail advancements that have made acquiring such data, specifically within the confines of intact bacterial and eukaryotic cell a reality and further discuss the type of structural information that can presently be garnered by the technique's exploitation. Subsequently, we discuss bottlenecks that have thus far curbed cellular DNP-ssNMR's broader adoption namely due a lack of sensitivity and spectral resolution.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMicrotubules (MTs) are key components of the eukaryotic cytoskeleton and are essential for intracellular organization, organelle trafficking and mitosis. MT tasks depend on binding and interactions with MT-associated proteins (MAPs). MT-associated protein 7 (MAP7) has the unusual ability of both MT binding and activating kinesin-1-mediated cargo transport along MTs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWhile plastics-to-plastics recycling melting and re-extrusion is often the preferred option due to a relatively low CO footprint, this technique requires a highly sorted waste stream and plastic properties can often not be maintained. Obtaining aromatics, such as benzene, toluene, and xylene (BTX), catalytic pyrolysis of polyolefins, such as polypropylene and polyethylene, offers another attractive recycling technology. In this process, a discarded crude oil refinery catalyst (ECAT) was previously shown to lower the unwanted formation of deactivating coke species compared to a fresh crude oil refinery catalyst (FCC-cat), while yielding 20 wt% aromatics from polypropylene.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe cell wall fulfils several functions in the biology of fungi. For instance, it provides mechanical strength, interacts with the (a)biotic environment, and acts as a molecular sieve. Recently, it was shown that proteins and β-glucans in the cell wall of bind Cu.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFStudying the structural aspects of proteins within sub-cellular compartments is of growing interest. Dynamic nuclear polarization supported solid-state NMR (DNP-ssNMR) is uniquely suited to provide such information, but critically lacks the desired sensitivity and resolution. Here we utilize SNAPol-1, a novel biradical, to conduct DNP-ssNMR at high-magnetic fields (800 MHz/527 GHz) inside HeLa cells and isolated cell nuclei electroporated with [C,N] labeled ubiquitin.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAntimicrobial resistance is a leading mortality factor worldwide. Here, we report the discovery of clovibactin, an antibiotic isolated from uncultured soil bacteria. Clovibactin efficiently kills drug-resistant Gram-positive bacterial pathogens without detectable resistance.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn the last three decades, the scope of solid-state NMR has expanded to exploring complex biomolecules, from large protein assemblies to intact cells at atomic-level resolution. This diversity in macromolecules frequently features highly flexible components whose insoluble environment precludes the use of solution NMR to study their structure and interactions. While High-resolution Magic-Angle Spinning (HR-MAS) probes offer the capacity for gradient-based H-detected spectroscopy in solids, such probes are not commonly used for routine MAS NMR experiments.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe microtubule-associated protein 7 (MAP7) is a protein involved in cargo transport along microtubules (MTs) by interacting with kinesin-1 through the C-terminal kinesin-binding domain. Moreover, the protein is reported to stabilize MT, thereby playing a key role in axonal branch development. An important element for this latter function is the 112 amino-acid long N-terminal microtubule-binding domain (MTBD) of MAP7.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHigh strength, hardness, and fracture toughness are mechanical properties that are not commonly associated with the fleshy body of a fungus. Here, we show with detailed structural, chemical, and mechanical characterization that is an exception, and its architectural design is a source of inspiration for an emerging class of ultralightweight high-performance materials. Our findings reveal that .
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCellular dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) has been an effective means of overcoming the intrinsic sensitivity limitations of solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (ssNMR) spectroscopy, thus enabling atomic-level biomolecular characterization in native environments. Achieving DNP signal enhancement relies on doping biological preparations with biradical polarizing agents (PAs). Unfortunately, PA performance within cells is often limited by their sensitivity to the reductive nature of the cellular lumen.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Struct Biol X
September 2022
For almost five decades, solid-state NMR (ssNMR) has been used to study complex biomolecular systems. This article gives a view on how ssNMR methods and applications have evolved during this time period in a broader structural biology context. It also discusses possible directions for additional developments and the future role of ssNMR in a life science context and beyond.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSolid-state NMR (ssNMR) spectroscopy facilitates the non-destructive characterization of structurally heterogeneous biomolecules in their native setting, for example, comprising proteins, lipids and polysaccharides. Here we demonstrate the utility of high and ultra-high field H-detected fast MAS ssNMR spectroscopy, which exhibits increased sensitivity and spectral resolution, to further elucidate the atomic-level composition and structural arrangement of the cell wall of Schizophyllum commune, a mushroom-forming fungus from the Basidiomycota phylum. These advancements allowed us to reveal that Cu(II) ions and the antifungal peptide Cathelicidin-2 mainly bind to cell wall proteins at low concentrations while glucans are targeted at high metal ion concentrations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAngew Chem Int Ed Engl
August 2022
Membrane proteins are known to exert many essential biological functions by forming complexes in cell membranes. An example refers to the β-barrel assembly machinery (BAM), a 200 kDa pentameric complex containing BAM proteins A-E that catalyzes the essential process of protein insertion into the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria. While progress has been made in capturing three-dimensional structural snapshots of the BAM complex, the role of the lipoprotein BamC in the complex assembly in functional lipid bilayers has remained unclear.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe xanthophyll cycle in the antenna of photosynthetic organisms under light stress is one of the most well-known processes in photosynthesis, but its role is not well understood. In the xanthophyll cycle, violaxanthin (Vio) is reversibly transformed to zeaxanthin (Zea) that occupies Vio binding sites of light-harvesting antenna proteins. Higher monomer/trimer ratios of the most abundant light-harvesting protein, the light-harvesting complex II (LHCII), usually occur in Zea accumulating membranes and have been observed in plants after prolonged illumination and during high-light acclimation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) is a powerful method to enhance the sensitivity of solid-state magnetic nuclear resonance (ssNMR) spectroscopy. However, its biomolecular applications at high magnetic fields (preferably>14 T) have so far been limited by the intrinsically low efficiency of polarizing agents and sample preparation aspects. Herein, we report a new class of trityl-nitroxide biradicals, dubbed SNAPols that combine high DNP efficiency with greatly enhanced hydrophilicity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn this chapter, we describe the preparatory and spectroscopic procedures for conducting solid-state NMR experiments on microtubules (MTs) obtained from human cells and their complexes with microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs). Next to labeling and functional assembly of MTs and MT-MAP complexes, we discuss solid-state NMR approaches, including fast MAS and hyperpolarization methods that can be used to examine these systems. Such studies can provide novel insight into the dynamic properties of MTs and MT-MAP complexes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHerein, we investigate a novel set of polarizing agents-mixed-valence compounds-by theoretical and experimental methods and demonstrate their performance in high-field dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) NMR experiments in the solid state. Mixed-valence compounds constitute a group of molecules in which molecular mobility persists even in solids. Consequently, such polarizing agents can be used to perform Overhauser-DNP experiments in the solid state, with favorable conditions for dynamic nuclear polarization formation at ultra-high magnetic fields.
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