Objectives: Dendritic cells (DCs) are among the first cells to encounter HIV after mucosal exposure and can bind virus via C-type lectin receptors (CLRs). Here, we characterized the distribution of various DC subtypes and the density of the CLRs, DC-SIGN, langerin, and mannose receptor in the ectocervix of HIV-seronegative women with low- and high-risk behavior for acquiring HIV.
Material And Methods: Cryosections from ectocervical biopsies, collected from sexually active low-risk healthy HIV immunoglobulin G-negative women (n = 10) and HIV immunoglobulin G-negative commercial sex workers (n = 8), were assessed by computerized image analysis.
Unlabelled: Latent tubercolar infection in irregular non EU-citizens in Italy is an important issue of public health. Aim of this paper is to describe the effects of a new organization of the Centre for the health of foreign families of Reggio Emilia.
Method: A dedicated nurse, responsible of patients' screening and follow-up, in strict collaboration with a cultural interpreter were made available.
Objective: The expression of innate immune molecules associated with potential blocking activity of HIV-1 propagation was analyzed in the cervical tissue of a group of African HIV-1 IgG-negative commercial sex workers (CSWs) with an HIV-1-encountering risk behavior.
Methods: Cervical biopsies from the superior portion of the ectocervix were assessed for innate immune molecules and evaluated in situ by computerized image analysis at the single-cell level.
Results: A higher expression of interferon-alpha (IFNalpha) and RANTES was detected in CSWs and HIV-1-infected individuals as compared to low-risk HIV-1-uninfected controls (Neg Ctrls).