Publications by authors named "Manuela Testai'"

The worldwide progressive aging of the population forces us to reconsider the strategies of evaluation the effects of the geriatric "tsunami" on the health politics. The present study on the COSA (abbreviated from the Italian name: "Centro Osservazione Salute Anziani") has the aim to investigate the effects of a new form called Specialistic Geriatric Assistance on the already existing geriatric services in our territory, like UVG (Unità Valutazione Geriatrica), ADI (Assistenza Domiciliare Integrata), MMG (Medici di Medicina Generale). The present preliminary studies were carried out a group of elderly people frequenting the elderly day center "Villa Angela" located in Catania.

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The development of cardiovascular pathologies is potentially connected to the surrounding environment, partly due to purely environmental factors, like exposition to pollutions, or anthropological ones, like the type of manual or stressing working activities. The relevant literature has already widely discussed the correlation between the acute and chronic exposition to atmospheric pollutants of different types and the pathogenetic events, such as the atherogenesis, thrombosis, and hypertension, The present study intends to verify this idea on a larger population exposed to different geographical conditions, comparing an agricultural village (Pachino-Siracusa) with an industrialized area (Augusta-Siracusa), both having identical sanitary services of basic importance. On the basis of the specific rates of hospitalizations, we compared the prevalence of cardiovasular pathologies in the resident populations.

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This study intended to evaluate the existing correlation between the cardiac compensation and the bone mass, investigating the bone mineral density (BMD) in a population suffering from CCD or chronic heart disease (CHD). We enrolled 171 patients, all over the age of 70, being in the functional N.Y.

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The possibilities have already been discussed that the environment of the living beings may influence the aging process, by causing alterations of the homeostatic capacities to such an extent that definitive pathologies will come into being. Therefore, the aim of the present study was at estimating the effective impact of the environmental pollution on the health state of the subjects residing in highly industrialized areas. For this purpose, we compared 2 populations over the age of 56 years, one from the industrialized areas and the other of agricultural character.

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This study was aimed at evaluating the occurrence of DLB in a population sample recovered in assisted sanitary residence (RSA=from the Italian name of "Residenza Sanitaria Assistita") in the Province of Catania. We considered 126 patients from a randomized population recovered in RSA of Viagrande (Catania) in the period from 1st March, 2005 and 31st March, 2007. Those who proved to be demented according to the DSM-III diagnostic protocols, and having a mini mental state examination (MMSE)-score <24 were divided in 2 groups: Group A, all the demented people without the DLB; and Group B, the DLB patients, according to the diagnostic criteria of McKeith.

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Decubital lesions indicate the gravity of the pathologies of the elderly patients, representing a serious cause of disability and of mortality. The present study was aimed at evaluating the decubital lesions during 1 year of treatment in an assisted sanitary residence (abbreviated as RSA from the Italian name), through observations of the assistential and therapeutical outcomes, aimed at improving the quality of life of the recovered elderly patients. We had 131 patients involved from a total of 308 recovered patients in the RSA.

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The correlation between depression and cardiovascular pathologies was studied in geriatric age. As a matter of fact, the high comorbidity of depression with the sudden cardiac deaths or other cardiovascular events requires a careful evaluation of these causalities. A total of 110 patients were analyzed, recovered in assisted sanitary residence (from the widely used Italian name: "residenza sanitaria assistita" abbreviated as RSA) during the last 12 months.

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