Publications by authors named "Manuel V Ramallo"

In the recent years, the landscape of the research in superconductivity has experienced a progressive focus on varied superconducting systems, which share as common primary characteristics the reduction of some of their dimensionalities and the emergence of qualitatively novel phenomenology with respect to bulk superconducting materials [...

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We study the critical fluctuations near the resistive transition of very thin films of high-temperature cuprate superconductors composed of a number N of only a few unit cells of superconducting bilayers. For that, we solve the fluctuation spectrum of a Gaussian-Ginzburg-Landau model for few-bilayers superconductors considering two alternating Josephson interlayer interaction strengths, and we obtain the corresponding paraconductivity above the transition. Then, we extend these calculations to temperatures below the transition through expressions for the Ginzburg number and Kosterlitz-Thouless-like critical region.

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We calculate the effects of doping nanostructuration and the patterning of thin films of high-temperature superconductors (HTS) with the aim of optimizing their functionality as sensing materials for resistive transition-edge bolometer devices (TES). We focus, in particular, on spatial variations of the carrier doping into the CuO 2 layers due to oxygen off-stoichiometry, (that induce, in turn, critical temperature variations) and explore following two major cases of such structurations: First, the random nanoscale disorder intrinsically associated to doping levels that do not maximize the superconducting critical temperature; our studies suggest that this first simple structuration already improves some of the bolometric operational parameters with respect to the conventional, nonstructured HTS materials used until now. Secondly, we consider the imposition of regular arrangements of zones with different nominal doping levels (patterning); we find that such regular patterns may improve the bolometer performance even further.

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: We present model equations for the trapping and accumulation of particles in a cylindrical channel with nanostructured inner walls when a fluid passes through, carrying a moderate load of impurities. The basic ingredient of the model is the introduction of a phenomenological 'effective-charge density' of the walls, related to the electrical charges exposed in the nanotexture. The effective charge is gradually reduced as the flow runs through the channel and the trapped impurities cover the internal walls.

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