Publications by authors named "Mangone A"

Background: The insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2) is overexpressed in 90% of adrenocortical carcinomas (ACC) and promotes cell proliferation via IGF1R and isoform A of insulin receptor (IRA). However, IGF2 role in ACC tumourigenesis has not been completely understood yet, and the contribution of IGF1R and IRA in mediating ACC cell growth has been poorly explored. This study aimed to investigate IGF1R and IR expression and localisation, including the expression of IR isoforms, in ACC and adrenocortical adenomas (ACA), and their role in IGF2-driven proliferation.

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Article Synopsis
  • Filamin A (FLNA) is found at lower levels in adrenocortical carcinomas (ACC) compared to adenomas (ACA), and its presence is linked to less aggressive tumor behavior due to its role in regulating IGF1R signaling.
  • The study investigated the expression of Wee1 kinase in ACC and how it is influenced by FLNA, revealing increased Wee1 and decreased FLNA proteins in ACC, along with insights into the effects of the Wee1 inhibitor AZD1775.
  • Findings indicate that FLNA promotes the degradation of Wee1, and that low FLNA levels in ACC lead to heightened Wee1, suggesting that targeting Wee1 with inhibitors could be a promising treatment strategy for FLNA-deficient
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This research focuses on analyzing wool samples dyed with synthetic dyes from the early 20th century. A methodology to identify and distinguish wool fibers dyed with azo, triphenylmethane, and xanthene dyes, which are no longer in use, using the ATR-FTIR spectra, is presented. Firstly, the dataset was subjected to PCA, which revealed the similarities and differences among the samples, illustrating a distribution pattern based on dye classes.

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Background: Serum inflammation-based scores can predict clinical outcome in several cancer types, including adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC). It is unclear whether the extent of inflammation-based scores alterations in ACC reflects malignancy, steroid excess, or both.

Methods: We investigated a large retrospective cohort of adrenocortical adenomas (ACA, n = 429) and ACC (n = 61) with available baseline full blood count and hormonal evaluation.

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Background: Recurrence of acromegaly after successful surgery is a rare event, but no clear data are reported in the literature about its recurrence rates. This study aimed to evaluate the recurrence rate in a series of acromegalic patients treated by transsphenoidal surgery (TSS) with a long follow-up.

Methods: We retrospectively analyzed data from 283 acromegalic patients who underwent TSS at two pituitary units in Milan (Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico and IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital).

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Objective: Benign adrenocortical tumours are diagnosed in ∼5% of adults and are associated with cortisol excess in 30%-50% of cases. Adrenal Cushing's syndrome (CS) is rare and leads to multiple haematological alterations. However, little is known about the effects of the much more frequent mild autonomous cortisol secretion (MACS) on immune function.

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Imaging studies by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry have been successfully developed to obtain qualitative and quantitative information on the presence/distribution of titanium (ionic titanium and/or titanium dioxide nanoparticles) in sea bream tissues (kidney, liver, and muscle) after exposure assays with 45-nm citrate-coated titanium dioxide nanoparticles. Laboratory-produced gelatine standards containing ionic titanium were used as a calibration strategy for obtaining laser ablation-based images using quantitative (titanium concentrations) data. The best calibration strategy consisted of using gelatine-based titanium standards (from 0.

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The blue color of glass and ceramic glazes produced in Apulia and Basilicata (Southern Italy) between the 13th and 14th centuries and connected to the Norman-Swabian Emperor Frederick II, has been, for a long time, under archaeometric investigation. On the one hand, it has usually been associated with lapis lazuli, due to the finding of the polysulphide blue chromophores typical of lazurite. Moreover, the observation that the mineral haüyne, which belongs to the sodalite group as well as lazurite, can be blue and/or can gain a blue color after heating, due to the same chromophores, has caused this automatic attribution to be questioned, and also considering that the mineral is characteristic of the rock haüynophyre of Melfi (Potenza, Southern Italy), a location of interest for glass and pottery findings.

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The wall paintings of five Hellenistic tombs in Apulia were analysed using a multi-technique approach to discern the painting techniques used and contextualise them within the phenomenon of Hellenistic tomb painting in Southern Italy. In particular, the question was asked whether technical knowledge played a role in the reception of Hellenistic artistic models and whether this knowledge was present locally. Raman and IR spectroscopies were used to identify pigments, colourants, and binders; light and electron microscopy were used to determine the structural characteristics of the paint layers and recognise the manufacturing technique.

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Treatment for advanced adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) consists of mitotane alone or combined with etoposide, doxorubicin, and cisplatin (EDP). Although both therapies are widely used, markers of response are still lacking. Since inflammation-based scores have been proposed as prognostic factors in ACC, we aimed to investigate their role in predicting the response to first-line chemotherapy.

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Throughout the cold and the warm periods of 2020, chemical and toxicological characterization of the water-soluble fraction of size segregated particulate matter (PM) (<0.49, 0.49−0.

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Summary: The spectrum of endocrine-related complications of COVID-19 infection is expanding; one of the most concerning of which is adrenal haemorrhage due to the risk of catastrophic adrenal crisis. In this study, we present a case that highlights the challenging management of a large, indeterminate unilateral adrenal mass during pregnancy and draws attention to a rare yet probably underestimated complication of COVID-19. During hospitalization for severe COVID-19 pneumonia, a 26-year-old woman was incidentally found to have a 12.

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Airborne particulate matter (PM) is studied because of its effects on human health and climate change. PM long-term characterisation allows identifying trends and evaluating the outcomes of environmental protection policies. This work is aimed to study the inter-annual variability of PM and PM concentrations and chemical composition in an urban background site (Italy).

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Objective: primary empty sella (PES) represents a frequent finding, but data on hormonal alterations are heterogeneous, and its natural history is still unclear. Our aim was to evaluate the pituitary function of patients with PES over a long follow-up.

Design: multicenter retrospective cohort study enrolling patients referred between 1984-2020 to five Pituitary Units, with neuroradiological confirmed PES and a complete hormonal assessment.

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The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitor everolimus has been shown to display antiproliferative effects on a wide spectrum of tumors. studies demonstrated that everolimus inhibited pituitary neuroendocrine tumor (PitNET) cell growth in a subset of patients. Sensitivity to everolimus is reduced by an escape mechanism that increases AKT phosphorylation (p-AKT), leading to pro-survival pathway activation.

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A gold nanostructured electrochemical sensor based on modified GC electrode for thiols' detection is described and characterized. This sensor is a suitable device for the measurement of the oxidative potential (OP) of the atmospheric particulate matter (PM), considered a global indicator of adverse health effects of PM, as an alternative to the classic spectrophotometric methods. The operating principle is the determination of the OP, through the measurement of the consumption of DTT content.

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Objective: High insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and unsuppressed growth hormone (GH) levels after glucose load confirm the diagnosis of acromegaly. Management of patients with conflicting results could be challenging. Our aim was to evaluate the clinical and hormonal evolution over a long follow-up in patients with high IGF-1 but normal GH nadir (GHn < 0.

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Biological meshes improve the outcome of incisional hernia repairs in infected fields but often lead to recurrence after bridging techniques. Sixty male Wistar rats undergoing the excision of an abdominal wall portion and bridging mesh repair were randomised in two groups: Group A (N = 30) using the uncoated equine pericardium mesh; Group B (N = 30) using the polyethylene oxide (PEO)-coated one. No deaths were observed during treatment.

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Scientific interest is focusing on different approaches for characterising organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC) and equivalent black carbon (eBC), although EUSAAR2 protocol has been established and frequently used in EU for regulatory purposes. Discrepancies are observed due to thermal protocols used for OC/EC determinations and the effect of the chemical-physical properties of aerosol using optical measurements for eBC. In this work, a long-term inter-comparison of carbon measurements with two widely used protocols (EUSAAR2 and NIOSH870) was performed on PM and PM samples.

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Persons living with HIV (PLWH) are living longer but experiencing more adverse symptoms associated with the disease and its treatment. This study aimed to examine the impact of a mHealth application (app) comprised of evidence-based self-care strategies on the symptom experience of PLWH. We conducted a 12-week feasibility study with 80 PLWH who were randomized (1:1) to a mHealth app, mobile Video Information Provider (mVIP), with self-care strategies for improving 13 commonly experienced symptoms in PLWH or to a control app.

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Technological and methodological innovations are equipping researchers with unprecedented capabilities for detecting and characterizing pathologic processes in the developing human brain. As a result, ambitions to achieve clinically useful tools to assist in the diagnosis and management of mental health and learning disorders are gaining momentum. To this end, it is critical to accrue large-scale multimodal datasets that capture a broad range of commonly encountered clinical psychopathology.

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Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether Asian American adolescents have higher metabolic risk from excess weight than non-Asians.

Methods: Seven hundred thirty-three students, aged 14 to 19 years old, completed a school-based health screening. The 427 Asian and 306 non-Asian students were overall equivalent on age, sex, and family income.

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The development of antibacterial coatings is of great interest from both industry and the consumer's point of view. In this study, we characterized tanned leather and polyurethane leatherette, typically employed in the automotive and footwear industries, which were modified by photo-deposition of antibacterial silver nanoparticles (AgNPs). Material surface chemical composition was investigated in detail by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS).

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The ATP-Mg/phosphate carriers (APCs) modulate the intramitochondrial adenine nucleotide pool size. In this study the concentration-dependent effects of Mg and other divalent cations (Me) on the transport of [H]ATP in liposomes reconstituted with purified human and Arabidopsis APCs (hAPCs and AtAPCs, respectively, including some lacking their N-terminal domains) have been investigated. The transport of Me mediated by these proteins was also measured.

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Silver nanophases are routinely used as bioactive additives in commercial products. Besides their antimicrobial activity, nanosafety issues regarding the application of (silver-based) nanoantimicrobials should be considered, as well. In this study, we modified polyurethane foams, typically employed in air filtration and stuffing, by photodeposited silver nanoparticles for preparing hybrid materials (Ag-PU) with antibacterial properties.

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