Publications by authors named "Malyshev L"

This study includes an assessment of the VIR (Center N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources) chufa collection, grown in various ecological and geographical conditions of the Russian Federation: "Yekaterininskaya experimental station VIR" in the Tambov region and "Kuban experimental station VIR" in the Krasnodar Region during the years 2020-2021.

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The perennial grass cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) is a valuable early highly nutritious crop used as green fodder in agricultural production. The species is widespread across the Eurasian continent; it is characterized by plasticity and high ecological and geographical variability.

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Recently, the trend of using fruit and berry crops as ingredients for functional and dietary nutrition, the development and implementation of f lavors, pigments, new medicines and dietary supplements has been actualized. Because the direction of use depends on the biochemical properties of fruits, which are determined not only by species and varietal characteristics, but also by reproduction conditions, the study of the biochemical composition of fruits grown in various regions of the world continues to be relevant. In this regard, the collection of N.

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Oat is one of the most widespread and important cereal crops in the global agricultural production. Searching for new high-yielding and nutritious forms continues to be relevant, especially under the global trend of climate change, when most local oat cultivars may become economically inefficient. Spring oat accessions from VIR collection served as the material for this study; their origin is diverse, as they came from 11 countries.

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Broadening of the genetic diversity of donors of resistance to biotic environmental factors is a challenging problem concerning Triticum L., which can be solved by using wild relatives of wheat, in particular, Aegilops tauschii Coss., in breeding programs.

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Narrow-leaved lupine (Lupinus аngustifolius L.) is a widely cultivated leguminous forage and green manure crop with a potential for human nutrition. However, the presence of secondary metabolites - alkaloids - in lupine seeds considerably affects the quality of raw produce, reducing its nutritive value; in addition, high concentrations of alkaloids are toxic to humans and animals.

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A process of infecting the chaffinch nestlings Fringilla coelebs with three analgoid feather mites, Analges passerinus L., 1758, Monojoubertia microphylla (Robin, 1877), and Pteronyssoides striatus (Robin, 1977), commonly occurred on this bird species was investigated. 15 nests contained totally 65 nestlings, from 2 to 6 individuals in a brood, have been examined from the day of hatching till 11th day.

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The incidence, character and causes of intraoperative complications were studied in 689 patients operated upon for traumas and diseases of the spine and spinal cord. The postural hypotensive reactions and unstable hemodynamics were referred to most frequent complications caused by errors in preoperative examinations and preparation, anesthesia technique, nonphysiological position of the patients on the operative table. The preoperative estimation of the functional state of the autonomic nervous system and adaptative potencies of the cardiovascular system allow prognosis for postural reactions to be made.

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The paper analyses results after a study of a complex of questions connected with the method of photoresiliency in ophthalmology. The notion about the nature of a strained-deformed state of the cornea, regularities in formation of a photoresilient picture are discussed on the grounds of experiments on eye biomechanics, a study of optic transformation of polarized light, calculations and mathematic simulation. The paper describes a calculation-experimental method for measuring the tensions acting in the cornea, deciphering of isochrome and isocuneiform fields, data on the usage of computers for automatic treatment and analysis of images.

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