We study the question of universality in the two-dimensional spin-1 Baxter-Wu model in the presence of a crystal field Δ. We employ extensive numerical simulations of two types, providing us with complementary results: Wang-Landau sampling at fixed values of Δ and a parallelized variant of the multicanonical approach performed at constant temperature T. A detailed finite-size scaling analysis in the regime of second-order phase transitions in the (Δ,T) phase diagram indicates that the transition belongs to the universality class of the four-state Potts model.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe investigate the scaling of the interfacial adsorption of the two-dimensional Blume-Capel model using Monte Carlo simulations. In particular, we study the finite-size scaling behavior of the interfacial adsorption of the pure model at both its first- and second-order transition regimes, as well as at the vicinity of the tricritical point. Our analysis benefits from the currently existing quite accurate estimates of the relevant (tri)critical-point locations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUsing high-precision Monte Carlo simulations and finite-size scaling we study the effect of quenched disorder in the exchange couplings on the Blume-Capel model on the square lattice. The first-order transition for large crystal-field coupling is softened to become continuous, with a divergent correlation length. An analysis of the scaling of the correlation length as well as the susceptibility and specific heat reveals that it belongs to the universality class of the Ising model with additional logarithmic corrections which is also observed for the Ising model itself if coupled to weak disorder.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe use Monte Carlo simulations to study the finite-size scaling behavior of the interfacial adsorption of the two-dimensional square-lattice q-states Potts model. We consider the pure and random-bond versions of the Potts model for q=3,4,5,8, and 10, thus probing the interfacial properties at the originally continuous, weak, and strong first-order phase transitions. For the pure systems our results support the early scaling predictions for the size dependence of the interfacial adsorption at both first- and second-order phase transitions.
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April 2014
We investigate the dependence of the critical Binder cumulant of the magnetization and the largest Fortuin-Kasteleyn cluster on the boundary conditions and aspect ratio of the underlying square Ising lattices. By means of the Swendsen-Wang algorithm, we generate numerical data for large system sizes and we perform a detailed finite-size scaling analysis for several values of the aspect ratio r, for both periodic and free boundary conditions. We estimate the universal probability density functions of the largest Fortuin-Kasteleyn cluster and we compare it to those of the magnetization at criticality.
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July 2013
We review several parallel tempering schemes and examine their main ingredients for accuracy and efficiency. The present study covers two selection methods of temperatures and several choices for the exchange of replicas, including a recent novel all-pair exchange method. We compare the resulting schemes and measure specific heat errors and efficiency using the two-dimensional (2D) Ising model.
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January 2013
We study the ±J three-dimensional (3D) Ising model with a spatially uniaxial anisotropic bond randomness on the simple cubic lattice. The ±J random exchange is applied on the xy planes, whereas, in the z direction, only a ferromagnetic exchange is used. After sketching the phase diagram and comparing it with the corresponding isotropic case, the system is studied at the ferromagnetic-paramagnetic transition line using parallel tempering and a convenient concentration of antiferromagnetic bonds (p(z)=0;p(xy)=0.
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June 2012
The effects of bond randomness on the universality aspects of the simple cubic lattice ferromagnetic Blume-Capel model are discussed. The system is studied numerically in both its first- and second-order phase transition regimes by a comprehensive finite-size scaling analysis. We find that our data for the second-order phase transition, emerging under random bonds from the second-order regime of the pure model, are compatible with the universality class of the 3d random Ising model.
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March 2012
The Ising models S=1/2 and S=1 are studied by efficient Monte Carlo schemes on the (3,4,6,4) and the (3,3,3,3,6) Archimedean lattices. The algorithms used, a hybrid Metropolis-Wolff algorithm and a parallel tempering protocol, are briefly described and compared with the simple Metropolis algorithm. Accurate Monte Carlo data are produced at the exact critical temperatures of the Ising model for these lattices.
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April 2010
The effects of bond randomness on the phase diagram and critical behavior of the square lattice ferromagnetic Blume-Capel model are discussed. The system is studied in both the pure and disordered versions by the same efficient two-stage Wang-Landau method for many values of the crystal field, restricted here in the second-order phase-transition regime of the pure model. For the random-bond version several disorder strengths are considered.
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April 2010
We investigate the effects of quenched bond randomness on the critical properties of the two-dimensional ferromagnetic Ising model embedded in a triangular lattice. The system is studied in both the pure and disordered versions by the same efficient two-stage Wang-Landau method. In the first part of our study, we present the finite-size scaling behavior of the pure model, for which we calculate the critical amplitude of the specific heat's logarithmic expansion.
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January 2009
We study the pure and random-bond versions of the square lattice ferromagnetic Blume-Capel model, in both the first-order and second-order phase transition regimes of the pure model. Phase transition temperatures, thermal and magnetic critical exponents are determined for lattice sizes in the range L=20-100 via a sophisticated two-stage numerical strategy of entropic sampling in dominant energy subspaces, using mainly the Wang-Landau algorithm. The second-order phase transition, emerging under random bonds from the second-order regime of the pure model, has the same values of critical exponents as the two-dimensional Ising universality class, with the effect of the bond disorder on the specific heat being well described by double-logarithmic corrections, our findings thus supporting the marginal irrelevance of quenched bond randomness.
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May 2006
We present a numerical study of the order-parameter probability density function (PDF) of the square Ising model for lattices with linear sizes L = 80 - 140. A recent efficient entropic sampling scheme, combining the Wang-Landau and broad histogram methods and based on the high levels of the Wang-Landau process in dominant energy subspaces is employed. We find that for large lattices there exists a stable window of the scaled order-parameter in which the full ansatz including the pre-exponential factor for the tail regime of the universal PDF is well obeyed.
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January 2006
We apply the recently developed critical minimum-energy subspace scheme for the investigation of the random-field Ising model. We point out that this method is well suited for the study of this model. The density of states is obtained via the Wang-Landau and broad histogram methods in a unified implementation by employing the N-fold version of the Wang-Landau scheme.
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December 2005
Dominant energy subspaces of statistical systems are defined with the help of restrictive conditions on various characteristics of the energy distribution, such as the probability density and the fourth order Binder's cumulant. Our analysis generalizes the ideas of the critical minimum energy subspace (CRMES) technique, applied previously to study the specific heat's finite-size scaling. Here, we illustrate alternatives that are useful for the analysis of further finite-size anomalies and the behavior of the corresponding dominant subspaces is presented for the two-dimensional (2D) Baxter-Wu and the 2D and 3D Ising models.
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December 2004
We present a simple and efficient approximation scheme which greatly facilitates the extension of Wang-Landau sampling (or similar techniques) in large systems for the estimation of critical behavior. The method, presented in an algorithmic approach, is based on a very simple idea, familiar in statistical mechanics from the notion of thermodynamic equivalence of ensembles and the central limit theorem. It is illustrated that we can predict with high accuracy the critical part of the energy space and by using this restricted part we can extend our simulations to larger systems and improve the accuracy of critical parameters.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe argue that the fluctuations of the order parameter in a complex system at the critical point can be described in terms of intermittent dynamics of type I. Based on this observation we develop an algorithm to calculate the isothermal critical exponent delta for a "thermal" critical system. We apply successfully our approach to the 3D Ising model.
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