Publications by authors named "Malachy McHugh"

Orishimo, KF, Fukunaga, T, Kremenic, IJ, Rao, S, Magill, R, Ling, WK, McHugh, MP, and Nicholas, SJ. Countermovement jump inefficiency is mostly independent of quadriceps weakness in athletes returning to sport after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. J Strength Cond Res XX(X): 000-000, 2024-After anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR), comparing ground reaction force (GRF) metrics during countermovement jumps (CMJs) and isokinetic quadriceps strength testing may aid in return-to-sport decision-making.

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Tart cherry (TC) consumption has become a popular nutritional strategy for recovery, particularly for the attenuation of markers associated with muscle damage. However, there are relatively few studies that have examined an acute dosing strategy. The aim of this pilot study was to explore the feasibility of using powdered Vistula TC for recovery following a bout of muscle-damaging exercise.

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  • The study examined how different countermovement jump (CMJ) depths affect performance metrics like jump height, muscle activation, and motion analysis.
  • It tested three variations of CMJs: self-selected depth, shallow (15% less), and deep (15% more), involving ten healthy male participants.
  • Results indicated that shallow CMJs significantly reduced jump height by 8% compared to self-selected CMJs, and differences in muscle activation were noted, particularly with the vastus lateralis muscle during the unweighting phase.
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Background: Physical activity (PA) is known to decrease COVID-19 risk factors and can attenuate symptoms of viral infections. However, difficulty exercising and fatigue are common complaints after COVID-19. It is unknown whether prior habitual PA will improve outcomes and what the time course is until full recovery of PA after COVID-19.

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  • Tart cherry (TC) supplementation is shown to improve health and recovery post-exercise, but the way it affects the human metabolome is not well understood.
  • This study involved 12 healthy participants in a double-blind trial where they received high-dose, low-dose, or placebo TC supplements, with blood samples taken before and after consumption to analyze metabolomic changes.
  • Results indicated that TC altered the metabolomic profile significantly, with specific compounds like cyanidine-3-glucoside and vanillic acid detected in plasma, suggesting that phenolics from tart cherries are bioavailable and may affect physiological outcomes through metabolomic shifts.
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  • This study analyzed various kinematic, kinetic, and temporal metrics to identify which factors correlate with golf proficiency among 33 male golfers classified as proficient, average, or unskilled.
  • Results showed that proficient golfers demonstrated greater x-factor at ball impact and better trunk deceleration compared to their less skilled counterparts, while unskilled golfers lagged in several key performance metrics.
  • Ultimately, a specific combination of metrics, including x-factor at ball impact and peak pelvis velocity, accounted for 85% of the variability in ball velocity, highlighting the importance of training for axial trunk rotation to enhance golf performance.
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  • The Pain Sensitivity Questionnaire (PSQ) is a valid tool predicting surgical outcomes for lumbar stenosis, but its impact on rotator cuff repair (RCR) surgery outcomes was not previously studied.
  • This study hypothesizes a correlation between PSQ scores and surgical outcomes for RCR, utilizing a cohort of patients aged 18-80, excluding those with certain arthritis levels or revision surgeries.
  • Results indicate that patients with high pain sensitivity had poorer recovery scores preoperatively and postoperatively, though they initially improved more at 3 months, while normal sensitivity patients continued to improve past that point.*
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The purpose of this study was to determine which biomechanical variables measured during the baseball swing are associated with linear bat speed at ball contact (bat speed). Twenty collegiate baseball players hit a baseball from a tee into a net. Kinematics were recorded with a motion capture system sampling at 500 Hz and kinetics were measured by force plates under each foot sampling at 1000 Hz.

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Background: The flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU) and flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS) are thought to provide dynamic stability to the medial elbow, with a lesser contribution from the pronator teres (PT).

Hypothesis/purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine if baseball pitchers with higher valgus elbow torque experience greater FCU and FDS strength loss.

Study Design: Controlled Laboratory Study.

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Acute adductor injuries are a common occurrence in sport. The overall incidence of adductor strains across 25 college sports was 1.29 injuries per 1000 exposures, with men's soccer (3.

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Purpose/hypothesis: The flexor-pronator mass of the forearm contributes dynamic stability to the medial elbow. Training this muscle group is essential for overhead athletes, however, there is lack of evidence supporting use of training exercises. The purpose of this study was to measure the extent of EMG activity of the flexor pronator musculature during two distinct forearm strengthening exercises using resistance bands.

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Introduction: Opioid prescription to treat pain among orthopedic surgery patients remains common practice in the United States but overprescribing opioids can lead to abuse. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of a multimodal non-pharmacological 'pain relief kit' on pain, function, and opioid consumption in individuals recovering from orthopedic surgery.

Hypothesis: Patients provided with the pain relief kit would consume less opioid medication, report lower pain levels, and have better functional outcome scores than the control group.

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Although the current literature reports an acceptable rate of complications with the use of a perineal post in hip arthroscopy, they are still possible and preventable. The purpose of this study was to survey International Society for Hip Arthroscopy (ISHA) members on their use of postless distraction in hip arthroscopy. A 19-question survey was emailed to hip preservation surgeons that are members of ISHA.

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Orishimo, KF, Kremenic, IJ, Mullaney, MJ, Fukunaga, T, Serio, N, and McHugh, MP. Role of pelvis and trunk biomechanics in generating ball velocity in baseball pitching. J Strength Cond Res 37(3): 623-628, 2023-The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of pelvis rotation velocity, trunk rotation velocity, and hip-shoulder separation on ball velocity during baseball pitching.

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Groin pain is a common symptom in hip and pelvic pathology and differentiating between the two remains a challenge. The purpose of this study was to examine whether a test combining resisted adduction with a sit-up (RASUT) differentiates between pelvic and hip pathology. The RASUT was performed on 160 patients with complaints of hip or groin pain who subsequently had their diagnosis confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or surgery.

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Background/purpose: The Elastic band pull-apart exercise is commonly used in rehabilitation. It involves pulling an elastic resistance band with both hands in horizontal abduction or diagonal arm movements. The extent of muscle activation during this exercise is unknown.

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Background: The diagnosis of lateral epicondylitis is typically made on the basis of clinical history and examination. However, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is often used to supplement evaluation of the patient with a painful elbow and can identify extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB) tendon tears. The objective of this study was to determine if ECRB tear size on MRI could be used as a prognostic indicator for patients with recalcitrant lateral epicondylitis and partial ECRB tears.

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Cherry juice has become a standard component of athlete recovery strategies. This review covers the history of cherry juice as a recovery drink to give context to its current use. Fifteen studies were identified that included a measure of muscle function, soreness, or inflammation on the days following exercise and had an exercise insult sufficient to assess the effectiveness of the tart cherry intervention.

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McHugh, MP, O'Mahoney, CA, Orishimo, KF, Kremenic, IJ, and Nicholas, SJ. Importance of transverse plane flexibility for proficiency in golf. J Strength Cond Res 36(2): e49-e54, 2022-The extent to which the flexibility requirements for golf proficiency vary between the planes of motion has not been examined.

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Background: Instead of using axillary crutches, using a hands-free crutch (HFC) has been associated with higher functional outcome scores. However, hip and back pain have been reported as side effects.

Purpose/hypothesis: The purpose of this study was to compare range of motion and joint reaction forces at the hip and low back between HFC walking, normal walking, and standard crutch walking.

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Background: Eccentric-focused rotator cuff exercises are clinically useful in rehabilitation; however, to what extent these exercises activate shoulder musculature is unknown.

Purpose: Investigate peak electromyographic (EMG) activity of shoulder musculature during eccentric-focused rotator cuff exercises to inform clinical decision-making.

Methods: Surface EMG activity was measured in 15 healthy subjects from 5 muscles of the dominant shoulder: supraspinatus, infraspinatus, upper trapezius, lower trapezius, and middle deltoid.

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Cryotherapy is utilized as a physical intervention in the treatment of injury and exercise recovery. Traditionally, ice is used in the treatment of musculoskeletal injury while cold water immersion or whole-body cryotherapy is used for recovery from exercise. In humans, the primary benefit of traditional cryotherapy is reduced pain following injury or soreness following exercise.

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Strenuous exercise can result in muscle damage in both recreational and elite athletes, and is accompanied by strength loss, and increases in soreness, oxidative stress, and inflammation. If the aforementioned signs and symptoms associated with exercise-induced muscle damage are excessive or unabated, the recovery process becomes prolonged and can result in performance decrements; consequently, there has been a great deal of research focussing on accelerating recovery following exercise. A popular recovery modality is cryotherapy which results in a reduction of tissue temperature by the withdrawal of heat from the body.

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Background/purpose: Greater humeral retroversion has been associated with shoulder and elbow injuries. Methods for measuring torsion include radiography, computed tomography (CT) and sonography (US) which may be costly or unavailable. A palpation method might be a reliable alternative to imaging techniques.

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