Foraging confronts animals, including humans, with the need to balance exploration and exploitation: exploiting a resource until it depletes and then deciding when to move to a new location for more resources. Research across various species has identified rules for when to leave a depleting patch, influenced by environmental factors like patch quality. Here we compare human and gerbil patch-leaving behavior through two analogous tasks: a visual search for humans and a physical foraging task for gerbils, both involving patches with randomly varying initial rewards that decreased exponentially.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCochlear implants are considered the gold standard therapy for subjects with severe hearing loss and deafness. Cochlear implants bypass the damaged hair cells and directly stimulate spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs) of the auditory nerve. Hence, the presence of functional SGNs is crucial for speech perception in electric hearing with a cochlear implant.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHearing deficits impact on the communication with the external world and severely compromise perception of the surrounding. Deafness can be caused by particular mutations in the neuroplastin (Nptn) gene, which encodes a transmembrane recognition molecule of the immunoglobulin (Ig) superfamily and plasma membrane Calcium ATPase (PMCA) accessory subunit. This study investigates whether the complete absence of neuroplastin or the loss of neuroplastin in the adult after normal development lead to hearing impairment in mice analyzed by behavioral, electrophysiological, and in vivo imaging measurements.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAuditory experience and behavioral training can modify perceptual performance. However, the consequences of temporal perceptual learning for temporal and spectral neural processing remain unclear. Specifically, the attributes of neural plasticity that underlie task generalization in behavioral performance remain uncertain.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBilateral cochlear implants (CIs) provide benefits for speech perception in noise and directional hearing, but users typically show poor sensitivity to interaural time differences (ITDs). Possible explanations for this deficit are deafness-induced degradations in neural ITD sensitivity, between-ear mismatches in electrode positions or activation sites, or differences in binaural brain circuits activated by electric versus acoustic stimulation. To identify potential limitations of electric ITD coding in the normal-hearing system, responses of single neurons in the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus and in the inferior colliculus to ITDs of electric (biphasic pulses) and acoustic (noise, clicks, chirps, and tones) stimuli were recorded in normal-hearing gerbils of either sex.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: A cochlear implant (CI) is an electronic prosthesis that can partially restore speech perception capabilities. Optimum information transfer from the cochlea to the central auditory system requires a proper functioning auditory nerve (AN) that is electrically stimulated by the device. In deafness, the lack of neurotrophic support, normally provided by the sensory cells of the inner ear, however, leads to gradual degeneration of auditory neurons with undesirable consequences for CI performance.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Animal models for chronic multichannel cochlear implant stimulation and selective neuronal activation contribute to a better understanding of auditory signal processing and central neural plasticity.
New Method: This paper describes the design and surgical implantation of a multichannel cochlear implant (CI) system for chronic use in the free-moving gerbil. For chronic stimulation, adult-deafened gerbils were connected to a multichannel commutator that allowed low resistance cable rotation and stable electric connectivity to the current source.
Unlabelled: In profoundly deaf cats, behavioral training with intracochlear electric stimulation (ICES) can improve temporal processing in the primary auditory cortex (AI). To investigate whether similar effects are manifest in the auditory midbrain, ICES was initiated in neonatally deafened cats either during development after short durations of deafness (8 wk of age) or in adulthood after long durations of deafness (≥3.5 yr).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAmplitude modulations are fundamental features of natural signals, including human speech and nonhuman primate vocalizations. Because natural signals frequently occur in the context of other competing signals, we used a forward-masking paradigm to investigate how the modulation context of a prior signal affects cortical responses to subsequent modulated sounds. Psychophysical "modulation masking," in which the presentation of a modulated "masker" signal elevates the threshold for detecting the modulation of a subsequent stimulus, has been interpreted as evidence of a central modulation filterbank and modeled accordingly.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAmplitude modulation encoding is critical for human speech perception and complex sound processing in general. The modulation transfer function (MTF) is a staple of auditory psychophysics, and has been shown to predict speech intelligibility performance in a range of adverse listening conditions and hearing impairments, including cochlear implant-supported hearing. Although both tonal and broadband carriers have been used in psychophysical studies of modulation detection and discrimination, relatively little is known about differences in the cortical representation of such signals.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Neurophysiol
November 2011
Temporal auditory processing is poor in prelingually hearing-impaired patients fitted with cochlear prostheses as adults. In an animal model of prelingual long-term deafness, we investigated the effects of behavioral training on temporal processing in the adult primary auditory cortex (AI). Neuronal responses to pulse trains of increasing frequencies were recorded in three groups of neonatally deafened cats that received a cochlear prosthesis after >3 yr of deafness: 1) acutely implanted animals that received no electric stimulation before study, 2) animals that received chronic-passive stimulation for several weeks to months before study, and 3) animals that received chronic-passive stimulation and additional behavioral training (signal detection).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDeaf humans implanted with a cochlear prosthesis depend largely on temporal cues for speech recognition because spectral information processing is severely impaired. Training with a cochlear prosthesis is typically required before speech perception shows improvement, suggesting that relevant experience modifies temporal processing in the central auditory system. We tested this hypothesis in neonatally deafened cats by comparing temporal processing in the primary auditory cortex (AI) of cats that received only chronic passive intracochlear electric stimulation (ICES) with cats that were also trained with ICES to detect temporally challenging trains of electric pulses.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAdv Otorhinolaryngol
March 2010
The present study explored the interactions of combined electric and acoustic stimulation (EAS) on neural responses in the central auditory system. Normal-hearing cats were implanted unilaterally with scala tympani electrodes. Two experimental approaches were used.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn an animal model of electrical hearing in prelingually deaf adults, this study examined the effects of deafness duration on response thresholds and spatial selectivity (i.e., cochleotopic organization, spatial tuning and dynamic range) in the central auditory system to intracochlear electrical stimulation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPrevious studies have shown that electrical stimulation of the cochlea by a cochlear implant promotes increased survival of spiral ganglion (SG) neurons in animals deafened early in life (Leake et al. [1999] J Comp Neurol 412:543-562). However, electrical stimulation only partially prevents SG degeneration after deafening and other neurotrophic agents that may be used along with an implant are of great interest.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn an animal model of prelingual deafness, we examined the anatomical and physiological effects of prolonged deafness and chronic electrical stimulation on temporal resolution in the adult central auditory system. Maximum following frequencies (Fmax) and first spike latencies of single neurons responding to electrical pulse trains were evaluated in the inferior colliculus of two groups of neonatally deafened cats after prolonged periods of deafness (>2.5 yr): the first group was implanted with an intracochlear electrode and studied acutely (long-deafened unstimulated, LDU); the second group (LDS) received a chronic implant and several weeks of electrical stimulation (pulse rates > or =300 pps).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPrevious studies have shown that chronic electrical stimulation through a cochlear implant causes significant alterations in the central auditory system of neonatally deafened cats. The goal of this study was to investigate the effects of chronic stimulation in the mature auditory system. Normal hearing adult animals were deafened by ototoxic drugs and received daily electrical stimulation over periods of 4-6 months.
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