Publications by authors named "Maia M"

Background: Assessing the acceptability of new malaria control interventions in clinical trials can be complex due to the need for strict ethical standards and specific trial procedures. While in-depth interviews and focus group discussions can provide useful insights, a more participatory method of data collection which complements these methods is photovoice. Photovoice offers a unique approach, empowering participants to share their experiences and perceptions on their own terms.

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Background: Postoperative endophthalmitis (PSE) is a severe ocular complication that can lead to irreversible vision loss or even globe atrophy. The Endophthalmitis Vitrectomy Study (EVS) historically guided PSE management but is increasingly questioned due to advances in pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) techniques and its narrow focus on cataract surgery. This study aimed to compare PPV followed by intravitreal antibiotic injection at the end of surgery (PPV + IVAIES) with intravitreal antibiotic injection alone (IVAI) in managing PSE.

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Objective: This study evaluated the impact of dentifrices containing amine fluoride (AmF) and/or tin on tooth discoloration and surface roughness under cycles of staining and abrasion.

Materials And Methods: Specimens of enamel (n = 10) and dentin (n = 19) were allocated into six groups: (1) Negative control (Distilled water), (2) NaF (regular fluoridated dentifrice without amine and tin), (3) AmF, (4) AmF/NaF/SnCl, (5) SnF/SnCl, and (6) SnF. Daily staining-toothbrushing cycling was performed: staining solution (30 min), toothbrushing (45 strokes), and human saliva (1 h), 2×/day, for 21 days.

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Background: The association between plasma lipids, nitric oxide (NO) and cardiovascular risk has been well documented in the literature, however, the association between these outcomes and heart rate variability (HRV) in COVID-19 remains incipient as there is no scientific evidence that has investigated this outcome.

Objective: Investigate whether metabolic outcomes may be associated with cardiac autonomic behavior arising from short-term HRV variables in non-hospitalized mild post-COVID individuals.

Methods: This is a cross-sectional study.

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Fibroin, a protein extracted from silk, offers advantageous properties such as non-immunogenicity, biocompatibility, and ease of surface modification, which have been widely utilized for a variety of biomedical applications. However, in vivo studies have revealed critical challenges, including rapid enzymatic degradation and limited stability. To widen the scope of this natural biomacromolecule, the grafting of polymers onto the protein surface has been advanced as a platform to enhance protein stability and develop smart conjugates.

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Purpose: To detect choroidal markers of disease activity in eyes with chronic active unilateral pachychoroid disease spectrum (PDS) compared to the non-active contralateral eyes, based on multimodal imaging and particularly indocyanine green angiography (ICGA).

Methods: An observational retrospective case-control study. The study evaluated individuals diagnosed with chronic active unilateral PDS (group 1) by comparing the eyes with the non-active fellow eyes (group 2).

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Japanese quails () are sensitive to zinc (Zn) deficiency, a mineral essential for growth, development, and bone health. This study evaluated the effects of different levels of Zn in the diet on zootechnical performance, organ and carcass weight, and tibial breakage resistance in quails from 1 to 42 days of age. A 5 × 2 factorial design was used, consisting of five Zn levels (30, 60, 90, 120, and 150 mg/kg) and two thermal environments (thermal comfort and heat stress), with five replicates of 10 birds per treatment.

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Volatiles (CO, HO) play a fundamental role in mantle melting beneath ocean spreading centers, but what role they play during the melt migration remains unknown. Using seismological data recorded by ocean-bottom seismometers, here we report the presence of deep earthquakes at 10-20 km depth in the mantle along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge axis, much below the brittle-ductile boundary. Syntheses of regional basaltic rock samples and their geochemical analyses indicate the presence of an abnormally high quantity of CO (~0.

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This study evaluates the nutritional value of spray-dried biomass to infer its applicability for weaner piglet feeding. Twenty-four piglets were randomly allocated to four dietary treatments ( = 6) with increasing inclusion (0, 5, 10, and 15%) levels. After a 4-day adaptation period, the digestibility experiment lasted two weeks, with daily excreta collection.

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This review provides a critical assessment of the most recent advances in digital imaging (DI) methods, applied for the development of analytical methodologies combining quantum dots (QDs). The state-of-the-art, treatment of data, instrumental considerations, software, sensing approaches, and optimization of the resulting methods are reported. Applications of the technology for the analysis of food and beverages, biomedically relevant analytes, drugs, environmental samples and forensic samples are also discussed.

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Introduction: Neoadjuvant cisplatin-based chemotherapy followed by radical surgery is the standard treatment for muscle-invasive urothelial carcinoma (MIUC). The Checkmate-274 and AMBASSADOR trials have demonstrated improvements in disease-free survival (DFS) with adjuvant immunotherapy. Consequently, this meta-analysis aimed to assess the effectiveness of strategies involving checkpoint inhibitors in managing high-risk MIUC.

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The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of different nutritional plans on meat quails subjected to heat stress. A total of 324 quails male European quails () were used, with an average initial weight of 121.48 g ± 3.

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Article Synopsis
  • Central Serous Chorioretinopathy (CSC) is characterized by retinal detachments due to fluid leakage, often linked to stress, psychiatric issues, or corticosteroid use, prompting a study to investigate BALAD as a potential biomarker for CSC severity.
  • The research involved a global case-control study of patients with CSC, assessing clinical characteristics, risk factors, and OCT findings in those with and without Bacillary Layer Detachment (BALAD) to better understand its implications in diagnosis and treatment.
  • Results showed 37 patients with CSC and BALAD, revealing distinct clinical features on examination and OCT, compared to a control group without BALAD, suggesting significant differences in the manifestation of CSC.
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Background: The Brazilian version of the Quality Care Questionnaire-Palliative Care (QCQ-PC) is an instrument designed to assess the quality of care provided in palliative care from the user's perspective, featuring easy comprehension and applicability. It has demonstrated validity for use in individuals with cancer, but there is a need for validation in other populations due to the scarcity of instruments with this purpose.

Objective: To structurally validate the Brazilian version of the QCQ-PC for use in individuals with diabetes mellitus (DM) eligible for palliative care.

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Clinical practice in Brazil has rapidly transformed. Doctor-patient relationships are the focus of these transformations, either within health policies or in the context of medical training. The Brazilian Curriculum Guidelines have emphasized the doctor-patient relationship as part of medical skills and competences, based on patient-centered care.

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Closure of the ductus arteriosus (DA) using cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitors is considered the first-line treatment for hemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). Physiologically, prostaglandins have a recognized role in PDA. Admittedly, the comparative efficacy and safety between ibuprofen and acetaminophen need to be determined for rational choice of drug therapy for closure of the DA in clinical protocols.

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The increase in anthropogenic activities has led to the release of numerous chemicals and pollutants into aquatic ecosystems, raising significant concerns for water quality and health. Among the emerging issues is the interaction between pollutants and nanomaterials (mixture effects). In this work, it was studied the combined toxicity of boron nitride nanosheets (BNNS) and cadmium (Cd) incorporating the influence of natural organic matter (NOM) to enhance ecological relevance for the first time.

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Synthetic pesticides are known for their toxic effects on non-target aquatic organisms. However, little is known about their effects when present in mixtures, which are closer to realistic exposure scenarios. Therefore, this study evaluates the toxicity of pesticides such as diuron, atrazine and glyphosate, individually and in combination, in zebrafish embryos, investigating their mechanisms of oxidative stress.

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Locally produced fish hydrolysate and oil from the agrifood sector comprises a sustainable solution both to the problem of fish waste disposal and to the petfood sector with potential benefits for the animal's health. This study evaluated the effects of the dietary replacement of mainly imported shrimp hydrolysate (5%) and salmon oil (3%; control diet) with locally produced fish hydrolysate (5%) and oil (3.2%) obtained from fish waste (experimental diet) on systemic inflammation markers, adipokines levels, cardiac function and fecal microbiota of adult dogs.

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Bullous serous central chorioretinopathy (bCSCR) is an atypical form of CSCR characterized by large serous detachment. This variant presents significant diagnostic challenges, and optimal treatment strategies are not well defined. This report presents a case of a 31-year-old man with bCSRC treated with scleral thinning surgery in four quadrants with scleral windows created in the two inferior quadrants.

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Consumers are increasingly concerned about cosmetic ingredients' origin, looking more than ever to sustainable and greener formulations. The Natural Park of Montesinho, located in Portugal, is characterized by an enormous fauna and flora diversity. Among them, beeswax and strawberry trees () have attracted the cosmetic researchers' interest due to their bioactive compounds' richness, particularly fatty acids and phenolic compounds.

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