Both rhizospheric soil microbes and shoot litter input can have profound effects on plant performance; however, their interactive effects on plants in Cd-contaminated soils remain poorly understood. We grew an invasive hyperaccumulator, , in sterilized and unsterilized rhizosphere soil without litter or with a low (0.2%, dry weight ratio) or a high amount (1%) of litter from in soil with low (5 mg kg) or high (10 mg kg) concentrations of Cd.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMicroplastics (MPs) pollution is recognized as a global emerging threat with serious potential impacts on ecosystems. Our meta-analysis was conducted based on 117 carefully selected publications, from which 2160 datasets were extracted. These publications described experiments in which MPs were added to soil (in laboratory or greenhouse experiments or in the field) after which the soil microbial community was analyzed and compared to a control group.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIt is widely known that antibiotics can affect the structure and function of soil microbial communities, but the specific degree of impact and controlled factors on different indicators remain inconclusive. We conducted a multiple hierarchical mixed effects meta-analysis on 2564 observations that were extracted from 60 publications, to comprehensively assess the impact of antibiotics on soil microbiota. The results showed that antibiotics had significant negative effects on soil microbial biomass, α-diversity and soil enzyme activity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSoil stoichiometry of carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) are indicators for nutrient balance. Shrub encroachment into grasslands could change nutrient concentrations and stoichiometry in soils, but the general patterns remain unclear. With a meta-analysis of a global dataset covering 344 observations from 68 studies, we examined the responses of grassland soil C:N:P stoichiometry to shrub encroachment under various environmental conditions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFForest management changes the physical environments and nutrient dynamics and then regulates the forest productivity. Soil phosphorus (P) availability is critical for productivity in tropical and subtropical forests. However, it was still poorly understood how soil P content and fraction respond to various forest management practices in these regions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe effects of rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations (Ca) with climate warming on intrinsic water-use efficiency and radial growth in boreal forests are still poorly understood. We measured tree-ring cellulose δ13C, δ18O, and tree-ring width in Larix dahurica (larch) and Betula platyphylla (white birch), and analyzed their relationships with climate variables in a boreal permafrost region of northeast China over past 68 years covering a pre-warming period (1951-1984; base period) and a warm period (1985-2018; warm period). We found that white birch but not larch significantly increased their radial growth over the warm period.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBoth macronutrients and micronutrients are essential for tree growth and development through participating in various ecophysiological processes. However, the impact of the nutritional status of trees on their ability to withstand drought-induced mortality remains inconclusive. We thus conducted a comprehensive meta-analysis, compiling data on 11 essential nutrients from 44 publications (493 independent observations).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSoil fungi are a key component of terrestrial ecosystems and play a major role in soil biogeochemical cycling. Although the diversity and composition of fungal communities are regulated by many abiotic and biotic factors, the effect of elevation on soil fungal community diversity and composition remains largely unknown. In this study, the soil fungal composition and diversity in populations along an elevational gradient (1,690 m to 2020 m a.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Parasitic plants can damage crop plants and consequently cause yield losses and thus threaten food security. Resource availability (e.g.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLeaf stomatal and anatomical traits strongly influence plant productivity. Understanding the environmental adaptation mechanisms of leaf stomatal and anatomical traits and their relationship with ecosystem productivity is essential to better understand and predict the long-term adaptation strategies to climate change of moso bamboo forests. Here, we selected 6 sites within the moso bamboo distribution area, measured 3 leaf stomatal traits and 10 leaf anatomical traits of unmanaged moso bamboo stands.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNitrogen enrichment and land use are known to influence various ecosystems, but how these anthropogenic changes influence community and ecosystem responses to disturbance remains poorly understood. Here we investigated the effects of increased nitrogen input and mowing on the resistance and recovery of temperate semiarid grassland experiencing a three-year drought. Nitrogen addition increased grassland biomass recovery but decreased structural recovery after drought, whereas annual mowing increased grassland biomass recovery and structural recovery but reduced structural resistance to drought.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMany carbon-related physiological questions in plants such as carbon (C) limitation or starvation have not yet been resolved thoroughly due to the lack of suitable experimental methodology. As a first step towards resolving these problems, we conducted infusion experiments with bonsai trees () and young maple trees () in greenhouse, and with adult Scots pine trees () in the field, that were "fed" with C-labelled glucose either through the phloem or the xylem. We then traced the C-signal in plant organic matter and respiration to test whether trees can take up and metabolize exogenous sugars infused.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFront Microbiol
February 2023
Soil fungi play an important role in nutrient cycling, mycorrhizal symbiosis, antagonism against pathogens, and organic matter decomposition. However, our knowledge about the community characteristics of soil fungi in relation to bamboo varieties is still limited. Here, we compared the fungal communities in different soil compartments (rhizosphere vs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAtmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition is altering grassland productivity and community structure worldwide. Deposited N comes in different forms, which can have different consequences for productivity due to differences in their fertilization and acidification effects. We hypothesize that these effects may be mediated by changes in plant functional traits.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAcidobacteria are a major component of the soil bacteria and are conducted for many soil functions, and the soil Acidobacterial structure and diversity are affected by climate changes and human activities. However, soil Acidobacterial structure and diversity in wetland ecosystems are still limited recognized. The current study aimed to study the Acidobacterial community and diversity in relation to soil environmental factors along a typical degradation series from primitive wetland to forest in a representative fresh wetland in northeastern China.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFContamination of soils by microplastics can have profound ecological impacts on terrestrial ecosystems and has received increasing attention. However, few studies have considered the impacts of soil microplastics on plant communities and none has tested the impacts of spatial heterogeneity in the horizontal distribution of microplastics in the soil on plant communities. We grew experimental plant communities in soils with either a homogeneous or a heterogeneous distribution of each of six common microplastics, i.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBacteria are a crucial component of forest soil biodiversity and play an important role in numerous ecosystem processes. Here, we studied the patterns of soil bacterial community diversity and structure in a climax forest (; LG) compared with those in degraded forest ecosystems of four forest vegetation types (BD, ; BP, ; QM, ; and LGQM, a mixed coniferous-broadleaved forest composed of and ) in the Heilongjiang Zhongyangzhan Black-billed Capercaillie Nature Reserve in northern China, using Illumina MiSeq sequencing of 16 S rRNA genes. Soil physicochemical properties (pH, soil organic carbon = SOC, total nitrogen = TN, carbon/nitrogen = C/N, total phosphorous = TP, available nitrogen = AN, available phosphorous = AP) differed significantly ( < .
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTrait-based approaches have been widely applied to uncover the mechanisms determining community assembly and biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships. However, they have rarely been used in forest-steppe ecotones. These ecosystems are extremely sensitive to disturbances due to their relatively complex ecosystem structures, functionings and processes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFParental effects can influence offspring fitness, which may further impact interspecific competition. However, few studies have tested the role of clonal parental effects in regulating interspecific interactions and examined the underlying mechanisms. We conducted two consecutive experiments with two clonal plants ( and ).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPine mistletoe is a hemiparasitic shrub that can produce its own photosynthates. There is a lack of knowledge about the interaction of mistletoe and host under varying environmental condition that might influence carbon gain and allocation. In a C-pulse labeling experiment with mature (pine) infected by mistletoes grown in naturally dry or irrigated conditions, (1) mistletoe clusters were shielded from CO added, and (2) mistletoes or host needles were removed to manipulate the local assimilate and water availability.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCurrent increases in not only the intensity and frequency but also the duration of drought events could affect the growth, physiology, and mortality of trees. We experimentally studied the effects of drought duration in combination with fertilization on leaf water potential, gas exchange, growth, tissue levels of non-structural carbohydrates (NSCs), tissue NSC consumption over-winter, and recovery after drought release in oak () and beech () saplings. Long drought duration (>1 month) decreased leaf water potential, photosynthesis, and NSC concentrations in both oak and beech saplings.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPlant carbon (C) assimilation is expected to nonlinearly increase with continuously increasing nitrogen (N) deposition, causing a N saturation threshold for productivity. However, the response of plant productivity to N deposition rates and further the N saturation threshold still await comprehensive quantization for forest ecosystem. Here, we tested the effect of N addition on aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) of three-year old Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) trees by adding N at 0, 5.
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