The influenza A/H1N1 pandemic in 2009 taught us that the monitoring of vaccine benefits and risks in Europe had potential for improvement if different public and private stakeholders would collaborate better (public health institutes (PHIs), regulatory authorities, research institutes, vaccine manufacturers). The Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) subsequently issued a competitive call to establish a public-private partnership to build and test a novel system for monitoring vaccine benefits and risks in Europe. The ADVANCE project (Accelerated Development of Vaccine benefit-risk Collaboration in Europe) was created as a result.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg
June 2020
3D printed models are often very similar in shape and can be inadvertently switched if the related patient is not identified correctly. Here, we present a free and simple method to imprint letters and numbers in a 3D model. CT scan data were used to create an STL file of a patient's mandible.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: The 2009 influenza pandemic highlighted challenges for vaccine post-marketing monitoring in Europe, particularly the need to have appropriate infrastructures to strengthen public-private collaborations (PPCs) with suitable processes to improve stakeholder interactions and collection and analysis of safety and effectiveness data. The ADVANCE consortium comprises public and private stakeholders who have worked together to build and test new system components for vaccine post-marketing projects, one component being a governance framework for efficient, transparent and trustworthy PPCs.
Methods: Based on the results of a landscape analysis and screening of formalised existing governance structures, we identified the elements of a governance framework and developed recommendations to support stakeholders willing and able to implement collaborative projects.
Congenital fusion of the jaws (syngnathia) is a rare and severe disorder. The authors report a case of bony fusion of the left mandible with the maxilla and zygomatic complex in a 5-day-old male who was not able to feed and open his mouth normally. Early surgery was performed to release the bony fusion on the tenth day of life.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg
April 2019
Background: The risk of metastasizing in axillary lymph node is occasional in the head and neck cancers. This pattern of spread is difficult to explain and totally unpredictable even for these lymphophilic cancers.
Observation: A 72-year-old patient benefited, 11 years ago, of surgical oncology care associated with adjuvant radiotherapy for squamous cell carcinoma of the left floor of the mouth (pT4 pN2b M0).
Background: Validation of three-dimensional (3D) reconstructions of full dental arches with crowns and roots based on cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) imaging represents a key issue in 3D digital dentistry.
Objectives: The aim of the study was to search for the most accurate in vivo windowing-based manual tooth segmentation using CBCT. The null hypothesis was that all applied windowing protocols were equivalent in terms of in vivo tooth volume measurement using CBCT.
Background: Human papillomavirus (HPV) prevalence in oropharynx squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC) is on the rise. HPV-linked OPSCCs represent a distinct clinical entity with a better treatment response and patient survival compared to tumors not linked to HPV. An emerging role in treatment response has been attributed to immune cell infiltration in human tumors.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe combination of changes in eating habits, ways of living, globalisation, extensive travelling and the migration of millions of people around the world may be contributing to increased health risks. Certainly, health crises today are proving highly complex. More and more people are travelling and may carry with them unexpected virus vectors such as mosquitoes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLessons learnt from the 2009 (H1N1) flu pandemic highlighted factors limiting the capacity to collect European data on vaccine exposure, safety and effectiveness, including lack of rapid access to available data sources or expertise, difficulties to establish efficient interactions between multiple parties, lack of confidence between private and public sectors, concerns about possible or actual conflicts of interest (or perceptions thereof) and inadequate funding mechanisms. The Innovative Medicines Initiative's Accelerated Development of VAccine benefit-risk Collaboration in Europe (ADVANCE) consortium was established to create an efficient and sustainable infrastructure for rapid and integrated monitoring of post-approval benefit-risk of vaccines, including a code of conduct and governance principles for collaborative studies. The development of the code of conduct was guided by three core and common values (best science, strengthening public health, transparency) and a review of existing guidance and relevant published articles.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: To describe the tissue reactions at the bone-titanium interface of orthodontic miniplates in humans.
Materials And Methods: Forty-two samples, consisting of tissue fragments attached or not to miniplates or their fixation screws, were collected from 24 orthodontic patients treated with miniplate anchorage, at the time of removal of their miniplates. The samples were embedded in methylmethacrylate and cut into undecalcified sections which were submitted to microradiographic analysis.
Adenotonsillar hypertrophy is a common paediatric/otolaryngological disorder that may be associated with secondary growth or facial growth impairment, sleep disturbances, neurocognitive deficits, or smell loss. Surgical removal of the hypertrophic tissue eliminates the mechanical obstacle of the airways and is therefore curative in most cases. The purpose of the present review is to outline the impact of adenotonsillar hypertrophy and adenotonsillectomy on growth, facial growth, sleep, behaviour and smell.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIsolated marginal facial nerve paresis after TMJ discopexy: a case report. This is the first report of a transient, isolated marginal facial nerve paresis after temporomandibular joint arthrotomy. The paresis seems to have resulted from a crush lesion by Backhaus forceps, placed transcutaneously during the operation to distract the intra-articular space.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAn original alveolar osseous distraction method using a Hyrax orthodontic device connected to two miniplates modified as a skeletal orthodontic anchorage (Bollard™ type) is reported and illustrated by three cases. In all three cases with alveolar bone insufficiency, the alveolar osseous distraction allowed for dental implant positioning and fixed dental prosthetic rehabilitation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: To evaluate whether orthodontic loading has an effect on miniplate stability and bone mineral density (BMD) around the screws supporting those miniplates.
Setting And Sample Population: Two miniplates were inserted in each jaw quadrant of 10 dogs.
Material And Methods: Two weeks later, coil springs were placed between the miniplates of one upper quadrant and between those of the contralateral lower quadrant.
Clin Oral Implants Res
October 2008
Objectives: The objectives of this animal study were to evaluate if orthodontic loading has an impact on osseointegration of screws supporting miniplates, and to describe the histological components of the bone-screw interface.
Materials And Methods: Eighty orthodontic miniplates were placed in the jaws of 10 dogs. After 2 weeks, a 125 g force was applied between the miniplates of one upper quadrant of each dog and between those of the controlateral lower quadrant.
Background And Purpose: [18F]-EF3 allows non-invasive detection of hypoxia. In the framework of its validation, we aimed at comparing its pharmacokinetics, biodistribution, metabolism and specificity for hypoxia with the hypoxia tracer [18F]-FMISO.
Materials And Methods: C3H mice were injected IV with 3.
Purpose: Skeletal anchorage systems are increasingly used in orthodontics. This article describes the techniques of placement and removal of modified surgical miniplates used for temporary orthodontic anchorage and reports surgeons' perceptions of their use.
Patients And Methods: We enrolled 97 consecutive orthodontic patients having miniplates placed as an adjunct to treatment.
Purpose: The aim of this study was to assess the pharmacokinetics, biodistribution and metabolism of [(18)F]EF3, a labelled 2-nitroimidazole hypoxia marker, in ten patients with head and neck cancer.
Methods: [(18)F]EF3 was administered intravenously (group 1, n=5, mean dose+/-SD: 324+/-108 MBq; group 2, n=5, mean dose+/-SD: 1,134+/-138 MBq) to patients (nine male, one female). Blood and urine samples and whole-body PET scans were obtained from 20 s to 4-6 h.
Introduction: Closure of the radial free flap donor site remains a problem. Donor site morbidity is related to poor skin graft taking, inaesthetic appearance and hand sensory dysfunction.
Patients And Methods: From January 1998 to December 2002, 41 radial free flaps were harvested.
Rev Belge Med Dent (1984)
April 2007
The management of benign and malignant neoplasms of the salivary glands requires precise knowledge of tumor histogenesis and classification as well as surgical skills. Pleomorphic adenoma and Whartin's tumor are the most frequent tumors in parotid glands while the probability for malignant tumors is higher in other glands, especially in sublingual and minor salivary glands. Those malignant salivary glands tumors are rare and necessitate multidisciplinar staging and management in close collaboration with the pathologist and the radiation oncologist.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: The 2-(2-nitroimidazol-1-yl)-N-(3,3,3-trifluoropropyl)acetamide (EF3) is a 2-nitroimidazole derivative which undergoes bioreductive activation under hypoxic conditions. Using the PET tracer [18F]EF3 in mice, tumour-to-muscle ratios ranging from 1.3 to 3.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRev Stomatol Chir Maxillofac
April 2007
Introduction: Patient's age is known to have no influence on either treatment or prognosis of oral squamous cell carcinoma.
Observation: A 94-year old female patient, with a squamous cell carcinoma of the floor of the mouth, stage pT1pN0cM0, was classically treated by surgical tumor resection, selective neck dissection and immediate surgical reconstruction with a vascularized radial flap.
Discussion: This clinical case, which could be a record taking into account the patient's advanced age, confirms that treatment decision of oral squamous cell carcinoma must not be influenced by age.
November 2006
Introduction: We present an original three-dimensional cephalometric analysis based on a transformation of a classical two dimensional topological cephalometry.
Methods: To validate the three-dimensional cephalometric CT based concept we systematically compared the alignments of anatomic structures. We used digital lateral radiography to perform the classical two-dimensional cephalometry, and a three-dimensional CT surface model for the three-dimensional cephalometry.