Publications by authors named "Madineni Ravichandra"

In this case report, we characterize an instance of diagnosis, treatment, characteristics, and outcomes of a patient with a liponeurocytoma, a rare WHO grade II brain tumor first described in 1978. This tumor has been described with a wide array of radiographic, microscopic, and histologic features, and there remains no consensus regarding the role of radiation therapy. Most patients have favorable outcomes after surgical resection.

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Objective: We aim to study the impact of preoperative opioid dosage on postoperative length of stay (LOS) in patients undergoing thoracic spinal cord stimulator (SCS) placement surgery as a primary objective. Secondary objectives of this study include investigating patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) usage and postoperative complications like fever in relation to patients' preoperative opioid dosage and postoperative LOS.

Methods: A total of 47 patients who underwent thoracic SCS for first time were retrospectively studied through chart review.

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Adult degenerative cervical kyphosis is a debilitating disease that often requires complex surgical management. Young spine surgeons, residents, and fellows are often confused as to which surgical approach to choose due to lack of experience, absence of a systematic method of surgical management, and today's plethora of information regarding surgical techniques. Although surgeons may be able to perform anterior, posterior, or combined (360°) approaches to the cervical spine, many struggle to rationally choose an appropriate approach for deformity correction.

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Introduction: Trigeminal Neuralgia (TGN) is a syndrome characterized by Paroxysmal, shock like hemifacial pain. Among the various treatment options micro vascular decompression (MVD) has gained popularity in the recent years.

Materials And Methods: 182 patients underwent MVD, between 1995-2007 out of 530 patients treated for Trigeminal Neuralgia at our service.

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