J Int Soc Prev Community Dent
August 2020
Aim: This study was undertaken to assess the association between periodontitis and metabolic syndrome.
Materials And Methods: A case-control study was designed among 100 cases as patients with metabolic syndrome aged 35-74 years, and age- and sex-matched 100 controls as apparently healthy relatives or friends accompanying the cases visiting the diabetic outpatient department at Victoria Hospital, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India, using convenience sampling method. Information related to diabetes, hypertension, and oral hygiene practices was collected.
Background/introduction: For various reasons, the care demand from elderly people is low and difficult to determine, whereas their oral hygiene status would need urgent care.
Objective: To assess the oral hygiene status of institutionalized dependent elderly in Bangalore City, India.
Methods: A cross-sectional study of 322 dependent elderly patients was conducted at seven elderly homes of Bangalore City, India.