Introduction: The second to fourth-digit-ratio (2D:4D), a putative marker of prenatal androgen action and a sexually dimorphic trait, has been suggested to be related with fitness and sports performance, although results are not univocal. Most studies however focus on a single aspect of physical fitness or one sports discipline.
Methods: In this study the 2D:4D ratio of 178 adolescent girls (age 13.
J Sports Sci
February 2014
In this study the relationship between the digit ratio (2D:4D) and artistic gymnastics performance and competition level was investigated in a sample of Caucasian world-class female gymnasts (n = 145). The sample was divided into three competition events (compulsories, free work, final score). Within each event three performance groups (lowest, middle, and highest) were based on the competition scores gathered at the World Championships at Rotterdam, the Netherlands, in 1987.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe present paper will use fat mass percentage (FM%) obtained via BOD POD® air-displacement plethysmography (FMADP%) to examine the relative validity of (1) anthropometric measurements/indices and (2) of FM% assessed with equations (FMeq%) based on skinfold thickness and bioelectrical impedance (BIA). In 480 Belgian children (aged 5-11 years) weight, height, skinfold thickness (triceps and subscapular), body circumferences (mid-upper arm, waist and hip), foot-to-foot BIA (Tanita®) and FMADP% were measured. Anthropometric measurements and calculated indices were compared with FMADP%.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: The second to fourth-digit-ratio (2D:4D), a putative marker of prenatal androgen action and a sexually dimorphic trait, has been suggested to be related with sports performance, although results are not univocal. If this relation exists, it is most likely to be detected by comparing extreme groups on the continuum of sports performance.
Methods: In this study the 2D:4D ratio of world-class elite female artistic gymnasts (n = 129), competing at the 1987 Rotterdam World-Championships was compared to the 2D:4D ratio of sedentary age-matched sedentary girls (n = 129), alongside with other anthropometric characteristics including other sexually dimorphic traits such as an androgyny index (Bayer & Bayley) and Heath-Carter somatotype components (endomorphy, mesomorphy, ectomorphy) using AN(C)OVA.
Introduction: The aim of the study was to evaluate whether subject positioning would affect the measurement of raw body volume, thoracic gas volume, corrected body volume and the resulting percent body fat as assessed by air displacement plethysmography (ADP).
Methods: Twenty-five young adult men (20.7±1.
Muscle strength is an important determinant in elite sports performance as well as in the activities of daily living. Muscle metabolism also plays a role in the genesis, and therefore prevention, of common pathological conditions and chronic diseases. Even though heritability estimates between 31 and 78% suggest a significant genetic component in muscle strength, only a limited number of genes influencing muscle strength have been identified.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIsothermal air trapped in scalp hair generates an underestimation of body volume when it is measured by air displacement plethysmography. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of wearing different types of swim caps on the measurement of body volume and percentage body fat by air displacement plethysmography. It was hypothesized that wearing a silicone swim cap would more thoroughly compress scalp hair compared with a lycra swim cap, yielding higher estimates of body volume and percent body fat.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMuscle strength is important in functional activities of daily living and the prevention of common pathologies. We describe the two-staged fine mapping of a previously identified linkage peak for knee strength on chr12q12-14. First, 209 tagSNPs in/around 74 prioritized genes were genotyped in 500 Caucasian brothers from the Leuven Genes for Muscular Strength study (LGfMS).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: Associations between size at birth, postnatal weight gain, and potential risk for adult disease have been variably explained by in utero exposures or genetic risk that could affect both outcomes. We utilized a twin model to explore these hypotheses.
Methods: One hundred pairs of healthy twins aged 8.
Unlabelled: Midlife muscle function is associated with disability and premature mortality later in life. Biological maturity is associated with muscle function during growth; however, it is unknown whether biological maturity during adolescence is associated with muscle mass and function in middle-aged healthy men.
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to evaluate if late maturation during adolescence is associated with better muscle function in middle-aged men.
The torque-velocity relationship is known to be affected by ageing, decreasing its protective role in the prevention of falls. Interindividual variability in this torque-velocity relationship is partly determined by genetic factors (h(2): 44-67%). As a first attempt, this genome-wide linkage study aimed to identify chromosomal regions linked to the torque-velocity relationship of the knee flexors and extensors.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: Evidence of a genetic basis of metabolic risk factors (MRFs) is growing. Studies examining the genetic and environmental basis of the clustering of MRFs, grouped together in the metabolic syndrome (MetS), are however sparse. The aim of this study therefore was to study the heritabilities of the MRFs and the genetic and environmental correlations between the MRFs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The distribution of fat and adipose tissue is an important predictor of disease risk. Variation in fat distribution during adolescence is correlated with fat distribution in adulthood.
Objective: The objective was to gain insight into the relative contribution of genes and environment to the stability of subcutaneous fat distribution from early adolescence into young adulthood.
We investigated the effects of spatial-selective attention on oscillatory neuronal dynamics in a tactile delayed-match-to-sample task. Whole-head magnetoencephalography was recorded in healthy subjects while dot patterns were presented to their index fingers using Braille stimulators. The subjects' task was to report the reoccurrence of an initially presented sample pattern in a series of up to eight test stimuli that were presented unpredictably to their right or left index finger.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: To determine whether the observed phenotypic stability in explosive strength during adolescence, as measured by inter-age correlations in vertical jump (VTJ), is mainly caused by genetic and/or environmental factors.
Methods: Subjects are from the Leuven Longitudinal Twin Study (LLTS) (n = 105 pairs, equally divided over five zygosity groups). VTJ data were aligned on age at peak height velocity (APHV) to attenuate the temporal fluctuations in inter-age correlations caused by differences in timing of the adolescent growth spurt.
The purpose of this study was to determine whether the observed phenotypic stability in static strength during adolescence, as measured by interage correlations in arm pull, is mainly caused by genetic and/or environmental factors. Subjects were from the Leuven Longitudinal Twin Study (n = 105 pairs, equally divided over 5 zygosity groups). Arm-pull data were aligned on age at peak height velocity to attenuate the temporal fluctuations in interage correlations caused by differences in timing of the adolescent growth spurt.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPrevious findings show strong evidence for the role of retinoblastoma (Rb) in myoblast proliferation and differentiation. However, it is not known whether variation in the retinoblastoma gene (RB1 ) is responsible for normal variation in human muscle strength. Therefore, a linkage analysis for quantitative traits was performed on 329 young male siblings from 146 families with muscle strength, using a polymorphic marker in RB1 (D13S153 on 13q14.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMed Sci Sports Exerc
September 2004
Purpose: To model the growth of peak aerobic power during adolescence in both sexes followed longitudinally from 10 to 18 yr.
Methods: Peak aerobic power (peak VO2) was measured annually during a maximal treadmill test with the Bruce protocol. Height and weight were measured semiannually.
The purpose of this study was to estimate the genetic and environmental contribution to variation in skeletal muscle mass and strength. In addition, important determinants were analyzed by stepwise multiple regression. In a large (N = 748) sibling pair sample of young brothers, ages 24.
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