Publications by authors named "MS Zubairy"

Gaussian states with nonclassical properties such as squeezing and entanglement serve as crucial resources for quantum information processing. Accurately quantifying these properties within multimode Gaussian states has posed some challenges. To address this, we introduce a unified quantification: the "classical-nonclassical polarity," represented by P.

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The spin angular momentums of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) on chiral material interfaces and the Imbert-Fedorov shifts of linearly polarized light beams are investigated. Compared to a traditional TM-polarized SPP having a transverse spin, the SPP on a chiral material interface also has a longitudinal spin component, resulting from the nature that this new kind of SPP is a hybrid of TE and TM-polarized evanescent waves. When a light beam is incident on a sandwich structure composed of chiral material, prisms, and metal layers, in which the SPP is supported, the reflection and transmission processes can be analogous to the transport of a photon in a waveguide QED system.

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The transmission of a two-level quantum emitter in its ground state through a graphene nanosheet is investigated. The graphene plasmons (GPs) field distribution, especially the opposite orientations of the vertical electric field components on the two sides of the graphene nanosheet, produces a significant nonadiabatic process during the interaction between the emitter and the localized GPs. By taking into account the counterrotating terms, the excitation of the quantum emitter with simultaneous emission of a GP has a large probability.

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We present a scheme for enhancing Goos-Hänchen shift of light beam that is reflected from a coherent atomic medium in the Kretschmann-Raether configuration. The complex permittivity of the medium can be coherently controlled and has significant influence on the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) at the metal-medium interface. By tuning the atomic absorption, the internal damping of SPR system can be modulated effectively, thereby leading to giant positive and negative lateral displacements.

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A scheme to overcome diffraction limit in optical lithography via tunable plasmons is proposed. The plasmons are generated by a current-driven instability and are resonance amplified between the drain and source barriers of the transistor. A series of discrete deep subwavelength can be obtained by controlling the gate voltage.

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  • The proposed protocol aims to safeguard quantum states and entanglements from thermal noise at finite temperatures using quantum gates.
  • Unlike traditional methods that rely on slow weak measurements, this protocol offers a faster alternative with no need for time-consuming processes.
  • The text also explores the potential application of this protocol in cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) systems.
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  • The proposed quantum swap gate allows for the exchange of quantum states between Alice and Bob, where only Alice's photon is transmitted, and the likelihood of a photon existing in the communication channel can be minimized.
  • Unlike traditional counterfactual quantum communication methods that rely on numerous measurements, this protocol uses multiple phase operations to facilitate the exchange of states, functioning as a unitary time evolution operator.
  • The communication is highly efficient and reliable, boasting perfect fidelity under ideal conditions, and the protocol is simpler to implement than typical counterfactual methods, with the added capability to adapt into a standard counterfactual approach.
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Molecular polaritons created by the strong coupling between matter and field in microcavities enable the control of molecular dynamical processes and optical response. Multidimensional infrared spectroscopy is proposed for monitoring the polariton-assisted cooperative properties. The response of molecules to local fluctuations is incorporated and the full dynamics is monitored through the time- and frequency-resolved multidimensional signal.

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  • The study explores tunable surface plasmons at the interface of a specific atomic medium, highlighting the connection between electric and magnetic components of the plasmonic field.
  • The unique chirality due to quantum coherence results in surface plasmon modes being present even when both sides of the medium have positive permittivity and permeability, unlike traditional systems.
  • This phenomenon, termed "electromagnetically induced plasmon," allows for manipulation of surface plasmon properties through control of the intensity and phase of the field applied.
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We propose a quantum secure group communication protocol for the purpose of sharing the same message among multiple authorized users. Our protocol can remove the need for key management that is needed for the quantum network built on quantum key distribution. Comparing with the secure quantum network based on BB84, we show our protocol is more efficient and securer.

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In the waveguide quantum electrodynamics (QED) system, emitter separation plays an important role for its functionality. Here, we present a method to measure the deep-subwavelength emitter separation in a waveguide-QED system. In this method, we can also determine the number of emitters within one diffraction-limited spot.

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The Goos-Hänchen (GH) shift of light beam incident on graphene ribbon array is investigated by Green's function method. Due to the resonance effects of leaky surface plasmons on ribbons, the zeroth-order reflection field shows both giant positive and negative GH shifts. By tuning the graphene Fermi level, we can control the shift conveniently.

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A standard method to obtain information on a quantum state is to measure marginal distributions along many different axes in phase space, which forms a basis of quantum-state tomography. We theoretically propose and experimentally demonstrate a general framework to manifest nonclassicality by observing a single marginal distribution only, which provides a unique insight into nonclassicality and a practical applicability to various quantum systems. Our approach maps the 1D marginal distribution into a factorized 2D distribution by multiplying the measured distribution or the vacuum-state distribution along an orthogonal axis.

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We demonstrate the counterintuitive dispersion effect that the peaks (dips) in the gain spectrum correspond to abnormal (normal) dispersion, contrary to the usual Kramers-Kronig point of view. This effect may also lead to two unique features: a broadband abnormal dispersion region and an observable Hartman effect. These results are explained in terms of interference and boundary effects.

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The Goos-Hänchen (GH) shift refers to a lateral displacement (from the path expected from geometrical optics) along an interface in totally internal reflection. This phenomenon results from a coherence effect. In order to bring to light the role of coherence, the reflection of partially coherent light fields was investigated within the framework of the theory of coherence.

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  • The paper introduces a method to create light propagation that disrupts left-right symmetry using three connected waveguides, similar to a technique in atomic physics.
  • The process can achieve this symmetry breaking over a frequency range of 80 nm.
  • The system relies solely on linear passive optical materials, making it simple to integrate on a chip.
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It has long been assumed in physics that for information to travel between two parties in empty space, "Alice" and "Bob," physical particles have to travel between them. Here, using the "chained" quantum Zeno effect, we show how, in the ideal asymptotic limit, information can be transferred between Alice and Bob without any physical particles traveling between them.

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We propose a quantum optical method to do the subwavelength lithography. Our method is similar to the traditional lithography but adding a critical step before dissociating the chemical bound of the photoresist. The subwavelength pattern is achieved by inducing the multi-Rabi oscillation between the two atomic levels.

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We derive two classes of multimode Bell inequalities under local realistic assumptions, which are violated only by the entangled states negative under partial transposition in accordance with the Peres conjecture. Remarkably, the failure of local realism can be manifested by exploiting wave and particle correlations of readily accessible continuous-variable states, with very large violation of inequalities insensitive to detector efficiency, which makes a strong case for a loophole-free test.

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The time evolution of the Lamb shift that accompanies the real photon emission is studied for the first time (to our knowledge). The investigation of the explicit time dependence of the Lamb shift becomes possible because the self-energy of the free electron, which is divergent, is subtracted from the Hamiltonian after a unitary transformation. The Lamb shift can then be separated into two parts: one is the time-independent shift due to the virtual photon exchange, and the other is the time-dependent shift due to the real photon emission.

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We show that the counterrotating, neglected in the previous studies of the quantum Zeno effect (QZE) in atomic decay, can have a large impact on the short-time evolution. We calculate the electron self-energy, the Lamb shift, and the QZE without making the rotating-wave approximation (RWA) and show that, for hydrogen in free space, the Zeno time is longer by 2 orders of magnitude than that obtained from the RWA. We also show that there is no anti-Zeno effect as the counterrotating terms and rotating terms represent the opposite processes in the higher frequency region.

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In this Letter, we show that the fulfillment of uncertainty relations is a sufficient criterion for a quantum-mechanically permissible state. We specifically construct two pseudospin observables for an arbitrary nonpositive Hermitian matrix whose uncertainty relation is violated. This method enables us to systematically derive separability conditions for all negative partial-transpose states in experimentally accessible forms.

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A novel approach for the generation of subwavelength structures in interferometric optical lithography is described. Our scheme relies on the preparation of the system in a position dependent trapping state via phase shifted standing wave patterns. Since this process only comprises resonant atom-field interactions, a multiphoton absorption medium is not required.

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