Publications by authors named "MOSS H"

Needleless connectors, which allow direct access to intravascular catheters, are widely used in clinical practice. The benefits of these devices to healthcare workers are well documented; however, the potential risk of microbial contamination and associated infection is unclear. This clinical study evaluated microbial contamination rates for a needleless connector, Connecta Clave(R) (CC(R)), as compared to a conventional three-way tap, which was connected to the hubs of central venous catheters (CVC) immediately following insertion.

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Background: Fibreoptic bronchoscopy (FOB) is the usual initial investigation of choice in patients with suspected endobronchial carcinoma, but it is often non-diagnostic. Once a positive diagnosis has been made, many patients undergo staging by computed tomographic (CT) scanning to assess the extent of the disease and its suitability for radical treatment. To determine whether initial CT scanning before FOB is a cost effective way of reducing subsequent unnecessary or unhelpful invasive diagnostic procedures, a study was undertaken in 171 patients with suspected endobronchial carcinoma.

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Objective: To explore the use of high resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the popliteal artery in defining atheroscelerotic lesions and to monitor the remodelling response to balloon angioplasty.

Methods: Four patients (aged 49-67) with symptomatic discrete popliteal artery stenoses, as demonstrated by conventional angiography, underwent balloon angioplasty. MRI of the diseased vessel was performed before and one week, one month, three months, and six months after therapeutic balloon angioplasty.

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Interferential therapy machines are used to apply alternating electric currents to patients for the treatment of various musculo-skeletal complaints. The potential for such machines to transfer skin microflora from one patient to another during treatment was investigated. The efficacy of the current disinfection procedure of the machines was also evaluated.

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We report a longitudinal study of a patient, ES, with a progressive degenerative disorder resulting from generalised cerebral atrophy. Across a range of tasks, ES showed a greater difficulty in recognising and naming artifacts than living things. This deficit for artifacts emerged over time, as she became more severely impaired.

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Aim: To assess the ability of mammography and ultrasound individually and in combination to predict whether a breast abnormality is benign or malignant in patients with symptomatic breast disease.

Materials And Methods: Patients included were those in whom histological confirmation of the abnormality following surgical excision was available. Mammographic and ultrasound appearances were prospectively classified using a four-point scale (1 = no significant lesion, 2 = benign lesion, 3 = possibly malignant, 4 = probably malignant).

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Background: We had previously reported a decrease in agonist-induced platelet dense granule secretion in blood samples from male adolescents with and without Conduct Disorder (CD). In an augmented sample, we have now employed multivariate modeling to examine the simultaneous effects of CD and regular monthly alcohol and marijuana use on both the dense granule secretion and aggregation phases of agonist-induced platelet responses.

Methods: Blood samples were obtained from adolescents with and without a CD diagnosis.

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This study modeled the influences of cortisol reactivity, androgens, age-corrected pubertal status, parental personality, family and peer dysfunction on behavioral self-regulation (BSR), in boys at high (HAR) and low average risk (LAR) for substance abuse. Differences between risk groups in cortisol and androgen concentrations, and cortisol reactivity were also examined. Subjects were 10- through 12-year-old sons of substance abusing fathers (HAR; n = 150) and normal controls (LAR; n = 147).

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Behavioral self-regulation (BSR), defined herein as the degree to which one can control one's own activity and reactivity to environmental stimuli, has been posited to be salient to the onset of adolescent substance abuse. The goal of this study was to clarify particular family and peer correlates of BSR in at-risk sons. Subjects were 10-through 12-year-old sons of substance-abusing fathers (high-average risk [HAR]; n = 176) and normal controls (low-average risk [LAR]; n = 199).

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Background: The purpose of this investigation was three-fold. First, we extended our original observation of decreased cortisol reactivity to an anticipated stressor in sons of fathers with a substance use disorder (SUD). Second, we examined the hypothesis that salivary cortisol underresponsivity in these high-risk prepubertal boys is an adaptation to the stress associated with having a father with a current, rather than remitted, SUD.

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We present the case of a 29-year-old woman with an asymptomatic intussuscepted appendix found incidentally during surgical evaluation for a pelvic mass in a patient with endometriosis. This case represents the rare nature of this presentation and the need to fully evaluate the gastrointestinal tract in patients with endometriosis.

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Mammalian telomeres contain a duplex array of telomeric repeats bound to the telomeric repeat-binding factors TRF1 and TRF2. Inhibition of TRF2 results in immediate deprotection of chromosome ends, manifested by loss of the telomeric 3' overhang, activation of p53, and end-to-end chromosome fusions. Electron microscopy reported here demonstrated that TRF2 can remodel linear telomeric DNA into large duplex loops (t loops) in vitro.

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In 21 consecutive patients, the authors analyzed changes in venous Doppler waveforms of damped or diminished cardiac pulsatility and respiratory phasicity. Each patient was suspected of having upper limb venous thrombosis, but thrombus was not visible at gray-scale ultrasonography (US) in the subclavian and brachiocephalic veins. US findings were compared with phlebographic findings.

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We performed segregation analysis on 495 nuclear families, ascertained for the father's substance abuse diagnosis, in an attempt to determine the role of genetic and other influences in determining the variability of DSM-III-R-defined attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). For our analyses, ADHD was treated as a quantitative variable, utilizing the semicontinuous scale provided by the 15-item symptom count within DSM-III-R. Analyses consisted of both class A and class D regressive models for which covariate effects (socioeconomic status) and sex dependence were estimated.

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Patients suffering from semantic dementia provide important constraints on theories of the structure and organisation of semantic memory. In this article we report one such patient, AM, whose progressive deterioration of semantics enables us to address the much-debated issue of whether conceptual structure is hierarchically organised. The hierarchical account predicts that brain damage should impair lower levels of the hierarchy (property information) before affecting higher level (category) information (Warrington and Shallice, Q.

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Objective: The goal of this investigation was to clarify the effects of sex and familial transmission in the psychosocial concomitants of substance abuse problems among adolescents.

Method: Male (n = 956) and female (n = 303) adolescents in school, and male adolescents in a drug treatment program (n = 51) in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina were administered a translated version of the Drug Use Screening Inventory. Use of substances, familial substance abuse and associations between psychosocial problem domains and substance abuse problems were examined.

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Background: Women with bulimia nervosa (BN) have disturbances of mood and behavior and alterations of monoamine activity when they are bingeing and purging. It is not known whether these alterations are secondary to pathological eating behavior or traits that could contribute to the pathogenesis of BN.

Methods: To avoid the confounding effects of pathological eating behavior, we studied 30 women after long-term recovery (>1 year with no bingeing or purging, normal weight, and regular menstrual cycles) from BN.

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Executive cognitive functioning (ECF) has been identified as an important determinant in the etiology of alcoholism. ECF represents a "higher-order" cognitive construct involved in the self-regulation of goal-directed behavior. The prefrontal cortex and its subcortical connections represent the primary neurological substrate that subserves ECF.

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This study determined the relevance of preadolescent psychopathology and substance use for predicting early adolescent alcohol and cannabis involvement in boys of fathers with and without substance use disorders (SUD). Fathers of preadolescent boys (ages 10 through 12 years) were recruited to represent families of boys with paternal SUD (High Risk or HR: N = 102) and boys without paternal SUD (Low Average Risk or LAR: n = 166). These boys and a parental informant participated in semistructured diagnostic interviews at baseline and 2-year follow-up assessments (ages 12 through 14 years).

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Category-specific deficits for living things have been explained variously as an artifact due to differences in the familiarity of concepts in different categories (E. Funnell & J. Sheridan, 1992) or as the result of an underlying impairment to sensory knowledge (E.

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This study aims to identify (1) a core disruptive behavior disorder (DBD) postulated to presage a substance use disorder, and (2) the relative importance of parental DBD phenotypes, and familial and nonfamilial environmental factors in the determination of DBD in male children. DBD symptom counts and measures of familial and nonfamilial environmentals were collected from intact families ascertained through the presence (SA+) or absence (SA-) of substance dependence in fathers. Multivariate analyses revealed that both behavioral symptoms and environmental measures were significant discriminators of the families.

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Microorganisms detected in situ on the distal tip of central venous catheters (CVC) within 90 min of insertion were investigated using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis to analyse genomic fragments obtained with the SmaI restriction enzyme. Thirty patients received a triple lumen CVC, which was inserted directly through the skin using the Seldinger technique. In a further 30 patients a triple lumen CVC was inserted through a Swan sheath, thereby avoiding direct contact of the CVC with the skin.

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