Publications by authors named "MORSE R"

Importance: Respiratory pathogen testing has been a common deimplementation focus. The COVID-19 pandemic brought new considerations for respiratory testing; recent trends in testing rates are not well understood.

Objective: To measure trends in respiratory testing among encounters for acute respiratory infections among children and adolescents (aged <18 years) from 2016 to 2023, assess the association of COVID-19 with these trends, and describe associated cost trends.

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Disenfranchised grief is a form of grief that remains unacknowledged and unsupported. Building on Doka's foundational concept of disenfranchised grief, the guiding framework for this pilot project was the Knowledge to Action framework. This study is a quantitative cross-sectional web-based survey, which included a validated questionnaire: the Witnessing Disenfranchised Grief Scale.

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Sepsis leads to an acute breakdown of muscle to support increased caloric and amino acid requirements. Little is known about the role of adipose and muscle tissue breakdown and intestinal metabolism in glucose substrate supply during the acute phase of sepsis. In a translational porcine model of sepsis, we explored the across organ net fluxes of gluconeogenic substrates.

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Background: The objective of this study was to investigate the barriers to follow-up of women with cervical lesions suspicious of cancer who were ineligible for primary-level treatment and needed, but did not receive, hospital-level care in Loreto, Peru.

Methods: In-depth, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 18 HPV-positive women requiring hospital-level follow-up care for cervical lesions suspicious of cancer but for whom there was no documentation of completion of treatment. After thematically analyzing these patient interviews, interview findings were presented to seven doctors and five nurse-midwives at both the hospital and the primary levels for comments and suggestions regarding barriers to treatment.

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  • * The study introduces enhanced modeling techniques for neutrino flux and detector response, and it distinguishes between starting (inside) and throughgoing (outside) neutrino interaction events to improve energy resolution.
  • * The findings indicate a best-fit point for the 3+1 model with sin²(2θ_{24})=0.16 and Δm_{41}²=3.5 eV², supporting previous studies while showing consistency with no evidence of sterile neutrinos, as reflected
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Background: ScanNavAnatomy Peripheral Nerve Block (ScanNav™) is an artificial intelligence (AI)-based device that produces a colour overlay on real-time B-mode ultrasound to highlight key anatomical structures for regional anaesthesia. This study compares consistency of identification of sono-anatomical structures between expert ultrasonographers and ScanNav™.

Methods: Nineteen experts in ultrasound-guided regional anaesthesia (UGRA) annotated 100 structures in 30 ultrasound videos across six anatomical regions.

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Background: There is a paucity of information around whether hospital length of stay and readmission rates differ based upon hospital type for adolescents and young adults (AYA) with complex chronic diseases (CCDs).

Objective: To measure the association between hospital type and readmission rates and index admission LOS among AYA with CCDs.

Methods: We performed a retrospective cross-sectional study of 2017 Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project State Inpatient Databases, including patients 12-25 years old with cystic fibrosis (CF), sickle cell disease (SCD), spina bifida (SB), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and diabetes mellitus (DM).

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Purpose: Understanding quality of life (QOL) implications of individual components of breast cancer treatment is important as systemic therapies continue to improve oncologic outcomes. We hypothesized that adjuvant radiation therapy does not significantly impact QOL domains in breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.

Methods: Data was drawn from three prospective studies in women with localized breast cancer being treated with chemotherapy from March 2014 to December 2019.

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Purpose: Randomized trials have found that patients with locoregionally advanced p16+ oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC) do not benefit from treatment deintensification, even among favorable risk groups. Although various methods have been used to identify candidates for treatment deintensification, the optimal approach is unknown.

Methods And Materials: We conducted a multi-institutional cohort study of 444 patients with previously untreated p16+ OPSCC undergoing definitive radiation therapy with or without systemic therapy between 2009 and 2022.

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Objective: With the increase in natural disasters and the expected role of public health nurses (PHNs) in responding, it is crucial to develop evidence-based disaster preparedness and management training programs tailored to the needs of PHNs. This study evaluates the effectiveness of a flipped classroom approach in disaster training for PHNs.

Methods: A total of 42 PHNs completed a 5-hour online training program and an in-person 8-hour training session at a local nursing school.

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Background And Objective: Few studies have explored the relationship between social drivers of health and pediatric low-value care (LVC). We assessed the relationship between Childhood Opportunity Index (COI) 2.0 and LVC in children's hospitals.

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Shellfish aquaculture can provide important ecosystem services to coastal communities, yet these benefits are not typically considered within the aquaculture permit review process. Resource managers have expressed interest in easy-to-use tools, based on robust science, that produce location and operation-appropriate values for beneficial services. These values need to be produced in a format that aligns with existing regulatory processes to facilitate seamless integration with permit review.

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  • Research highlights a critical gap in understanding long COVID (PASC) in children and emphasizes the need for studies that define its characteristics in this age group.
  • The objective is to identify common prolonged symptoms in children aged 6 to 17 post-SARS-CoV-2 infection, examining differences between school-age kids and adolescents, as well as potential symptom clusters for future research.
  • A multicenter study involved nearly 5,000 participants, revealing that certain symptoms were significantly more prevalent in those with a history of COVID-19 compared to those without.
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Background: Cervical cancer is a preventable cancer; however, decreasing its prevalence requires early detection and treatment strategies that reduce rates of loss to follow-up. This study explores factors associated with loss to follow-up among HPV-positive women after implementation of a new HPV-based screen-and-treat approach for cervical cancer prevention in Iquitos, Peru.

Methods: We conducted semi-structured interviews with "obstetras" (i.

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Introduction: Mental health conditions are associated with cognition and physical function in older adults. We examined whether worry and ruminative brooding, key symptoms of certain mental health conditions, are related to subjective and/or objective measures of cognitive and physical (cardiovascular) health.

Methods: We used baseline data from 282 participants from the SCD-Well and Age-Well trials (178 female; age = 71.

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  • Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is often overlooked in civilian women, with existing definitions from the CDC and DOD/VA focusing mainly on athletes and military personnel.
  • This study analyzed electronic health records to compare these definitions and introduced a new, broader definition called the Penn definition to better identify TBI cases in women.
  • The results showed that the Penn definition identified nearly twice as many TBI patients compared to the existing definitions, allowing for more comprehensive research on this condition.
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  • - The study presents a measurement of astrophysical tau neutrinos using 9.7 years of data from the IceCube observatory, identifying seven candidate events with energies between 20 TeV and 1 PeV.
  • - Convolutional neural networks were used to analyze simulated event images, helping to estimate the parent tau neutrino energy to be around 200 TeV while facing a background of about 0.5 events primarily from non-tau astrophysical neutrinos.
  • - The results confirmed the presence of astrophysical tau neutrinos at a 5σ significance level, aligning with existing IceCube measurements and theoretical predictions regarding neutrino flux and oscillations.
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Enhancement of shellfish populations has long been discussed as a potential nutrient reduction tool, and eastern oyster aquaculture was recently approved as a nutrient reduction best management practice (BMP) in Chesapeake Bay, USA. This study addressed BMP-identified data gaps involving variation in nutrient concentration related to ploidy, effects of reproductive development, and a paucity of phosphorus concentration data. Diploid and triploid oysters were collected from farms in Maryland and Virginia across the typical local reproductive cycle.

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Allergist-immunologists face significant challenges as experts in an ever-evolving field of neuroimmunology. Among these challenges is the increasingly frequent need to counsel patients with suspected mast cell activation disorders about perceived comorbidities, which may include hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, amplified pain syndrome, fibromyalgia, burning sensation syndromes, migraines, irritable bowel syndrome, and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome. Patients may experience comorbid anxiety, panic disorder, and depression associated with disturbed sleep, fatigue, and cognitive impairment that often worsen when their physical symptoms increase in severity.

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Purpose: Oncoplastic breast surgery (OBS) combines breast cancer tumor removal with the cosmetic benefits of plastic surgery at the time of breast-conserving surgery. Potential advantages of OBS include wider surgical margins around the tumor bed, while the natural shape and appearance of the breast are maintained more than standard lumpectomy procedures. However, limited information is available regarding the potential effect on adjuvant radiation treatment planning.

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Background: Over 850,000 people in the UK currently have dementia, and that number is expected to grow rapidly. One approach that may help slow or prevent this growth is personalized dementia prevention. For most people, this will involve targeted lifestyle changes.

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The use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) in critically ill patients has been on the rise in recent years. While ECMO has provided substantial benefit to patients who need cardiopulmonary support, its required use of large-bore catheters in major blood vessels often precludes the use of other transcatheter therapies. In this article, we demonstrate that two transcatheter procedures, AngioVac right-sided cardiac thrombus removal and Micra leadless pacemaker placement, both requiring large bore access, can both be safely and effectively implemented in patients who are dependent on ECMO to maintain cardiopulmonary function.

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Background: Cervical cancer is preventable with vaccination and early detection and treatment programs. However, for these programs to work as intended, stigma related to HPV and cervical cancer must be understood and addressed. We explored pre-existing stigma associated with HPV and cervical cancer in the public healthcare system and community of a low-resource setting prior to implementation of an HPV screen-and-treat program.

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Extranodal marginal zone lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT lymphoma) is an indolent non-Hodgkin lymphoma rarely seen in pediatric patients. MALT lymphoma most commonly involves the gastrointestinal tract or peri-orbital tissues, potentially as sequela of chronic antigenic stimulation or immune dysregulation. Rare cases of MALT lymphoma arising from the gynecologic tract have been reported in older adult patients.

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