Publications by authors named "MAKSIMOV I"

Abscisic acid (ABA) is not only important for plant responses to abiotic stresses, but also plays a key and multifaceted role in plant immunity. In this work, we analyzed the role of ABA in the development of resistance/susceptibility in the wheat ( L.)- Berk.

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Article Synopsis
  • SnTox1 is a virulence factor from a fungal pathogen that interacts with a host gene in a way that leads to leaf necrosis in susceptible wheat types.
  • The study investigates how SnTox1 affects plant hormonal pathways, specifically focusing on salicylic acid (SA), jasmonic acid (JA), and ethylene during pathogen infection.
  • Findings indicate that SnTox1 disrupts the interaction between SA and JA/ethylene pathways, enhancing susceptibility while suppressing resistance mechanisms in wheat, revealing new insights into how this effector manipulates plant immunity.
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Beneficial endophytic bacteria can suppress the development of insect pests through direct antagonism, with the help of metabolites, or indirectly by the induction of systemic resistance through the regulation of hormonal signaling pathways. Lipopeptides are bacterial metabolites that exhibit direct antagonistic activity against many organisms, including insects. Also, lipopeptides are able to trigger induced systemic resistance (ISR) in plants against harmful organisms, but the physiological mechanisms of their action are just beginning to be studied.

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Cytokinins (CKs) and abscisic acid (ABA) play an important role in the life of both plants and pathogenic fungi. However, the role of CKs and ABA in the regulation of fungal growth, development and virulence has not been sufficiently studied. We compared the ability of two virulent isolates (SnB and Sn9MN-3A) and one avirulent isolate (Sn4VD) of the pathogenic fungus Berk.

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At present, the National Metrology Institute of Japan provides six national primary pH buffers under the Japan Calibration Service System. Each batch of these buffers is certified by the primary pH method using a Harned cell. On the basis of these primary buffers, the designated laboratories supply the secondary and working pH standards using a high-precision pH meter.

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RNA interference is a gene silencing mechanism that plays an important role in genetic regulation in a number of eukaryotes. Argonaute (AGO) proteins are central to the complex RNA interference system. However, their role in this mechanism, both in the host plant organism and in the pathogen, has not yet been fully elucidated.

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Background: Currently, the role of microRNAs in plant immune responses is being actively studied. Thus, our aim was to research the effect of (Berk.) NEs SnToxA and SnTox3 on the expression of miRNAs involved in the wheat- interaction and to determine the role of phytohormones in this process.

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26D is a plant growth-promoting endophytic bacteria capable of inducing systemic resistance through the priming mechanism, which includes plant genome reprogramming and the phenomenon of RNA interference (RNAi) and microRNA (miRNAs). The phloem-feeding insect bird cherry-oat aphid L. is a serious pest that causes significant damage to crops throughout the world.

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Berliner () and sensu stricto Frankland and Frankland are closely related species of aerobic, spore-forming bacteria included in the sensu lato group. This group is one of the most studied, but it remains also the most mysterious species of bacteria. Despite more than a century of research on the features of these ubiquitous bacteria, there are a lot of questionable issues related to their taxonomy, resistance to external influences, endophytic existence, their place in multidimensional relationships in the ecosystem, and many others.

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Objective: To assess the microstructural integrity of the corpus callosum in patients with cerebral small vessel disease (cSVD) using signal and biophysical diffusion MRI models and to identify the most sensitive markers of disease progression.

Material And Methods: Diffusion MRI (3 Tesla) was performed in 166 patients (51.8% women; mean age 60.

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Nitric oxide (NO) is a multifunctional, gaseous signaling molecule implicated in both physiological and protective responses to biotic and abiotic stresses, including salinity. In this work, we studied the effects of 200 µM exogenous sodium nitroprusside (SNP, a donor of NO) on the components of the phenylpropanoid pathway, such as lignin and salicylic acid (SA), and its relationship with wheat seedling growth under normal and salinity (2% NaCl) conditions. It was established that exogenous SNP contributed to the accumulation of endogenous SA and increased the level of transcription of the pathogenesis-related protein 1 () gene.

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The use of biocontrol agents based on endophytic bacteria against phloem-feeding insects is limited by a lack of knowledge and understanding of the mechanism of action of the endophyte community that makes up the plant microbiome. In this work, the mechanisms of the additive action of endophytic strains 26D and 11VM on the resistance of bread spring wheat against greenbug aphid was studied. It was shown that 26D secreted lipopeptide surfactin and phytohormones cytokinins, and 11VM produced iturin and auxins into the cultivation medium.

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Detection of specific microRNA (miRNA) is of great demand due to their essential role in genes regulation, stress response and development of diseases. However, mature miRNAs are small molecules that make it difficult to use routine amplification-based methods. Here, we report an approach for detection of miRNA based on a new type of isothermal amplification, namely, multimerization.

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Endophytic plant-growth-promoting microorganisms can protect plants against pathogens, but they have rarely been investigated as potential biocontrol agents and triggers of induced systemic resistance (ISR), regulated by phytohormones, against viruses. We studied the role of endophytic strains 26D and Ttl2, which secrete ribonucleases and phytohormones, in the induction of tomato plant resistance against potato virus X and potato virus Y in a greenhouse condition. The endophytes reduced the accumulation of viruses in plants, increased the activity of plant ribonucleases and recovered the fruit yield of infected tomato plants.

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Reactive oxygen species (ROS) play a central role in plant immune responses. The most important virulence factors of the Berk. are multiple fungal necrotrophic effectors (NEs) (SnTox) that affect the redox-status and cause necrosis and/or chlorosis in wheat lines possessing dominant susceptibility genes ().

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Plant damage caused by defoliating insects has a long-term negative effect on plant growth and productivity. Consequently, the restoration of plant growth after exposure to pathogens or pests is the main indicator of the effectiveness of the implemented defense reactions. A short-term Say attack on potato tube-grown plantlets ( L.

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Plant viral diseases are the foremost threat to sustainable agriculture, leading to several billion dollars in losses every year. Many viruses infecting several crops have been described in the literature; however, new infectious viruses are emerging frequently through outbreaks. For the effective treatment and prevention of viral diseases, there is great demand for new techniques that can provide accurate identification on the causative agents.

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Aim: To study the change in the -adrenergic reactivity of red blood cell membranes in patients during the first year after acute myocardial infarction.

Materials And Methods: The study included 25 patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) who signed informed consent to participate in the study. The erythrocyte membrane -adrenoreactivity index (-ARM) was determined in venous blood samples upon admission to the intensive care unit, one day after admission, 6 and 12 months after the index MI was transferred using the BETA-ARM-AGAT reagent kit (Agat-Med, Russia).

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Ethylene, salicylic acid (SA), and jasmonic acid are the key phytohormones involved in plant immunity, and other plant hormones have been demonstrated to interact with them. The classic phytohormone cytokinins are important participants of plant defense signaling. Crosstalk between ethylene and cytokinins has not been sufficiently studied as an aspect of plant immunity and is addressed in the present research.

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Viral diseases and their damage causing significant loss to economically important crops have increased by several folds during the last decade. All the conventional approaches are not able to eradicate the viral infection. Therefore, there is a need to look for efficient and eco-friendly viral disease-preventive measures.

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Novel properties of a previously obtained 26DCryChS strain are described. The 26DCryChS strain is able to produce Cry1Ia δ-endotoxin from B-5351 and to exist in internal plant tissues of potato plants in the same manner as the endophytic 26D source strain (487 ± 53 and 420 ± 63 CFU*10/g, respectively). 26DCryChS, as much as the original 26D strain, inhibited mycelium growth of oomycete (Mont.

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Plant viruses are globally responsible for the significant crop losses of economically important plants. All common approaches are not able to eradicate viral infection. Many non-conventional strategies are currently used to control viral infection, but unfortunately, they are not always effective.

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Postharvest diseases significantly reduce the shelf-life of harvested fruits/vegetables worldwide. spp. are considered to be an eco-friendly and bio-safe alternative to traditional chemical fungicides/bactericides due to their intrinsic ability to induce native anti-stress pathways in plants.

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The study demonstrated that chitooligosaccharides with a molecular weight of 5–10 kDa and a degree of acetylation of 65% exhibited an auxin-like effect in wheat plants and also played an important role in regulating the activity of polysaccharide (chitin)–specific anion isoenzymes of peroxidase oxidizing indole acetic acid. Changes in the kinetic parameters of the interaction of the wheat anionic chitin-specific peroxidase with pI ∼3.5 with chitin oligomers in the presence of indoleacetic acid were pH-depended and indicated that chitooligosaccharides significantly impair the ability of the enzyme for oxidation at pH levels of 4.

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The response of Triticum aestivum L. to infection by Septoria nodorum Berk, a pathogen causing speckled leaf blotch, was studied. The effect of salicylic acid (SA) and jasmonic acid (JA) signal molecules, as well as chitooligosaccharides (COSs) with different acetylation degrees (ADs), on the accumulation of hydrogen peroxide (Н2О2) in wheat leaves and the pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins of oxalate oxidase (AJ556991.

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