Publications by authors named "M Weigel"

Background: With the approval of disease-modifying treatments for 5q-spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), there is an increasing need for biomarkers for disease course and therapeutic response monitoring. Radially sampled Averaged Magnetization Inversion Recovery Acquisitions (rAMIRA) MR-imaging enables spinal cord (SC) gray matter (GM) delineation and quantification in vivo. This study aims to assess SC GM atrophy in patients with 5q-SMA and its associations with clinical disability.

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Environmental protection, especially fouling protection, is a very topical and wide-ranging issue. This review explores the development, molecular design, and nanoarchitectonics of sol-gel-based hybrid coatings for antifouling applications. These coatings combine inorganic and organic materials, offering enhanced stability and adaptability, making them ideal for protecting surfaces from fouling.

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The Griffiths phase in systems with quenched disorder occurs below the ordering transition of the pure system down to the ordering transition of the actual disordered system. While it does not exhibit long-range order, large fluctuations in the disorder degrees of freedom result in exponentially rare, long-range ordered states and hence the occurrence of broad distributions in response functions. Inside the Griffiths phase of the two-dimensional bond-diluted Ising model the distribution of the magnetic susceptibility is expected to have such a broad, exponential tail.

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2',3'-Cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphodiesterase (CNPase) is an abundant constituent of central nervous system non-compact myelin, and its loss in mice and humans causes neurodegeneration. Additionally, CNPase is frequently used as a marker antigen for myelinating cells. The catalytic activity of CNPase, the 3'-hydrolysis of 2',3'-cyclic nucleotides, is well characterised in vitro, but the in vivo function of CNPase remains unclear.

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We study the zeros of the partition function in the complex temperature plane (Fisher zeros) and in the complex external field plane (Lee-Yang zeros) of a frustrated Ising model with competing nearest-neighbor (J1>0) and next-nearest-neighbor (J2<0) interactions on the honeycomb lattice. We consider the finite-size scaling (FSS) of the leading Fisher and Lee-Yang zeros as determined from a cumulant method and compare it to a traditional scaling analysis based on the logarithmic derivative of the magnetization ∂ln⟨|M|⟩/∂β and the magnetic susceptibility χ. While for this model both FSS approaches are subject to strong corrections to scaling induced by the frustration, their behavior is rather different, in particular as the ratio R=J2/J1 is varied.

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