Publications by authors named "M Veronesi"

The possible effects of the Moon and its phases on parturition timing have been extensively reported in the literature in both human and animal species, sometimes finding a causal relationship and other times denying any possible influence. However, knowing parturition timing is pivotal to guarantee the best assistance to mothers and newborns, especially in polytocous species like dogs. Seventy-eight matings and related parturitions of three different canine breeds (Dobermann, Golden Retriever, and Samoyed dogs) were analyzed.

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Pregnancy and parturition represent two important physiologic phases in female mammals, in which metabolic, behavioral, and endocrinologic changes should occur in perfect timing and interaction, leading to a normal course of gestation and the occurrence of parturition at term, allowing the birth of mature and viable offspring. The present study aimed to describe the hormonal changes recorded in the hair occurring in mares from pre-foaling to late pregnancy. The hair cortisol (C) concentrations did not show any significant variations throughout the study, while dehydroepiandrosterone (sulfate) (DHEA(S)) hair concentrations showed an increase from ST-1 to ST4 ( < 0.

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Nanozymes (NZs) are raising increasing interest as effective tools for the degradation of organic pollutants dispersed in the environment. In particular, noble-metal NZs are extremely efficient and versatile, thanks to their multi-enzymatic activities, wide pH operational range, and thermal stability. However, whilst multifunctionality can be a key asset of NZs in some applications (, by intrinsic self-cascade/tandem reactions), the "internal" competition between their different catalytic activities may strongly limit their specific efficiency towards some targets.

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We report measurements of time-dependent CP asymmetries in B^{0}→K_{S}^{0}π^{0}γ decays based on a data sample of (388±6)×10^{6}  BB[over ¯] events collected at the ϒ(4S) resonance with the Belle II detector. The Belle II experiment operates at the SuperKEKB asymmetric-energy e^{+}e^{-} collider. We measure decay-time distributions to determine CP -violating parameters S and C.

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Two 18-day-old domestic shorthair kittens presented with dyspnoea, mild cyanosis, heart murmur, lung pattern, abnormal crawling and a marked dorsoventral flattening of the thorax. Deformity of the thoracic wall without pectus excavatum was diagnosed. Cardboard corsets tailored to each kitten were applied.

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