Publications by authors named "M V Silva-Nunes"

The Trajetorias dataset is a harmonized set of environmental, epidemiological, and poverty indicators for all municipalities of the Brazilian Legal Amazon (BLA). This dataset is the result of a scientific synthesis research initiative conducted by scientists from several natural and social sciences fields, consolidating multidisciplinary indicators into a coherent dataset for integrated and interdisciplinary studies of the Brazilian Amazon. The dataset allows the investigation of the association between the Amazonian agrarian systems and their impacts on environmental and epidemiological changes, furthermore enhancing the possibilities for understanding, in a more integrated and consistent way, the scenarios that affect the Amazonian biome and its inhabitants.

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This study aimed to analyze overweight trend and obesity in adults from Rio Branco, Acre, Western Brazilian Amazon, from 2006 to 2020. This is a time series study, with data from Surveillance System for Risk and Protective Factors for Chronic Diseases by Telephone Survey (VIGITEL). To estimate annual percentage change (APC) and 95% confidence intervals, the software Jointpoint Regression Analysis v.

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Background: Cognitive Reserve (CR) hypothesis was introduced to account for the variability in cognitive performance of patients with similar degrees of brain injury or pathology. The individual variability of CR is modulated by the interaction of innate capacities and exposures throughout life, which can act as protectors against neuropathology's clinical effects. Individuals with higher CR appear to have better cognitive performance after a brain injury.

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The Amazon biome is under severe threat due to increasing deforestation rates and loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services while sustaining a high burden of neglected tropical diseases. Approximately two thirds of this biome are located within Brazilian territory. There, socio-economic and environmental landscape transformations are linked to the regional agrarian economy dynamics, which has developed into six techno-productive trajectories (TTs).

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This research is an integrative review of scientific evidence differentiating between cognitive reserve (CR) and brain maintenance concepts. Thus, we have examined how CR socio-behavioral proxies (i.e.

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