Publications by authors named "M Tuithof"

Purpose: To guide formal healthcare resource allocation for common mental disorders (CMDs), this study updates and expands earlier findings on the associations of CMD severity with treatment contact and intensity.

Methods: Baseline data (2019-2022) of NEMESIS-3, a prospective study of a representative cohort of Dutch adults (18-75 years), were used. Severity of 12-month CMDs was assessed with the CIDI 3.

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Article Synopsis
  • Mood and anxiety disorders can affect people in different ways, and researchers studied how these conditions change over time.
  • They looked at data from a survey of thousands of adults over several years to find out about different types of mood and anxiety disorders.
  • They discovered four main groups of people, with most being healthy, while those with panic and phobia disorders tended to stay unwell longer and may need more help.
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Up-to-date information on the prevalence and trends of common mental disorders is relevant to health care policy and planning, owing to the high burden associated with these disorders. In the first wave of the third Netherlands Mental Health Survey and Incidence Study (NEMESIS-3), a nationally representative sample was interviewed face-to-face from November 2019 to March 2022 (6,194 subjects; 1,576 interviewed before and 4,618 during the COVID-19 pandemic; age range: 18-75 years). A slightly modified version of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview 3.

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Aims: There are indications that problematic alcohol use may negatively impact the course of major depressive disorder (MDD). However, most studies on alcohol use and adverse MDD outcomes are conducted amongst MDD populations with (severe) alcohol use disorder in psychiatric treatment settings. Therefore, it remains unclear whether these results can be generalised to the general population.

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